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 38. Burgoyne’s Campaign 40. Help from France 
Valley Forge

Dum geruntur haec[1], dē quibus modo dixī, Britannī Philadelphiam oppugnāre parābant, quae urbs[2] tum erat caput reī publicae Americānae. Unde Vasingtō, cuius cōpiae numerō[3] erant multō[4] īnferiōrēs, hostēs nūllō modō arcēre poterat; quārē senātus ad aliud oppidum sē recēpit, ac Philadelphia nūllō[5] dēfendente[6] ā Britannīs capta est. Paucīs post diēbus circiter quīnque mīlibus passuum[7] ab[8] eādem urbe ācriter pugnātum est[9], sed tum quoque Vasingtō discessit īnferior. Quī igitur, cum[10] hiems iam adesset, mīlitēs suōs in hībernīs collocāvit in quādam valle, ubi mēnsēs multōs summā cum[11] inopiā omnium rērum necessāriārum miserrimē[12] vīctum est[13]. Nam nōn sōlum in aerāriō[14] nūlla erat pecūnia, sed in castrīs mox frūmentum quoque dēficere coepit; mīlitēsque miserī, quibus[15] erant saga nūlla, saepe noctēs tōtās prope ignem vigilāre coāctī sunt. Quīn etiam trāditum est, cum agmen in hīberna iter faceret, multōrum[16] pedēs nūdōs in nive vestīgia cruenta fēcisse.

Sed iam dēmum ex Eurōpā sociī Americānīs[17] auxilium ferre parābant; multī enim etiam aliīs ex gentibus[18] molestē ferēbant Britannōs iūra cīvium colōnīs concēdere nōluisse.

  1. haec: neut. pl.
  2. quae urbs: the city which; lit. what?
  3. numerō: for syntax, cf. animō, p. 37, l. 20.
  4. multō: (by) much.
  5. nūllō: supplying the missing abl. of nēmō.
  6. dēfendente: sc. eam (i.e. Philadelphiam). For the pres. part. being active in meaning, may take an object even when used, as here, in the abl. absol. construction.
  7. quinque milibus passuum: abl. of degree of difference.
  8. ab: (away) from.
  9. pugnātum est: a battle was fought; lit. what?
  10. cum: as, or since.
  11. cum: freely, under the stress of.
  12. miserrimē: miserē (adv.), wretchedly.
  13. vīctum est: impersonal pass. (from vīvō).
  14. aerāriō: aerārium, -rī, n., public treasury.
  15. quibus: dat. case; cf. cui, p. 11, l. 2.
  16. multōrum: as (masc.) noun; cf. multī, l. 13.
  17. Americānīs: indirect obj. with auxilium ferre.
  18. aliīs ex gentibus: i.e. of other nationalities.