columna, ae, f., a pillar.
coma, ae, f., hair.
comedo, edi, esum, v. 3, to eat up.
comes, itis, a companion. (cum, eo.)
cominus, adv., close at hand, at close quarters. (cum-manus.)
commeatus, us, m., supplies, provision, a carrying over.
commemoro, v. 1, to relate, remember.
commentrix, icis, f., a deviser.
commercium, ii, n., intercourse, trade.
committo, misi, missum, v. 3, to unite, begin, do, trust.
commodum, i, n., advantage, profit.
commodos, a, um, adj., advantageous.
commoveo, movi, motam, v. 2, to disturb.
communis, e, adj., for common use, common, general.
como, mpsi, motum, v. 3, to adorn.
comparo, v. 1, to make ready, compare.
compello, v. 1, to address.
compes, edis, f., a fetter.
compleo, evi, etum, v. 2, to fill up.
comporto, v. 1, to bring together.
compotatio, onis, f., a drinking-bout.
comprehendo, di, sum, v. 3, to catch hold of, understand.
comcedo, cessi, cessum, v. 3, to go away, grant.
concerto, v. 1, to contend, dispute.
concido, cidi, v. 3, to fail down. (cum-cado.)
concido, cidi, cisum, v. 2, to cut up. (cum-caedo.)
concilium, i, n., an assembly.
concio, onis, f., an assembly, speech.
concito, v. 1, freq., to stir up, rouse.
concors, dis, adj., agreeing, united.
concremo, v. 1, to burn up.
concresco, evi, etum, v. 3, to grow together, increase, harden.
conculco, v. 1, to trample on.
concurro, curri, cursum, v. 3, to run together.
condemno, v. 1, to condemn.
condimentum, i, n., a seasoning.
condio, ivi or ii, itum, v. 4, to pickle.
conditio, onis, f., an agreement.
condo, didi, ditum, v. 3, to found, build, bury.
conduco, xi, ctum, v. 3, to hire.
confero, tuli, latum, v. 3, irreg., to bring together; se conf., to betake one’s-self.
cenfestim, ady., suddenly.
conficio, feci, fectum, v. 3, to make, bring about, accomplish, destroy.
confido, fisus, v. 3, to trust. in, believe.
confirmo, v. 1, to strengthen.
confiteor, fessus, v. 2, dep., to acknowledge.
confligo, xi, ctum, v. 3, to bring together, fight.
confugio, ftigi, v. 3, to have recourse to, fly to.
congero, gessi, gestum, v. 3, to bring together.
congredior, gressus, to come together, fight, meet. (cum-gradior.)
congrego, v. 1, to assemble.
coniicio, led, iectum, to throw together. (com-iacio.)
coniuro, v. 1, to conspire.
conor, atus, v. 1, dep., to try.
conscendo, di, sum, v. 3. to embark, mount.
conscribo, psi, ptum, v. 3. to enrol.
consequor, secutus, v. 3, dep., to follow after, obtain.
consero, send, sertum, v. 3, to join.
consilium, ii, n., a plan.
consolor, v. 1, dep., to soothe.
conspectus, us, m., a view.
conspergo, si, sum, v. 3, to sprinkle.
conspicio, spexi, spectum, y, 3, to behold.
consterno, v. 1, to dismay.
constipo, v. 1, to press together.
constituo, ui, utum, v. 3, to put together, determine, place, appoint.
consto, stiti, statum, v. 1, to stop, consist of. Impersonal, constat, it is well known.
constringo, inxi, ictum, v. 3, to bind together, regain, catch.
construo, uxi, uctum, v. 3, to heap up, make.
consuetudo, inis, f., custom.
consulo, sului, sultum, v. 3, to consult.
consulto, adv., on purpose.
consumo, sumpsi, sumptum, v. 3, to use up, destroy.
consurgo, surrexi, surrectum, v. 3, to stand up, join in a rising.
contemplor, v. 1, dep., to look at, consider.
contendo, di, tum, v. 3, to hasten, strive.
contentio, onis, f., a struggle, dispute.
contentus, a, um, adj. content.
contineo, ui, v. 2, to hold together, restrain.
continens, entis, part, (contineo), bordering upon as, substantive, the mainland.
contingo, tigi, tactum, v. 3, to touch, to happen to, come to pass.
continuo, adv., forthwith, immediately.