Cornelii Nepotis Vitae (Hamilton)/Thrasybulus

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 VII. Alcibiades IX. Conon 
Thrasybulus, filius Lyci, Atheniensis. Si
Thrasybulus, the son of Lycus, the Athenian. If
virtus sit ponderanda per se, sine fortuna,
virtue may be to be weighed by itself, without fortune,
dubito an ponam hunc primum omnium.
I doubt whether I may place him first of all.
Illud sine dubio, praefero neminem huic
That (is) without doubt, I prefer nobody to him
constantia, magnitudine animi, amore in patriam.
in constancy, in greatness of mind, in love unto country.
Nam, quod multi voluerunt et pauci potuerunt,
For, what many have wished and few have been able,
liberare patriam ab uno tyranno, contigit huic,
to free country from one tyrant, happened to him,
ut vindicaret (sub.) oppressam a triginta
that he did vindicate (his country) oppressed by thirty
tyrannis ex servitute in libertatem. Sed,
tyrants out of slavery into liberty. But,
nescio quo modo quum nemo anteiret (sub.)
I know not in what manner when nobody did excel
eum his virtutibus, multi praecucurrerunt nobilitate.
him in these virtues, many outstripped (him) in renown.
Primum Peloponnesio bello hic gessit
First in the Peloponnesian war he carried on
multa sine Alcibiade, ille nullam rem
many (things) without Alcibiades, he no thing
sine hoc: universa quae quodam
without this (Thrasybulus): all which by a certain
naturali bono ille fecit lucri. Sed tamen omnia
natural good he made of gain. But however ail
illa communia imperatoribus cum militibus et
these (are) common to commanders with soldiers and
fortuna, quod concursu praelii res
fortune, because in the onset of battle the thing
abit a consilio ad vires, que vim
goes away from counsel to strengths, and violence (exertion)
pugnantium. Itaque miles vindicat
of (those) fighting. Therefore the soldier claims
nonnulla suo iure ab imperatore, vero
some (things) by his own right from the commander, but
fortuna plurima, que potest vere praedicare,
fortune very many, and she is able truly to declare,
se valuisse hic plus quam prudentiam
herself to have availed here more than the skill
ducis. Quare illud magnificentissimum factum
of the leader. Wherefore that most magnificent act
est proprium Thrasybuli. Nam quum triginta
is peculiar of Thrasybulus. For when thirty
tyranni, praepositi a Lacedaemoniis, tenerent (sub.)
tyrants, appointed by the Lacedemonians, did hold
Athenas oppressas servitute, partim expulissent (sub.)
Athens oppressed in slavery, partly they had expelled
patria, partim interfecissent (sub.) plurimos
from country, partly had killed very many
cives, quibus fortuna parserat in bello,
citizens, to whom fortune had spared in war,
divisissent (sub.) publicata bona plurimorum inter
they had divided the confiscated goods of very many among
se, non solum princeps, sed et solus
themselves, not only principal, but even alone
initio indixit bellum his.
in the beginning he declared war to them.

Enim quum hic confugisset (sub.) Phylen, quod
For when he had fled (to) Phyle, which
est munitissimum castellum in Attica, habuit non
is the most fortified castle in Attica, he had not
plus quam triginta de suis secum. Hoc
more than thirty of his own (friends) with him. This
fuit initium salutis Actaeorum, hoc
was the beginning of safety of the Athenians, this
robur libertatis clarissimae civitatis. Neque
the strength of liberty of most illustrious state. Nor
vero primo hic contemtus-est non a tyrannis,
indeed at first he was despised not by the tyrants,
atque solitudo eius. Quae res quidem fuit
and the solitude of him. Which thing indeed was
et perniciei illis contemnentibus, et saluti
both to destruction to those despising, and to safety
huic despecto. Enim haec fecit illos segnes ad
to him despised. For this made those inactive to
persequendum, autem hos robustiores, tempore
following, but these more strong, time
dato ad comparandum. Quo magis
being given to preparing. On which account more
illud praeceptum debet esse in animis omnium:
that precept ought to be in the minds of all:
Oportere nihil contemni in bello, nec dici
To behove nothing to be despised in war, nor to be said
sine caussa: Matrem timidi non
without cause: The mother of a coward not
solere flere. Neque tamen opes
to be accustomed to weep. Nor however resources
auctae-sunt pro opinione Thrasybuli.
were increased according to the opinion of Thrasybulus.
Nam iam tum illis temporibus boni
For already then in those times good (men)
loquebantur fortius pro libertate, quam pugnabant.
did speak more bravely for liberty, than they did fight.
Hinc transiit in Piraeeum, que munivit
Hence he passed over into Piraeus, and fortified
Munychiam. Tyranni bis adorti-sunt oppugnare
Munychia. The tyrants twice attempted to reduce
hanc, que repulsi turpiter ab ea, protinus
this, and being driven off disgracefully from it, immediately
refugerunt in urbem, armis que impedimentis
fled back into the city, arms and baggages
amissis. Thrasybulus usus-est prudentia non minus
being lost. Thrasybulus used prudence not less
quam fortitudine. Nam vetuit cedentes
than fortitude. For he forbade (those) yielding
violari. Enim censebat aequum cives
to be violated. For he did think (it) just citizens
parcere civibus. Neque quisquam vulneratus-est,
to spare to citizens. Nor any one was wounded,
nisi qui voluit prior impugnare. Spoliavit
unless who wished the former to attack. He spoiled
neminem iacentem veste; attigit nil,
nobody lying (fallen) in (of) clothing; he touched nothing,
nisi arma, quorum indigebat, et quae
unless arms, of which he did want, and what (things)
pertinebant ad victum. Critias, dux tyrannorum
did pertain to food. Critias, the leader of the tyrants
cecidit in secundo praelio, quum quidem pugnaret (sub.)
fell in the second battle, when indeed he did fight
fortissime exadversus Thrasybulum.
most bravely against Thrasybulus.

Hoc deiecto, Pausanias, rex
He being overthrown, Pausanias, king
Lacedaemoniorum, venit auxilio Atticis.
of the Lacedemonians, came to assistance to the Athenians.
Is fecit pacem inter Thrasybulum et eos,
He made peace between Thrasybulus and those,
qui tenebant urbem, his conditionibus: ne qui,
who did hold the city, on these conditions: not any,
praeter triginta tyrannos et decem, qui postea
except thirty tyrants and ten, who afterwards
creati praetores usi-erant more superioris
being created praetors had used the custom of former
crudelitatis, afficerentur exsilio; neve bona
cruelty, should be affected with exile; nor good
publicarentur; procuratio reipublicae
should be confiscated; the management of the republic
redderetur populo. Hoc quoque praeclarum
should be restored to the people. This also illustrious (thing)
Thrasybuli, quod, pace reconciliata,
of Thrasybulus, because, peace being conciliated,
quum posset (sub.) plurimum in civitate,
when he could very much (had great power) in the state,
tulit legem: ne quis accusaretur
he carried a law: lest any one should be accused
rerum anteactarum, neve multaretur; que
of things acted before, nor should be punished; and
illi appellarunt eam [legem] oblivionis. Neque vero
they called that [the law] of oblivion. Nor indeed
curavit hanc tantum ferendam, sed etiam effecit
he took care this only to be carried, but also effected
ut valeret. Nam quum quidam ex his,
that it should prevail. For when certain of these,
qui fuerant simul cum eo in exsilio,
who had been together with him in exile,
vellent (sub.) facere caedem eorum, cum quibus
did wish to make slaughter of those, with whom
reditum-fuerat publice in gratiam, prohibuit
it had been returned publicly into favor, he hindered (it)
et praestitit id, quod pollicitus-erat.
and performed that, which he had promised.

Pro tantis meritis corona honoris facta
For so great merits the crown of honour made
duabus oleaginis virgulis data-est a populo
from two olive sprigs was given by the people
huic, quam quod amor civium, non vis
to him, which because love of citizens, not violence
expresserat, habuit nullam invidiam, que fuit magna
had drawn forth, had no envy, and was great
gloria. Ergo ille Pittacus, qui habitus-est
glory. Therefore that Pittacus, who was held
numero septem sapientum, quum Mitylenaei
in the number of the seven wise (men), when the Mityleneans
darent (sub.) multa milia iugerum agri ei
did give many thousands of acres of land to him
munera, inquit bene; Nolite, oro vos,
(as) presents, said well; Be unwilling, I beg you,
dare id mihi, quod multi invideant, etiam
to give that to me, which many may envy, also
plures concupiscant. Quare nolo amplius ex
more may covet. Wherefore I will not more out of
istis, quam centum iugera, quae indicent et
these, than a hundred acres, which may shew both
meum aequitatem animi et vestram voluntatem.
my equity of mind and your will.
Nam parva munera diutina; locupletia consueverunt
For small presents (are) lasting; rich have been wont
esse non propria. Igitur Thrasybulus erat
to be not (one’s) own. Therefore Thrasybulus was
contentus illa corona, neque requisivit amplius
content with that crown, neither required more
neque existimavit quemquam antecessisse se
nor thought any one to have excelled himself
honore. Tempore sequenti, hic quum praetor
in honour. In time following, he when commander
appulisset (sub.) classem ad Ciliciam, neque vigiliae
he had brought the fleet to Cilicia, nor the watches
in castris eius agerentur (sub.) diligenter satis,
in the camps of his were acted (kept) diligently enough,
interfectus-est in tabernaculo a barbaris, eruptione
was slain in tent by the barbarians, a sally
facta ex oppido noctu.
being made out of the town by night.