per-praI VOCABULARY. 137 percontoT, v. 1, dep., to question strictly. percutio, cnssi, eaflsnin, y. S, to strike tkroughj slay, perdo, didi, ditum, y. 8, to rum, de- stroy , lose, peregre. ady., avxty from home, (per- ager.) peregrinns, a, nin, adj., vxvndervngy forei^. pereo, lyi or ii, itum, y. 4, to perish. perfero, tuli, latum, y. 8, irreg., to bring through. perficio, feci, fectitm, y. 8, to finish. perfodio, fodi, fossum, y. 8, to dig or pierce through. pergo, perrezi, perrectnm, v. 8, to pro- ceed withf go on. perhibeo, td, itnm, t. 2, to relate, (per- habeo.) periculam, i, n., danger. peritus, a, um, adj., skilled. perlego, legi, lectam, y. 8, to read through. permaneo, mansi, mansum, y. 2, to continue staying ^ persevere. permitto, mist, missnm, y. S, to let throt^hf give up, intrust, permoltus, a, um., adj., very much, many. pemides, ei, f.^ destruction. pernix, icis, ad^., quick. perraro, adv., very rarely. pemimpo, mpi, raptum, y. 8, to break through. perscribo, scripsi, scriptnm, v. 8, to write infvU. persequor, secutus, y. 3, dep., tofcUow up. perspicne, adj., dearly. persuadeo, si, sum, y. 2, to persuade. pertento, y. 1, to prove, try, examine. perterreo, ui, itum, v. 2, to frighten thoroughly. pertineo, ui, v. 2, to reach to, concern. pervagor, y. 1, dep., to rone aJbout. pervenio, yeni, yentum, y. 4, to arrive cU. pes, pedis, m., afoot. peto, iyi or ii, itum, y. 8, to seek, make for, attcu^k. pnaretra, ae, f., a quiver. phiala, ae, f., a saucer. philosophns, i, m., a philosopher. phoenix, icis, m., the phoenix. pictor, oris, m., a painter. pileus, i, m., a cap. pingo, nzi, pictum, y. 8, to paint, pinguis, e, adj.,/a^, rich. piscator, oris, m., a fisherman. piscis, is, m., a fish. placenta, ae, f., a caJoe. placeo, cui, citum, y. 2, toplecue, placo, v. 1, to appease. planities, ei, f., a plain. platanus, i, f., a plane-tree, plenus, a, um, aaj.,full. plerique, aeque, aque, adj., most. pluo, ui, v. 8, to rain, plus, adv., more, poculum, i, n., a cup. poena, ae, f., a punishment, sati^ac^ lion. I>oenitentia, ae, f., regret. poenitet, uit, y. 2, impersonal, it re- pents. I>oeta, ae. m., a poet. polemarcnus, i, m., the polemarch, minister of war. poUiceor, citus, v. 2, dep., to promise, pondus, eris, n., a weight. pone, adv. and prep., behind. pono, posui, positum, y. Z, to place. pons, ntis, m., a bridge. populus, i, m., a people. porcellus, i, m., a little pig, porcus, i, m., a pig. porro, adv., further on, furthermore, porta, ae, f., a door, gate. portendo, di, turn, y. 3, to predict, portio, onis, f., a share, porto, V. 1, to carry. portus, us, m., a ?uirbour. posco, poposci, y. 3, to demand. possum, potiii, posse, y. irreg., to be able. post, adv. and prep., after, postea, adv., c^tenoards. posterus, a, um, adi., following, later. postquam, conj., c^ter thoL postremo, adv., la^ly. postridie, adv., the next day. postulo, v. 1, to demand. potens, part, (possum), powerful. potestas, atis, i., power. potior, itus, v. 4, dep., to get possession qf, potius, adv., rather, poto, y. 1, to drink. potus, us, m., a dmmglCt. prae^ adv. and prep., b^ore, compared with, on account of. praealtus, a, um, adj., very high. praebeo, ui, itum, v. 2, to afford, give. pi-aecedo, cessi, cessum, v. 3, to go be- fore. praeceptum, 1, n., a rule, order, praecido, ddi. cTsnm, v. 8, to cut off, cut short, (praecaedo.)
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