Cornelii Nepotis Vitae (Hamilton)/Conon

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 VIII. Thrasybulus X. Dion 
Conon, Atheniensis, accessit ad rempublicam
Conon, the Athenian, approached to the republic
Peloponnesio bello, que in eo opera eius
in the Peloponnesian war, and in it the work of him
fuit magni. Nam et praetor praefuit
was of great (value). For both (as) commander he was over
pedestribus exercitibus, et praefectus classis
to pedestrian armies, and commander of fleet
gessit magnas res mari. Ob quas caussas
he carried on great things by sea. For which causes
praecipuus honos habitus-est ei. Namque unus
particular honour was had to him. For alone
praefuit omnibus insulis: in qua potestate
he was over to all the islands: in which power
cepit Pheras, coloniam Lacedaemoniorum. Fuit
he took Pherae, a colony of the Lacedemonians. He was
etiam praetor extremo Peloponnesio bello, quum
also commander in the last Peloponnesian war, when
copiae Atheniensium devictae-sunt a Lysandro
the forces of the Athenians were conquered by Lysander
apud flumen Aegos. Sed abfuit
at the river Aegos (Aegospotamos). But he was absent
tum, que eo res administrata-est
then, and on that account the thing was managed
peius. Nam erat et prudens militaris rei,
worse. For he was both skilful of military thing,
et diligens imperii. Itaque erat dubium
and diligent of command. Therefore it was doubtful
nemini his temporibus, si adfuisset (sub.),
to nobody in these times, if he had been present,
Athenienses fuisse non accepturos illam
the Athenians to have been not about to receive that

Autem rebus afflictis, quum audisset (sub.)
But things being afflicted, when he had heard
patriam obsideri, quaesivit non, ubi
country to be besieged, he sought not, where
viveret tuto ipse, sed unde posset
he might live safely himself, but whence he might be able
esse praesidio suis civibus. Itaque contulit
to be to protection to his citizens. Therefore he betook
se ad Pharnabazum, satrapen Ioniae et
himself to Pharnabazus, satrap of Ionia and
Lydiae, que eumdem generum et propinquum
of Lydia, and the same son-in-law and relation
regis; apud quem ut valeret (sub.) multum
of the king; at whom that he did prevail much
gratia, effecit multo labore que multis
in favour, he effected with much labour and with many
periculis. Nam quum Lacedaemonii, Atheniensibus
dangers. For when the Lacedemonians, the Athenians
devictis, manerent non in societate, quam
being conquered, would remain not in alliance, which
fecerant cum Artaxerxe, que misissent (sub.)
they had made with Artaxerxes, and had sent
Agesilaum in Asiam bellatum, impulsi maxime
Agesilaus into Asia to war, being impelled chiefly
a Tissapherne, qui ex intimis regis defecerat
by Tissaphernes, who of intimates of the king had revolted
ab amicitia eius et coierat
from the friendship of him and had entered into
societatem cum Lacedaemoniis, Pharnabazus
alliance with the Lacedemonians, Pharnabazus
habitus-est imperator adversus hunc, re-vera quidem
was had commander against him, in truth indeed
Conon praefuit exercitui, et omnia
Conon was over to the army, and all (things)
gesta-sunt arbitrio eius. Hic impedivit multum
were carried on by will of him. He hindered much
summum ducem, Agesilaum, que saepe obstitit
the chief leader, Agesilaus, and often opposed
consiliis eius; neque vero fuit non
to the counsels of him; nor indeed was it not
apertum, si ille fuisset (sub.) non, Agesilaum
evident, if he had been not, Agesilaus
erepturum-fuisse Asiam regi
to have been about to take away Asia from the king
tenus Tauro. Qui posteaquam revocatus-est
as far as Taurus. Who after that he was recalled
domum a suis civibus, quod Boeotii et
home by his citizens, because the Boeotians and
Athenienses indixerant bellum Lacedaemoniis;
Athenians had declared war to the Lacedemonians;
Conon nihilo secius versabatur apud praefectos
Conon by nothing the less remained at (among) the governors
regis, que erat maximo usui omnibus his.
of the king, and was to greatest use to all these.

Tissaphernes defecerat a rege, neque erat
Tissaphernes had revolted from the king, nor was
id tam apertum Artaxerxi, quam ceteris. Enim
that so evident to Artaxerxes, as to others. For
valebat apud regem multis et magnis
he did prevail at (with) the king by many and great
meritis, etiam quum maneret (sub.) non in officio.
merits, even when he did remain not in duty.
Neque id admirandum, si adducebatur non
Nor (is) that to be wondered at, if he was led not
facile ad credendum, reminiscens, se
easily to believing, remembering, himself
superasse fratrem Cyrum opera eius.
to have overcome (his) brother Cyrus by work of him.
Conon missus ad regem a Pharnabazo gratia
Conon being sent to the king by Pharnabazus for the sake
huius accusandi, posteaquam venit, accessit,
of him to be accused, after that he came, approached,
ex more Persarum, primum ad
out of (according to) custom of the Persians, first to
Tithrausten, chiliarchum, qui tenebat
Tithraustes, a captain of a thousand, who did hold
secundum gradum imperii, que ostendit se
the second degree of power, and shewed himself
velle colloqui cum rege. Enim nemo
to will to converse with the king. For nobody
admittitur sine hoc. Ille inquit huic, est
is admitted without him. He says to him, there is
nulla mora; sed delibera tu, utrum
no delay; but deliberate thou, whether
malis colloqui, an agere per litteras,
thou mayest will more to converse, or to act by letters,
que cogitas. Enim est necesse, si
what (things) thou thinkest. For it is necessary, if
veneris (sub.) in conspectum, te
thou shalt come into sight (the presence), (for) thee
venerari regem (quod illi vocant προσκυνεῖν).
to venerate the king (which they call proskunein).
Si hoc est grave tibi, mandatis editis
If this is heavy (grievous) to thee, commands being uttered
per me, nihilo secius conficies quod
by me, by nothing the less thou shalt effect what
studes. Tum Conon inquit: vero est non
thou studiest. Then Conon says: truly it is not
grave mihi habere quemvis honorem
heavy (grievous) to me to have (shew) any honour
regi; sed vereor, ne sit opprobrio
to the king; but I dread, lest it may be to disgrace
meae civitati, si, quum profectus-sim (sub.) ex
to my state, if, when I have set out from
ea, quae consueverit (sub.) imperare ceteris
that, which has been accustomed to rule to other
gentibus, fungar (sub.) more potius barbarorum,
nations, I discharge the custom rather of barbarians,
quam illius. Itaque tradidit [huic],
than of that. Therefore he delivered [to him],
qua volebat, scripta.
(the things) which he did wish, written.

Quibus cognitis, rex motus-est tantum
Which being known, the king was moved so much
auctoritate eius, ut et iudicaverit (sub.)
by the authority of him, that both he judged
Tissaphernem hostem, et iusserit (sub.) persequi
Tissaphernes an enemy, and ordered to persecute
Lacedaemonios bello, et permiserit (sub.)
the Lacedemonians with war, and permitted
ei, eligere quem vellet ad pecuniam
to him, to choose whom he might wish to the money
dispensandam. Conon negavit id arbitrium esse
to be managed. Conon denied that arbitration to be
sui consilii, sed ipsius, qui deberet (sub.)
of his counsel, but of himself, who ought
nosse suos optime: sed se suadere,
to have known his own best: but himself to advise,
daret id negotii Pharnabazo. Donatus
he would give that of business to Pharnabazus. Being presented
magnis muneribus, missus-est hinc ad mare,
with great presents, he was sent hence to the sea,
ut imperaret Cypriis et Phoenicibus
that he might command from Cyprians and from Phoenicians,
que ceteris maritimis civitatibus longas naves, que
and from other maritime states long ships, and
compararet classem, qua proxima aestate
should prepare the fleet, with which in the next summer
posset tueri mare, Pharnabazo
he might be able to defend the sea, Pharnabazus
dato adiutore, sicut ipse voluerat.
being given (as) assistant, as himself had wished.
Ut id nuntiatum-est Lacedaemoniis,
When that was announced to the Lacedemonians,
administrarunt rem non sine cura, quod
they managed the thing not without care, because
arbitrabantur maius bellum imminere quam si
they did think a greater war to impend than if
contenderent (sub.) cum barbaro solum. Nam
they did contend with a barbarian only. For
videbant fortem et prudentem ducem
they did see a brave and skilful leader
praefuturum regiis opibus ac dimicaturum
about to be over to the royal resources and about to fight
secum, quem possent superare
with them, whom they might be able to overcome
neque consilio, neque copiis. Hac mente
neither by counsel, nor by forces. With this mind
contrahunt magnam classem, proficiscuntur
they draw together a great fleet, they set out
Pisandro duce. Conon adortus hos
Pisander (being) leader. Conon having attacked these
apud Cnidum fugat magno praelio, capit multas
at Cnidus routs in great battle, takes many
naves, deprimit complures. Qua victoria non
ships, sinks several. By which victory not
solum Athenae, sed etiam cuncta Graecia, quae
only Athens, but also whole Greece, which
fuerat sub imperio Lacedaemoniorum,
had been under the command of the Lacedemonians,
liberata-est. Conon venit cum parte navium in
was freed. Conon came with part of the ships into
patriam, curat utrosque muros dirutos a
country, he takes care both walls destroyed by
Lysandro, et Piraeei et Athenarum, reficiendos;
Lysander, both of Piraeus and of Athens, to be repaired;
que donat suis civibus quinquaginta talenta
and presents to his citizens fifty talents
pecuniae, quae acceperat a Pharnabazo.
of money, which he had received from Pharnabazus.

Accidit huic, quod ceteris mortalibus,
It happened to him, which to other mortals,
ut esset (sub.) inconsideratior in secunda, quam
that he was more thoughtless in favourable, than
adversa fortuna. Nam, classe Peloponnesiorum
in adverse fortune. For, the fleet of the Peloponnesians
devicta, quum putaret (sub.) se ultum
being conquered, when he did think himself having revenged
iniurias patriae, concupivit plura, quam
wrongs of country, he desired more (things), than
potui efficere. Neque tamen fuerunt
he was able to effect. Nor however were
ea non pia et probanda, quod
those (things) not pious and to be approved, because
maluit potius opes patriae augeri,
he preferred rather the resources of country to be increased,
quam regis. Nam quum constituisset (sub.)
than of the king. For when he had established
sibi magnam auctoritatem illa navali pugna,
to himself great authority by that naval fight,
quam fecerat apud Cnidum, non solum inter
which he had made at Cnidus, not only among
barbaros sed etiam omnes civitates Graeciae,
the barbarians but even all the states of Greece,
coepit clam dare operam, ut
he began secretly to give work (to endeavour), that
restitueret Ioniam et Aeoliam Atheniensibus.
he might restore Ionia and Aeolia to the Athenians.
Quum id esset (sub.) minus diligenter celatum,
When that was less diligently concealed,
Tiribazus, qui praeerat Sardibus, evocavit Cononem,
Tiribazus, who was over to Sardis, called off Conon,
simulans, se velle mittere eum ad regem
feigning, himself to wish to send him to the king
de magna re. Parens nuntio
concerning a great thing. Obeying to the message
huius quum venisset (sub.), coniectus-est in vincula,
of him when he had come, he was thrown into chains,
in quibus fuit aliquamdiu. Nonnulli reliquerunt
in which he was for some time. Some have left (it)
scriptum, eum adductum ad regem inde, que
written, him brought to the king thence, and
ibi perisse. Contra ea Dinon
there to have perished. Contrary to these (things) Dinon
historicus, cui nos credimus plurimum de
the historian, to whom we believe most about
Persicis rebus, scripsit, effugisse; addubitat
Persian things, has written, to have escaped; he doubts
illud, utrum factum-sit (sub.), Tiribazo
that, whether it was done, Tiribazus
sciente an imprudente.
knowing or not knowing.