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Lesson 38. Burgoyne’s Campaign

 37. The Retreat from Trenton 39. Valley Forge 
Burgoyne’s Campaign

Posterō annō alius imperātor Britannicus ex Canadā per prōvinciam Noveborācēnsem legiōnēs quāsdam dūcere cōnātus est. Cui[1] omnia[2] prīmō fēlīciter ēvēnērunt; Taeconderōga enim capta est ūnā cum cōpiīs omnibus, quās eō[3] Americānī comportāverant. Cum autem Germānī multī ē Britannicō exercitū in proximam prōvinciam missī essent ut equōs aliāsque cōpiās colōnōrum raperent, agricolae, quī ā pueritiā arma ferre solitī erant, undique statim convenērunt; Germānīsque magnō cum dētrīmentō ex illā prōvinciā discēdere coāctīs, imperātōrem ipsum mox ācerrimē adortī sunt Americānī, quōrum in diēs[4] cōpiae maiōrēs fīēbant.

Quō proeliō victī hostēs, quī iam omnibus ex partibus[5] obsidēbantur, in Canadam redīre prīmō frūstrā cōnātī, postrēmō Americānīs[6] in dēditiōnem vēnērunt. Tum scīlicet colōnī omnēs ecfrēnātē gaudēbant, quod[7] perīculum maximum effūgisse vidēbantur[8]. Sed alibī hostēs ācriter gerēbant[9] bellum; cuius ēventus adhūc maximē dubius[10] erat.

  1. cui: for whom.
  2. omnia: note the gender.
  3. eō: there, lit. thither; cf. the note on quō, p. 8, l. 14.
  4. in diēs: from day to day.
  5. omnibus ex partibus: on all sides.
  6. Americānīs: dat. case.
  7. quod: conjunction.
  8. vidēbantur: sc. sibi, i.e. they seemed to themselves; freely, they thought that they, etc.
  9. gerēbant: note the tense.
  10. maximē dubius: by the prefixing of maximē, an adj. (or adv.) is raised to the superlative degree.