This mark (-) over a syllable denotes it to be long. This mark (`) over a syllable denotes it to be short. Masc. Masculine; fem. feminine; neut. neuter; com. gen. common gender; sing. singular; plur. plural; indecl. indeclinable; subs. substantive; adj. adjective; pron. pronoun; act. active; pass. passive; neut. pass. neuter passive; perf. perfect; pres. present; part. participle; indic. indicative; imper. imperative; adv. adverb; prep. preposition; interj. interjection; conj. conjunction; and the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, denote the declension of a noun, or the conjugation of a verb.
A, or ab, præp. governs ablat. m, by
Abdico, abducere, abduxi, abduc- iam, vcrò act. 3. to lead away, to withdraw; from ab and duco
Abel, Elis, prop, subs, masc. 3. a man's name, Abel
Abea, abire, abivi or abil, abitum, verb irreg. to go away; of aba ୧୦
Abhorreo, abhorrere, abhorril, co- rei sup. verb neut.2. to dislike, to abhor, to differ; of ab and hor- reo
Abias, æ, prop. subs.masc.1. a man's] name, Abias
Abjicio, abjicere. abjeci, abjectum, verb act. 3. to throw away, to neg lect of ab and jacio
Ablatus, a, um, perf part. of aufe- TO, taken away
Ablun, abluere, ablŭl, ablatum, verb act. 3. to wash clean, to wash a- way, to purify; from ab and lavo
Abio, abnuere, abii, abatum, terb. act 3 to deng, to refuse; of ab nuo
Abrahamus, 1. prop. subs.masc. 2. a man's name, Abraham
Absalon, nis, prop. subs, masc. 3. max's name, Absalom
Abscondo, abscondere, abscondland abscondidi, absconditum and ab- Sconsum, verb act. 3. to hide, from abs and condo
Abstinen, abstinere, abstinul, ab- stentum, verb act. 3. to abstain, to keep from; of abs and teneo
Absum, abesse, abfui, verb irreg. ta be absent; from ab and sum
Abelmo, absumere, abzumpst, ab. Bulopium, verb act. 3. to con sume, to destroy; of ab and su- mo
Abundantia, a, sube fem. 1. abun dance, plenty; from abundo
Abutor, abuti, abusus sum, verb dep. 3. to abuse; of ah and utor
Ac, conj. and, and indeed; as
Accedo, accedere,accessi, accessum. verb neut. 3. to draw near, to approach, to be added: of ad and cedo
Accelero accelerare acceleravi no