
Welcome in la.wikisource!

I insert in your euler's texts the templates usually used in la.source.

Thanks for your contribution!

--Accurimbono 09:49, 21 Iunii 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hi, Francesco, thanks very much, both for your help and for your nice greeting! The Methodus and Eulerus pages look wonderful. :) I'm not sure, though, whether I'll type in the whole Methodus, or just the Appendix I'm translating; is there a way of indicating that on the main page? WillowW 10:13, 21 Iunii 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hi! If I understood, you are typing only in Methodus inveniendi - Additamentum II and not in the whole Methodus. You can move the template:In progressu from the index page to the appendix page. But at the moment there is not a way to indicate in the index page that you are working on only in a part of the text but I think this is not a problem! :) --Accurimbono 10:22, 21 Iunii 2006 (UTC)Reply

Categoria:Astronomici -> Categoria:Astronomi recensere


You are doing a great work!!!

Should be better use Astronomi instead Astronomici as in used in wikipedia, what do you think about?

I'm sorry for some eventual edit conflict.

--Accurimbono 09:30, 22 Iunii 2006 (UTC)Reply

Categoria:Chemici is ok, i think... :) recensere

I think is ok because of the same is in wikipedia: w:Categoria:Chemici

I move Categoria:Philosophus at Categoria:Philosophi

I'm going to delete the first.

Hi! :) --Accurimbono 09:44, 22 Iunii 2006 (UTC)Reply

Salve Francesco!
Multas, multas gratias per bonas epistolas tuas; ego etiam multissimas labores tuas admiro. Absolve me malum Latinum meum, sed laboro practicare ut melior efficiar. Correge, quaeso, omnia corrigenda mea; vita brevis, ac Latinum paululum longum per me ;) Salix, WillowW 10:14, 22 Iunii 2006 (UTC)Reply
P.S. But if you'd like to converse in English, that'd be fun, too! :)
P.P.S. Stellae dormiunt, ac ego. Ad futurum, 3)

Yes, I prefere to write in english because of my poor latin. I'm going to... not sleeping but eating because in Italy now is 12:44 am, so I'm going to cooking!!! :) Good night! --Accurimbono 10:45, 22 Iunii 2006 (UTC)Reply

paragraph 1 recensere

Ok, as I said, the world cup is a bad time for me =] but I have started to peruse your additamentum, and I have made a change or two already and have a question and or comment on a few other things:

  1. "ope Methodi directa"-Methodus, seems to me, let me grab liddell and scott, a greek word... and sure enough ή μέθοδος is feminine, so I guess that's why methodus is feminine? Do you have another source for this word, just for my curiosity, I'm not doubting.
  2. Quae conclusio etsi non satis confirmata videatur, tamen, si eam cum veritate jam a priori nota consentire ostendero, tantum consequetur pondus, ut omnia dubia quae circa eam suboriri queant penitus evanescant. and Quin-etiam cum ejus veritas fuerit evicta, facilius erit in intimas Naturae leges atque causas finales inquirere; hocque assertum firmissimis rationibus corroborare... I know you said you were going for a more general translation than a word for word one, but the poetry of these two phrasings is a bit diluted by: "as to dispel all doubts" and "If indeed it can be verified"...more like "that any doubt which might arise surrounding this will utterly vanish" and "if indeed the truth of this shall be liberated" those aren't word for word other, but carry a bit more of the pride of the author, and the elegance of his phrase. What do you think?
  3. I changed your translation of "tamen, si eam cum veritate jam a priori nota consentire ostendero" very slightly to include the first person singularity of the verb ostendero.
  4. I also changed slightly the first sentence to include "dubium est nullum".

Looks pretty good so far! =] However the brasil/ghana game s about to be reshown and I missed that one completely the other day, more revision after soccer! Regards.--Ioshus Rocchio 15:38, 2 iulii 2006 (UTC)

Hi, Ioshe, thanks for your corrections and suggestions! I think the changes you made are right on. I still haven't figured out Euler's personality completely, but I totally agree that he tends to be -- apodictic, a mathematician's mathematician and, probably, arrogantly self-assured in his correctness. I remember reading how Lagrange wouldn't move to the Berlin Academy until Euler left. How about "to utterly vanquish every conceivable doubt" in place of "to dispel all doubts"? It seems to catch the spirit. Thanks supremely for your help, and I hope that your team wins! :) Later, Salix 21:47, 3 iulii 2006 (UTC)

Salve Salix. Quomodo te habebas? Quam promittum, reditus sum, Italia magnifice certaminis victrice mundialis, duratus operibus vere. Quaeso, amabo, me duc per viam convertendi huius sententiae. Ad eventum insimilem advenio... "Quod si autem curva quaesita tanquam esset data spectetur, ex viribus sollicitantibus celeritas \sqrt{v} per quantitates ad curvam pertinentes definiri, ideoque ipsa curva per Methodum maximorum ac minimorum determinari potest" ab paragrapho secundo. Sint res bonae tibi, Salix!--Ioshus Rocchio 04:14, 12 iulii 2006 (UTC) Etiam, quaeso...ubi est locus optimus ut te inveniam? Hic, vicipaedia, wikipedia? Scio usores regnum praelatum in quo laborant habere, it meum apud vicipaediam, ita rogavi =] Gratias.--Ioshus Rocchio 15:03, 13 iulii 2006 (UTC)

Salve, salve, Ioshe! Gavisa sum maxime per tibi, audiens Italiam victor esse, ut speravi. (Nonne est iugum tuum?) Hodierna invenias me saepe apud Wikisource gallicam, ubi alia confero; sed etiam nuntios meos a Wikipedia omnibus diebus specto.
Illa sententia "Quod si autem..." me difficultates fecit; per litteram in anglice diceo
"Yet because if the trajectory being sought is considered as [already] given, it is possible (potest) to define the speed   produced by the external forces by means of quantities inherent in the trajectory; and, therefore, it is possible (potest again) to determine the curve itself by a method of maxima and minima."
Aliae sententiae per me arduae:
1 ...Spectari autem potissimum debet effectus a viribus sollicitantibus oriundus...
5 ...sed etiam, cum celeritas in puncto A sit  , altitudo CA, ex qua labendo ab eadem vi g sollicitatum eam ipsam acquirit celeritatem, qua in puncto A movetur, erit  ; hoc est, quartae parametri parti aequatur...
16 ...viribus sollicitantibus tam parum obtemperabunt, quam fieri potest, siquidem sint libera...
Quomodo tu comprehendas has sententias? Gratias, gratias per auxilium! Salix 18:55, 13 iulii 2006 (UTC)

Hendecasyllabi recensere

Willoni plurimam salutem grammaticus Aram dat. Aramgar 04:15, 28 Maii 2008 (UTC)Reply