Pagina:Logonomia anglica qua gentis sermo facilius addiscitur.djvu/48

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Chap. 7

mü𝑣ed. 3 Hou long wil yï imaᵹin miſchïf againſt a man? yï ſhal bi ſlain âl ofyü : az a bouing wâl ſhal yi bï: and az a totering fens. 4 Ðëi önlj konſult tu kaſt him doun from his exſelenſj, ðëi deljt in ljz : ðëi bles with ðëir mouth, but ðëi kurs inwardlj. Selah. 5 Mj ſöul wait ðou önlj upon God: for mj expektaſion iz from him. 6 Hï önlj iz mj rok & mj ſal𝑣äſion ; Hï iz mj defens; J ſhal not bi mü𝑣ed. 7 In God iz mj ſal𝑣äſion and mj glöri: ðe rok of mj ſtrength and mj refvᵹ iz in God. 8 Truſt in him at âl tjmz yi pïpl; pour out yür hart biför him : God iz a refvᵹ for us. Selah. 9 Svrlj men of löu degrï ar 𝑣aniti, and men of hj degrï ar a lj: tu bi laid in ðe balans, ðëi ar âltogeðer ljħter ðen 𝑣aniti. 10 Truſt not in oppreſion, bikum not 𝑣ain in roberj: if richez inkrës, ſet not yür hart upon them. 11 God hath ſpökn öns; twjs hä𝑣 J härd ðis, ðat pour bilongeth unto God. 12 Ælſo uuto ðï, ô Lord, bilongeth merſi : for ðou rendereſt tu e𝑣erj man akkording tu hiz wurk.

PSAL. 67.

1 God bi merſiful vntu us, and bles us : and kauz hiz fäs tu ſhjn upon us. Selah. 2 Ðat ðj wäi mäi bi knöuu upon ërth, ðj ſa𝑣ing hëlth among âl näſions. 3 Let ðe pïpl praiz ði, ô God; let âl ðe pïpl prais ðï. 4 O let ðe näſions bi glad, and ſing for ᵹoi : for ðou ſhalt ᵹuᵹ ðe pïpl rjħteuſlj, & go𝑣ern ðe näſionz upon ërth. Selah. 5 Let ðe pïpl praiz ði ô God; let âl ðe pïpl präiz ðï. 6 Ðen

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