Cornelii Nepotis Vitae (Hamilton)/Epaminondas

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 XIV. Datames XVI. Pelopidas 
Epaminondas Thebanus, filius Polymni. Prius-quam
Epaminondas the Theban, son of Polymnus. Before that
scribamus (sub.) de hoc, haec videntur
we write of this (man,) these (things) seem (fit)
praecipienda lectoribus, ne referant alienos
to be prefaced to readers, lest they may refer foreign
mores ad suos, neve arbitrentur ea,
manners to their own, nor may think those (things),
quae sunt leviora ipsis, fuisse pari
which are lighter to themselves, to have been in like
modo apud ceteros. Enim scimus, musicen
manner among others. For we know, music
nostris moribus abesse a persona
by our manners to be absent from the character
principis, vero saltare poni etiam
of a chief-man, but to dance to be placed even
in vitiis. Omnia quae apud Graecos
in (among) vices. All which at (with) the Greeks
ducuntur et grata et digna
are led (esteemed) both agreeable and worthy
laude. Autem quum velimus (sub.) exprimere
with praise. But since we wish to express
imaginem consuetudinis atque vitae Epaminondae,
a picture of the custom and life of Epaminondas,
videmur debere praetermittere nihil quod pertineat
we seem to ought to pass by nothing which may tend
ad eam declarandam. Quare dicemus
to it to be made clear. Wherefore we shall speak
primum de genere eius; deinde, quibus disciplinis,
first of the race of him; then, in what disciplines,
et a quibus eruditus-sit (sub.); tum de
and by whom he was instructed; then concerning
moribus, que facultatibus ingeni, et si qua
the morals, and powers of genius, and if any
alia erunt digna memoria; postremo
other (things) shall be worthy with remembrance; lastly
de rebus gestis, quae a plurimis
concerning the things performed, which by most
anteponuntur virtutibus omnium.
are preferred to the virtues of all.

Natus igitur patre, quo diximus,
Born therefore from the father, from whom we said,
honesto genere, iam relictus pauper a maioribus;
from honourable race, now left poor by ancestors;
autem sic eruditus, ut nemo Thebanus
but so instructed, that no one Theban (was)
magis. Nam doctus-est et citharizare,
more. For he was taught both to play upon harp,
et cantare ad sonum chordarum a Dionysio,
and to sing to the sound of strings by Dionysius,
qui fuit non minore gloria in musicis,
who was not in less glory in (among) musicians,
quam Damon aut Lamprus, nomina quorum
than Damon or Lamprus, the names of whom
sunt pervulgata; cantare [carmina] tibiis ab
are spread abroad; to sing [songs] to pipes by
Olympiodoro, saltare a Calliphrone. At habuit
Olympiodorus, to dance by Calliphron. But he had
praeceptorem philosophiae Lysim Tarentinum,
(as) preceptor of philosophy Lysis the Tarentine,
Pythagoreum; cui quidem fuit sic deditus,
a Pythagorean; to whom indeed he was so devoted,
ut adolescens anteposuerit (sub.) tristem et
that (being) a youth he preferred a sad and
severum senem omnibus suis equalibus in
severe old (man) to all his own equals in
familiaritate, neque dimiserit (sub.) eum a se,
intimacy, nor dismissed him from himself,
prius-quam antecessit condiscipulos tanto, ut
before that he excelled schoolfellows by so much, that
posset (sub.) facile intelligi, pari modo
it could easily to be understood, in like manner
superaturum omnes in ceteris artibus. Atque
about to surpass all in other arts. And
haec ad nostram consuetudinem sunt levia,
these (things) to our custom are light,
et potius contemnenda; at in Graecia utique
and rather to be despised; but in Greece certainly
olim erant magnae laudi. Post-quam factus-est
formerly they were to great praise. After that he became
ephebus et coepit dare operam
a youth and began to give labour
palaestrae, servivit non magnitudini
to the wrestling school, he applied not to greatness
virium tam quam velocitati. Enim existimabat
of strengths so as to swiftness. For he did think
illam pertinere ad usum athletarum, hanc ad
that to belong to the use of wrestlers, this to
utilitatem belli. Itaque exercebatur plurimum
advantage of war. Therefore he was exercised very much
currendo et luctando ad eum finem, quoad
in running and in wrestling to this end, whilst
stans posset complecti atque contendere.
standing he might be able to clasp and to struggle.
Consumebat plurimum studii in armis.
He did spend very much of application in arms.

Ad hanc firmitatem corporis etiam plurima
To this strength of body also very many
bona animi accesserant. Enim erat
good (things) of mind had been added. For he was
modestus, prudens, gravis, sapienter utens temporibus,
modest, prudent, grave, wisely using the times,
peritus belli, fortis manu, maximo animo;
skilled of war, brave in hand, with greatest mind;
adeo diligens veritatis, ut mentiretur ne-quidem
so loving of truth, that he would lie not even
ioco. Idem continens, clemens, que patiens
in jest. The same (was) continent, merciful, and patient
in modum admirandum, ferens iniurias, non
into a degree to be admired, bearing injuries, not
solum populi, sed etiam amicorum, que
only of the people, but also of friends, and
inprimis celans commissa, quod interdum
especially concealing (things) intrusted, which sometimes
prodest non minus, quam dicere diserte;
profits not less, than to speak eloquently;
studiosus audiendi: enim ex hoc arbitrabatur
desirous of hearing: for from this he did think
disci facillime. Itaque quum venisset (sub.)
to be learned most easily. Therefore when he had come
in circulum, in quo disputaretur aut
into a circle, in which it might be disputed either
de republica, aut sermo haberetur
concerning the commonwealth, or discourse might be held
de philosophia, discessit numquam inde
concerning philosophy, he departed never thence
prius-quam sermo adductus-esset (sub.) ad finem.
before that the discourse had been brought to end.
Perpessus-est paupertatem adeo facile, ut ceperit (sub.)
He endured poverty so easily, that he took
nihil de republica praeter gloriam.
nothing from the commonwealth except glory.
Caruit facultatibus amicorum in tuendo
He was without the substances of friends in defending
se, saepe usus-est fide ad alios sublevandos
himself, often he used credit to others to be relieved
sic, ut possit iudicari, omnia
so, that it may be able to be judged, all (things)
fuisse communia ei cum amicis. Nam
to have been common to him with friends. For
quum aut aliquis suorum civium captus-esset (sub.)
when either some one of his own citizens had been taken
ab hostibus, aut nubilis virgo amici
by enemies, or a marriageable virgin of a friend
posset non collocari propter paupertatem,
might be able not to be settled on account of poverty,
habebat concilium amicorum, et imperabat,
he held a counsel of friends, and did command,
quantum quisque daret pro facultatibus.
how much each should give according to substances.
Que quum fecerat eam summam, prius-quam
And when he had made that sum, before that
acciperet (sub.) pecuniam, adducebat eum,
he did receive the money, he did bring him,
qui quaerebat, ad eos qui conferebant, que
who did seek, to those who did contribute, and
faciebat ut ipsi numerarent ei, ut ille,
did make that they should count to him, that he,
ad quem ea res perveniebat, sciret
to whom that thing did come, might know
quantum deberet (sub.) cuique.
how much he did owe to each.

Autem abstinentia eius tentata-est a
But the abstinence of him was tried by
Diomedonte Cyziceno. Namque is rogatu
Diomedon the Cyzicenian. For he by request
Artaxerxis susceperat corrumpendum Epaminondam
of Artaxerxes had undertaken to corrupt Epaminondas
pecunia. Hic venit Thebas cum magno
by money. He came (to) Thebes with a great
pondere auri et quinque talenti perduxit
weight of gold, and with five talents brought over
ad suam voluntatem Micythum adolescentulum, quem
to his will Micythus a little youth, whom
tum Epaminondas diligebat plurimum. Micythus
then Epaminondas did love very much. Micythus
convenit Epaminondam, et ostendit caussam
met Epaminondas, and shewed the cause
adventus Diomedontis. At ille coram
of the arrival of Diomedon. But he in presence of
Diomedonte inquit: Est nihil opus pecunia.
Diomedon says: There is nothing (not any) need with money.
Nam si rex vult ea, quae sint
For if the king wishes those (things), which may be
utilia Thebanis, sum paratus facere
useful to the Thebans, I am ready to do (them)
gratis; sin-autem contraria, habet non
freely; but-if the contrary (things), he has not
satis auri atque argenti. Namque nolo
enough of gold and of silver. For I will not
accipere divitias orbis terrarum pro
to receive the riches of the globe of the earths for
caritate patriae. Miror non quod tu tentasti
love of country. I wonder not that thou hast tried
me incognitum, que existimasti similem tui,
me unknown, and hast thought (me) like of thee,
que ignosco tibi. Sed egredere propere, ne
and I pardon to thee. But go off speedily, lest
corrumpas alios, quum potueris (sub.) non me.
thou mayest corrupt others, when thou couldst not me.
Tu, Micythe, redde argentum huic; nisi
Thou, Micythus, return the silver to him; unless
facis id confestim, ego tradam te
thou doest that immediately, I will deliver thee
magistratui. Quum Diomedon rogaret (sub.) hunc,
to the magistrate. When Diomedon did ask him,
ut liceret exire tuto, que
that it might be allowed to depart safely, and
efferre sua, quae attulisset (sub.),
to carry away his own (things) which he had brought,
Faciam istud quidem, inquit, neque tua-caussa,
I will do that indeed, says he, nor for thy sake,
sed mea; ne, si pecunia ademta-sit
but mine; lest, if the money may have been taken away
tibi, aliquis dicat id ereptum
from thee, some one may say that taken by force
pervenisse ad me, quod noluissem (sub.) accipere
to have come to me, which I had willed not to receive
delatum. A quo quum quaesisset (sub.) quo
being offered. From whom when he had asked whither
vellet (sub.) se duci, et ille dixisset (sub.),
he did will himself to be led, and he had said,
Athenas, dedit praesidium, ut perveniret
(to) Athens, he gave a guard, that he might arrive
[eo] tuto. Vero neque habuit id satis,
[thither] safely. But neither held he that enough,
sed etiam, effecit per Chabriam Atheniensem,
but also, he accomplished through Chabrias the Athenian,
de quo fecimus mentionem supra,
concerning whom we have made mention above,
ut ascenderet (sub.) in navem inviolatus. Hoc
that he did ascend into a ship uninjured. This
testimonium abstinentiae erit satis. Possemus (sub.)
proof of abstinence will be enough. We could
quidem proferre plurima; sed modus est
indeed to bring forward very many; but a mean is
adhibendus, quoniam hoc uno volumine
to be applied, since in this one volume
constituimus concludere vitas complurium
we have determined to include the lives of several
excellentium virorum, quorum complures scriptores
excellent men, of whom several writers
ante nos explicarunt separatim multis
before us have unfolded severally in many
millibus versuum.
thousands of lines.

Fuit etiam disertus, ut nemo Thebanus
He was also eloquent, so that no one Theban
esset (sub.) par ei eloquentia, neque minus
was equal to him in eloquence, nor less
concinnus in brevitate respondendi, quam ornatus
neat in brevity of answering, than elegant
perpetua oratione. Habuit quemdam Meneclidam
in continuous speech. He had a certain Meneclidas
obtrectatorem, indidem Thebis, et
slanderer, from the same place Thebes, and
adversarium in republica administranda, satis
an adversary in the commonwealth to be managed, enough
exercitatum in dicendo, scilicet ut Thebanum.
exercised in speaking, namely as a Theban.
Namque plus virium quam ingenii inest
For more of strengths than of genius is in
illi genti. Is, quod videbat Epaminondam
to that nation. He, because he did see Epaminondas
florere in militari re, solebat hortari
to flourish in military affair, was wont to exhort
Thebanos, ut anteferrent pacem bello, ne
the Thebans, that they should prefer peace to war, lest
opera illius imperatoris desideraretur. Ille
the assistance of that commander should be wanted. He
inquit, Fallis tuos cives verbo, quod
says, Thou deceivest thy citizens by a word, because
avocas hos a bello. Enim concilias
thou callest off them from war. For thou reconcilest
servitutem nomine otii. Nam pax paritur
slavery by the name of ease. For peace is produced
bello. Itaque qui volunt frui ea
by war. Therefore (those) who wish to enjoy it
diutina, debent esse exercitati bello. Quare
lasting, ought to be exercised in war. Wherefore
si vultis esse principes Graeciae, est utendum
if ye wish to be chiefs of Greece, it is to be used
castris vobis, non palaestra. Quum
with camps to (by) you, not with wrestling-school. When
ille idem Meneclidas obiiceret (sub.) huic, quod
that same Meneclidas did object to him, that
haberet (sub.) non liberos, neque duxisset (sub.)
he had not children, nor had led (married)
uxorem, que maxime insolentiam, quod
a wife, and chiefly (his) arrogance, because
videretur (sub.) sibi consecutus gloriam
he did seem to himself having attained the glory
belli Agamemnonis: at ille inquit, Desine,
of war of Agamemnon: but he says, Cease,
Meneclida, exprobrare mihi de uxore. Nam
Meneclidas, to reproach to me concerning a wife. For
volo uti consilio nullius minus in ista
I will to use the counsel of none less in that
re. (Enim Meneclidas habebat suspicionem
thing. (For Meneclidas had suspicion
adulterii.) Autem quod putas me aemulari
of adultery.) But that thou thinkest me to rival
Agamemnonem, falleris. Namque ille cum
Agamemnon, thou art deceived. For he with
universa Graecia vix cepit unam urbem
whole Greece hardly took one city (Troy)
decem annis; ego contra, ex nostra urbe
in ten years; I on the contrary out of our city
una, que uno die liberavi totam Graeciam,
alone, and in one day freed whole Greece,
Lacedaemoniis fugatis.
the Lacedemonians being routed.

Quum idem venisset (sub.) in conventum
When the same had come into an assembly
Arcadum, petens ut facerent societatem
of Arcadians, desiring that they would make alliance
cum Thebanis et Argivis, que contra
with the Thebans and Argives, and on the other hand
Callistratus, legatus Atheniensium, qui
Callistratus, the ambassador of the Athenians, who
eo tempore praestaret (sub.) omnes eloquentia,
in that time did surpass all in eloquence,
postularet (sub.) ut sequerentur potius
did request that they should follow rather
amicitiam Atticorum, et in sua oratione
the friendship of the Athenians, and in his speech
invectus-esset (sub.) multa in Thebanos et
had inveighed many (things) against the Thebans and
Argivos, que posuisset (sub.) hoc in eis,
Argives, and had placed this in (among) them,
Arcadas debere animadvertere, quales cives
the Arcadians ought to consider, what sort of citizens
utraque civitas procreasset (sub.) ex quibus
each state had produced, out of whom
possent (sub.) iudicare de ceteris: enim Orestem
they could to judge concerning the rest: for Orestes
et Alcmaeonem, matricidas, fuisse
and Alcmaeon, murderers of mothers, to have been
Argivos; Oedipum natum Thebis, qui, quum
Argives; Oedipus born in Thebes, who, when
interfecisset (sub.) suum patrem, procreasset (sub.)
he had killed his own father, had begotten
liberos ex matre. Hic Epaminondas in respondendo,
children of mother. This Epaminondas in replying,
quum perorasset (sub.) de ceteris, post-quam
when he had ended speaking about the rest, after that
pervenit ad illa duo opprobria, dixit, se
he came to these two reproaches, said, himself
admirari stultitiam Attici rhetoris, qui
to wonder at the folly of the Athenian rhetorician, who
animadverteret (sub.) non, illos natos innocentes, scelere
did consider not, them born innocent, crime
admisso domi, quum expulsi-essent (sub.)
being committed at home, when they had been driven out
patria, receptos-esse ab Atheniensibus.
from country, to have been received by the Athenians.
Sed eloquentia eius legati Spartae
But the eloquence of him (being) ambassador at Sparta
ante Leuctricam pugnam eluxit maxime.
before Leuctrian battle shone forth chiefly.
Quo quum legati omnium sociorum
Whither when the ambassadors of all the allies
convenissent (sub.), coram frequentissimo
had assembled, in presence of a most numerous
conventu legationum coarguit tyrannidem
convention of deputations he reproved the tyranny
Lacedaemoniorum sic, ut illa oratione
of the Lacedemonians so, that by that speech
concusserit (sub.) opes eorum non minus
he shook the resources of them not less
quam Leuctrica pugna. Enim tum perfecit,
than by Leuctrian battle. For then he accomplished,
quod post apparuit, ut Lacedaemonii
what afterwards appeared, that the Lacedemonians
privarentur (sub.) auxilio sociorum.
were deprived of the assistance of allies.

Haec sunt testimonia fuisse patientem
These are the evidences to have been patient
que ferentem iniurias suorum civium, quod
and bearing injuries of his own citizens, because
duceret (sub.) esse nefas se irasci
he did lead (think it) to be unlawful himself to be angry
patriae. Quum cives noluissent (sub.)
to country. When (his) citizens had been unwilling
praeficere eum exercitui propter invidiam,
to appoint him to the army on account of envy,
que dux imperitus belli delectus-esset (sub.),
and a general unskilled of war had been chosen,
errore cuius illa multitudo militum
by the error of whom that multitude of soldiers
deducta-esset (sub.) eo, ut omnes
had been brought to that, that all
pertimescerent (sub.) de salute, quod
did dread concerning safety, because
clausi angustiis locorum obsidebantur ab
being shut up in defiles of places they were blockaded by
hostibus, diligentia Epaminondae coepta-est
enemies, the diligence of Epaminondas began
desiderari. Enim erat ibi privatus numero
to be wanted. For he was there a private in the number
militis. A quo quum peterent (sub.) opem,
of a soldier. From whom when they did ask aid,
adhibuit nullam memoriam contumeliae, et
he retained no remembrance of affront, and
reduxit domum exercitum incolumem, liberatum
brought back home the army safe, freed
obsidione. Neque vero fecit hoc semel,
from the blockade. Nor indeed did he this once,
sed saepius. Autem maxime illustre fuit,
but oftener. But (his) most illustrious (deed) was,
quum duxisset (sub.) exercitum in Peloponnesum
when he had led an army into Peloponnesus
adversus Lacedaemonios, que haberet (sub.) duos
against the Lacedemonians, and had two
collegas, alter quorum erat Pelopidas, fortis
colleagues, one of whom was Pelopidas, a brave
ac strenuus vir. Quum hi omnes venissent (sub.)
and active man. When these all had come
in invidiam criminibus adversariorum, que ob
into envy by accusations of adversaries, and for
eam rem imperium abrogatum-esset (sub.) his,
that thing the command had been abrogated to them,
atque alii praetores successissent (sub.) in locum
and other commanders had succeeded into place
eorum, Epaminondas paruit non scito populi,
of them, Epaminondas obeyed not to the decree of people,
que persuasit collegis, ut facerent
and persuaded to colleagues, that they should do
idem, et gessit bellum, quod susceperat.
the same, and carried on the war, which he had undertaken.
Namque animadvertebat, nisi fecisset (sub.) id,
For he did observe, unless he had done that,
totum exercitum periturum propter
the whole army about to perish on account of
imprudentiam que inscientiam belli
the imprudence and ignorance of war
praetorum. Lex erat Thebis, quae
of the commanders. A law was in Thebes, which
multabat morte, si quis retinuisset (sub.)
did punish with death, if any one had retained
imperium diutius quam praefinitum-foret (sub.) lege:
command longer than had been prescribed by law:
Epaminondas, quum videret (sub.) hanc latam
Epaminondas, when he did see this (law) passed
caussa reipublicae conservandae,
for the sake of the commonwealth to be preserved,
noluit conferre ad perniciem civitatis,
was unwilling to conduce to the destruction of the state,
et gessit imperium quatuor mensibus diutius
and bore command by four months longer
quam populus iusserat
than the people had ordered.

Postquam reditum-est domum, collegae
After that it was returned home, the colleagues
eius accusabantur hoc crimine. Quibus ille
of him were accused with this crime. To whom he
permisit, ut transferrent omnem caussam in
permitted, that they might transfer all the cause unto
se, que contenderent factum sua
himself, and might contend (it to have been) done by his
opera, ut obedirent (sub.) non legi. Illis
work, that they did obey not to the law. They
liberatis periculo qua defensione, nemo
being freed from danger by which defence, no one
putabat Epaminondam responsurum, quod
did think Epaminondas about to answer, because
haberet (sub.) non quid diceret. At ille venit
he had not what he might say. But he came
in iudicium, negavit nihil eorum,
into judgment, he denied nothing of those (things),
quae adversarii dabant crimini, que confessus-est
which adversaries did give to accusation, and confessed
omnia que collegae dixerant; neque recusavit
all (things) which colleagues had said; nor refused
quominus subiret poenam legis;
but that he would undergo the punishment of the law
sed petivit unum ab iis, ut in suo
but he sought one (thing) from them, that in his
periculo inscriberent: Epaminondas multatus-est
risk they should write: Epaminondas was punished
morte a Thebanis, quod coegit eos
with death by the Thebans, because he compelled them
apud Leuctra superare Lacedaemonios, quos,
at Leuctra to overcome the Lacedemonians, whom,
ante se imperatorem nemo Boeotiorum
before himself (being) general no one of the Boeotians
ausus-fuit adspicere in acie; que quod
dared to look at in field-of-battle; and because
uno praelio retraxit non solum Thebas ab
in one battle he withdrew not only Thebes from
interitu, sed etiam vindicavit universam Graeciam
destruction, but also avenged whole Greece
in libertatem, que perduxit res utrorumque
into liberty, and brought the things of both
eo, ut Thebani oppugnarent (sub.) Spartam,
thither, that the Thebans did besiege Sparta,
Lacedaemonii haberent (sub.) satis, si
the Lacedemonians did hold (reckon it) enough, if
possent esse salvi; neque destitit bellare
they might be able to be safe; nor he ceased to war
prius-quam, Messene constituta, clausit urbem
before that, Messene being erected, he shut up the city
eorum obsidione. Quum dixisset (sub.) haec,
of them by siege. When he had said these (things),
risus omnium coortus-est cum hilaritate, neque
the laughter of all arose with mirth, nor
quisquam iudex ausus-est ferre suffragium de
any judge dared to bear vote concerning
eo. Sic discessit a iudicio capitis
him. Thus he departed from judgment of head
maxima gloria.
with greatest glory.

Hic extremo tempore imperator apud
He in last time (being) commander at
Mantineam, quum acie instructa instaret (sub.)
Mantinea, when with line formed he did press on
hostes audacius, cognitus a Lacedaemoniis,
enemies too boldly, being known by the Lacedemonians,
quod putabant salutem patriae sitam
because they did think the safety of country placed
in pernicie eius unius, universo fecerunt
in the destruction of him alone, the whole made
impetum in unum, neque abscesserunt
an attack against (him) alone, nor departed
prius-quam, magna caede [facta que multis
before that, great slaughter [being made and many
occisis,] viderunt Epaminondam ipsum pugnantem
being slain,] they saw Epaminondas himself fighting
fortissime, percussum sparo eminus,
very bravely, struck with a lance from distance,
concidere. Boeotii retardati-sunt aliquantum
to fall. The Boeotians were retarded somewhat
casu huius, neque tamen excesserunt pugna
by the fall of him, nor however departed they from battle
prius-quam profligarunt repugnantes. At
before that they routed (those) opposing. But
Epaminondas, quum animadverteret (sub.) se
Epaminondas, when he did perceive himself
accepisse mortiferum vulnus, que simul,
to have received a deadly wound, and at the same time,
si extraxisset ferrum, quod remanserat
if he should have drawn out the iron, which had remained
in corpore ex hastili, statim amissurum
in the body from the shaft, immediately about to lose
animam, retinuit usque eo, quoad renuntiatum-est,
life, retained (it) even to that, until it was reported,
Boeotios vicisse. Post-quam audivit id,
the Boeotians to have overcome. After that he heard that,
Vixi, inquit, satis; enim morior
I have lived, says he, enough; for I die
invictus. Tum, ferro extracto,
unconquered. Then, the iron being drawn out,
confestim exanimatus-est.
immediately he expired.

Hic numquam duxit uxorem. In quo quum
He never led a wife (married). In which when
reprehenderetur (sub.) a Pelopida, qui habebat
he was blamed by Pelopidas, who had
infamem filium, que diceret (sub.) eum consulere
an infamous son, and did say him to consult
male patriae in eo, quod relinqueret (sub.) non
ill to country in this, that he did leave not
liberos: Vide, inquit, ne tu consulas
children: See, says he, lest thou mayst consult
peius, qui relicturus-sis (sub.) talem natum ex
worse, who art about to leave such a son from
te. Neque vero potest stirps deesse
thee. Nor indeed can offspring to be wanting
mihi, namque relinquo Leuctricam pugnam natam
to me, for I leave Leuctrian battle born
ex me, quae est necesse sit non
from me, which it is necessary may be not
modo superstes mihi, sed etiam immortalis.
only surviving to me, but also immortal.
Quo tempore, Pelopida duce, exsules
In what time, with Pelopidas (as) leader, the exiles
occuparunt Thebas, et expulerunt praesidium
seized upon Thebes, and expelled the garrison
Lacedaemoniorum ex arce, Epaminondas,
of the Lacedemonians out of the citadel, Epaminondas,
quamdiu caedes civium facta-est, tenuit
as long as a slaughter of the citizens was made, held
se domo, quod volebat neque defendere
himself from home, because he did will neither to defend
malos, neque impugnare, ne cruentaret manus
the bad, nor to attack, lest he might imbrue hands
sanguine suorum. Namque putabat
in the blood of his own (citizens). For he did think
omnem civilem victoriam funestam. Idem
every civil victory fatal. The same
post-quam coepit pugnam cum Lacedaemoniis
after that it began to be fought with the Lacedemonians
apud Cadmeam, stetit in primis. Satis
at Cadmea, stood in (among) the first. Enough
erit dictum de virtutibus que vita
will be said concerning the virtues and life
huius, si adiunxero hoc unum,
of this (man), if I shall have adjoined this one (thing),
quod nemo eat-infitias, Thebas, et ante
which no one may-deny, Thebes, both before
Epaminondam natum, et post interitum eius,
Epaminondas being born, and after the death of him,
perpetuo paruisse alieno imperio; contra
constantly to have obeyed to a foreign power; contrary to
ea, quam-diu ille praefuerit (sub.)
those (things), as long as he was over
reipublicae, fuisse caput totius
to the commonwealth, to have been the head of the whole
Graeciae. Ex quo potest intelligi,
Greece. From which it is able to be understood,
unum hominem fuisse pluris,
one man to have been of more (importance),
quam civitatem.
than the state.