Pagina:MAXEY, Mima; FAY, Marjorie - A New Latin Primer (1933).pdf/121

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DICTATION-LESSON XXIX “Hic castra cōnstituēmus. Valida erunt moenia castrōrum. In moeni- bus vigilēs stābunt qui prōspectābunt. Circum moenia vāllum quoque faciēmus. Pars militum portās servābit. Si exercitus hostium in longō agmine iter faciet et impetum in castra nostra facere cupiet, per nūntiōs ducēs nostri hoc nōscent. Ducēs nostrī exercitum nostrum incitābunt. Militēs nostri ācriter pugnābunt et superābunt. Hic erit finis impetūs.” Sīc dixit imperātor noster. DICTATION AND IMITATION-LESSON XXIX Quō tempore domum relinquēs? Mox relinquam. Will I know this s0on? Will I find quiet there? Shall you send those soldiers? Hic vir pīlum iaciet, sed illi saxa conicient. These soldiers will run swiftly and will capture the city. The leader will hear this and will praise them. He will want to see them at once. Nōs ad urbem auxilium mittēmus, sed vōs rbem relinquētis. We shall hear this, and shall feel angry. You will hear this and feel sad. DICTATION--LESSON XXX Haec urbs Rōma appellātur. Mōns est idōneus locus urbi. Rōma in septem montibus aedificāta est. Si hostēs quī in ulteriōre rīpā flūminis habi- tant Rōmam oppugnābunt et capient, magna erit praeda. Deus ipse tamen virōs iuvat sī virtūtem magnam habent. Rōma igitur nōn capiētur, nam populus Rōmānus magnam virtūtem habet. DICTATION AND IMITATION-LESSON XXX Sī Rōma capiētur, multae rēs pulchrae ā militibus capientur. If a messenger is sent to the allies, soldiers will be sent by the allies. If other things are found, money also will be found. This will be heard and other houses will be seized.