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Lesson 13
Colonization in New England
 Henry Hudson (Continued) 14. A Soldier’s Courtship 
Colonization in New England

Paucīs post annīs Britannī complūrēs, quī apud Batāvōs diū habitāverant, in Americam cum līberīs atque uxōribus[1] ēmigrāre cōnstituērunt. Quī, cum[2] pervēnissent ad lītus eius terrae, quae nunc Britannia Nova appellātur, impetum Indōrum veritī, lēgātum, nōmine Standisium, cum mīlitibus paucīs mīsērunt, quī loca undique explōrāret[3]. Illī igitur multa mīlia passuum secundum lītus prōgressī sunt, cum nāvigārent[4] interdiū, noctēsque autem in lītore agerent.

Prīmō terrae incolās rārō[5] vīdērunt; ōlim tamen, cum māne proficīscī parārent ūnusque ex mīlitibus omnium[6] arma in scaphā iam collocāvisset, Indī subitō ē silvā magnō clāmōre ērūpērunt, sagittīsque vulnerāvērunt paucōs. Sed mīlitēs statim ad scapham cucurrērunt, ut arma caperent[7], hostēsque celeriter fugere coāctī sunt.

Postrēmō ad portum tūtum perventum est, ubi tribus ante annīs multī habitāverant Indī; quī iam ad ūnum[8] morbō perierant. Quā dē rē[9] certiōrēs factī, colōnī reliquī quoque ad eum locum vēnērunt, ibique ē nāvī in lītus ēgressī, dīs[10] ēgērunt grātiās castraque posuērunt. Est in lītore etiam nunc saxum, quod Americānī semper coluērunt[11] colentque semper, quod[12] hic demum ē nāvī ēgressi sunt Brītannī illī, quī posteā maiōrēs peregrinantēs[13] appellātī sunt.


Iūnō, Rēgina Deōrum

The chief deities worshiped by the Romans were twelve in number: namely, Jupiter, Neptune, Vulcan, Mars, Mercury, Apollo, Juno, Minerva, Vesta, Ceres, Venus, and Diana. Besides these, many minor divinities were recognized.

  1. liberīs atque uxōribus: sc. suīs.
  2. quī, cum: cf. p. 5, l. 8.
  3. explorāret: note the mood.
  4. cum nāvigārent: translate by a participial phrase.
  5. rārō: adv., seldom.
  6. omnium: used as a masc. noun, modifier of arma.
  7. ut arma caperent: i.e. to arm themselves.
  8. ad ūnum: utterly; cf. p. 4, l. 5.
  9. quā dē rē: i.e. dē hāc rē.
  10. dīs: from deus.
  11. coluērunt: colō, 3, coluī, cultus, venerate.
  12. quod: conjunction.
  13. maiōrēs: as noun, Fathers.