142 EASY LATIN STORIES. [STR-TRA strao, xi, ctum, v. 8, to pile up^ build. studeo, ui; v. 2, to study, deavre, studioBus, a, um, adj., eager , zeaXoua. studium, i, n., eagemesSy study, stultus, a, um, dAy^ foolish. stupefacio, feci, factum, v. 3, to stun. styrax, acis, m., styrax, a resinous gum. suadeo, si, sum, v. 2, U) persuade. suavis, e, adj., suteet. Bubeo, ii, itum, v. 4, to come up, wti- dergo. subigo, egi, actum, v. 8, to bring wider, swdue, knead. subiicio, ieci, iectum, v. 8, to place under, svbstituiey subdue, (sub-iacio.) subinde, adv., thereupon. subito, adv., suddeTuy. sublimis, e, adj., uplifted, high, subsidium, ii, n., a,8d8tance. subsilio, lui or ii, v. 4, to leap up, succedo, cessi, cessum, v. 3, to come up, follow after. successor, oris, m., a successor. sufiicio, feci, fectum, v. 3, to substitvie^ he sufficient. suffoco, V. 1, to smother. Bulfodio, fodi, fossum, v. 8, to pierce through, dig under. suffragium, ii, n., a vote. sufFragor, v. 1, dep., to vote for, sup- port. sum, fui, esse, v., to be. summa, ae, f., an amov/nt, total, im- perii, chi^ command. sumo, sumpsi, sumptum, v. 8, to take. super, adv. and prep., OT^er. superbio, v. 4, to be haughty, supercilium, ii, n., a brow. superficies, ei, f., a surface. superior, oris, adj., comparative of superus, better, former, higher. supero, V. 1, to suhdue, surjMss. superstes, itis, adj., survimn^, remain- tn^ over, (super, sto.) supersum, fui, esse, v. irreg., to be over, survive. superus, a, um, adj., high, (super.) supplex, icis, adj., hunwle, suppliant. supplicium, ii, n. , punishment, supra, adv. and prep., aJ)Ove. surculus, i, m., a snoot. surd us, a, um, adj., deaf, dull, dunib. surgo, surrexi, surrectum, v. 3, to raise^ rise. BUS, suis, c, a pig. suscipio, cepi, ceptum, v. 8, to take up, undertaJce, receive, (sub-capio.) suspendo, di, sum, v. 3, to hang up. Buspicor, V. 1, to mistrust, suspect. sustento, v. 1, freq., to support. sustineo, tinui, tentum, v. 2, to hold up, endu/re. suus, a, um, pron., his, her, its, their, own. Tabula, ae, f., a picture. tabulatum, i, n., a story, stage, taedium, ii, n., v>eariness, irksomeness. talentum, i, n., a talent, a weight about half a hundred-weight, or a sum of m.oney,£24S,15s,da, talis, e, adj., such, tarn, adv., so, tamdiu, adv., so long, tamen, conj., yet. tandem, adv., at length. tango, tetigi, tactum, v. 3, to touch, tanquam, conj., a^ if. tantus, a, um, adj., so great taurus, i, m., a bull. tegmen, inis, n., a covering. tego, xi, ctum, v. 3, to cover. telum, i, n., a dart, weapon. tempestas, atis, f., a storm, time. templum, i, n., a temple. tempus, oris, n., ^29716/ in plur., some- times ths temples. teneo, ui, tentum, v. 2, to hold, restrain. tento, V. 1, to try. ter, adv., three tim^es, tergum, i, n., the back. tergus, oris, n., the back. terminus, i, m., an end. tero, trivi, tritum, v. 8, to rkiJb, toasts. terra, ae, f ., the earth, land. terrestris, e, adj. , earth-, land-, territo, v. 1, freq., to terrify. tertio, adv., /or the third time. tertius, a, um, adj.. third. theatrum, i^ n., a theatre. thesaurus, i, m., treasure, a treasury^ tiara, ae, f., a croum, chaplet. tibicen, inis, n., a ftute-player. tignum, i, n., a log. timeo, ui, v. 2, to fear. timidus, a, um, adj., timid, frightened. tingo, inxi, inctum, v. 8, to moisten, dye. tolero, V. 1, to endure. tolleno, onis, m., a sunng-beam. (toUo.) tollo, sustuli, sublatum, v. 3, irreg., to raise, carry offi, destroy. torqueo, torsi, tortum, v. 2, to tvnst, tot, num. , so many, as many, totus, a, um, adj., whole. tracto, V. 1, freq., to treat, handle. trado, tradidi, traditum, v. 3, to deliver^ I give up, relate, (trans-do.) ! tragoedia, ae, f., a tragedy.
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