'13^ EASY LATIN STORIES. [OFF-PER offero, obtnli, oblatum, v. 8, irreg., to offeTf wmchsa/e^ grant. olea, ae, f., an olive-tree, oleum, iy Ti.f oU. olim, adv. f formerly f once upon a time. omen, inis, n., an omen. ominosus, a, um, adj., portentotu, ominor, v. 1^ tojoreaict. omitto, mifii, missum, v. 3, to leame outf leave. omnino, adv., altogether, omnis, e, a4j.| cM- onerarius, a, um, adj. , carrying burdens; navis, a merchant ship, onus, ens, n., a burden. op-, f. (no nom.) help, in plur., riches. opera, ae, f., assistance, work, attention, oportet, uit, v. 2, impers., it is necessary, oppidanus, a, um, adj., of a tovm, oppidum, i, n., a town. oppono, posui, positum, v. B, to set in the way of, oppose. oppositus, a, um, part., opposite, opprimo, pressi, pressum, v. 3, to over- whelm, oppugno, r,l, to storm, besiege, optio, onis, f., a choice, opulentus, a, um, adj., wealthy, opus, eris, n., a work, need, ora, ae, f., an edge, shore, oraculum, i, n., an oroide, orbis, is, m., a circle, orbo, V. 1, to deprive. ordino, v. 1, to draw «p, settle. ordo, inis, m., a rank, row. orior, ortus, v. 8, dep., to atise, oriundus, a, um, part, (orior), descended from. omatus, us, m. , dress. omo, V. 1, to adorn, oro, V. 1, to pray, beseech. 08, oris, n., a mouth, face, OS, ossis, n., a bone, ostendo, di, sum, v. 3, to show. ostento, y. 1, freq., to show off. otium, ii, n., ease, ovis, is, c, a sheep. oTum, i, n., an egg. Pabulum, i, n., food, fodder. paciscor, pactus, y. 8, dep., to bargain. pactum, i, n., way, manner. pal a, ae, f., the stone of a ring. palaestra, ae, f., a wrestling school, aymnastics. palam, ady. and prep., openly, b^ore. (pando). pallium, ii, or i, n., a cloak. palus, i, m., a UaJce. palus, udis, f., a marsh, (pando.) panis, is, m., bread. pamius, i, m., a cloth, rojg. papyrus, i, c, the papyrus. par, adj., equal. pardus, i, m., a panther. pareo, ui, itum, v. 2, to obey. paries, etis, m., a partition wall. pario, peperi, paritum, and partun y. o, to produce, bear young. pariter, ady., equally. paro, .,to make ready. pars, tis, f., a part, share. particeps, ^cipis, adj., sharing, (pars- capio.) partm[i, ady., t>ar^2^. parum, ady., littU, too little. parvulus, a, um, dim. adj., very small, parvus, a, um, adj., small. pasco, payi, pastum, y. 3, to feed, graze, pateo, ui, y. 2, to lie open, extend, be evident. pater, tris, m., a father, paterfamilias, patrisfamilias, m., a father of a family, patior, passus, y. 8, dep., to suffer. patria, ae, f., a fatherland, patrius, a, um, a4j., of on£s country, paternal, paucus, a, um, adj., few, paullatim, adv., little by little, by de- grees. paullisper, adv., /or a short time, pauper, eris, adj., poor. payimentum, i, n., a pavement, fioor. pax, pacis, f., peace. pecto, pezi, pexum, y. 3, to comb^ pectus, oris, n., the chest. pecunia, ae, f., money. pecus, udis, f., a beast, pecus, pecoris, n., a herd, pedes, peditis, m., afoot soldier. pedester, tris, tre, adj., on foot, land, peditatus^ us, m., infantry. pelagus, 1, n., the sea, pellis, is, f., a skin, hide, pendo, pependi, pensum, y. 8, to hang, weigh, pay. penes, prep., in the poufer of, penetrale, is, n., a sanctuary. penitus, adv., completely, penna, ae, f., a feather, wing, pennatus, a, um, adj. , ujinged,feathered. per, adv., through^ across. perago, egi, actum, v. 8, to finish. percello, culi, culsum, v. 3, to beat dovm, strike, ruin. percii)io, cepi, ceptum, v. 3, to take possession qf, gather, feeL
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Haec pagina nondum emendata est