Pagina:Easy Latin Stories.djvu/134

Haec pagina emendata est

adversus, adv. and prep., against, towards.

advesperascit, avit, v. 3, incep. and impers., evening approaches.

advoco, v. 1, to summon.

advolo, v. 1, to fly to.

aedes, is, f., a temple, in plur. a house.

aedificium, ii, n., a building.

aedifico. v. 1, to build.

aegre, adv., with difficulty.

aeneus, a, um, adv., of brass.

aequalis, e, adj., equal, of the same age, level with.

aequalitas, atis, f., equality.

aequaliter, adv., equally.

aer, aëris, m., the air.

aerarius, a , um, adj., pertaining to copper.

aes, aeris, n., brass, copper.

aestas, atis, f., summer.

aestimo, v. 1, to value.

aestus, us, m., heat, the tide.

aetas, atis, f., age, an age.

aevum, i, n., an age.

affero, attuli, allatum, v. 3, to bring to, apply.

afficio, feci, fectum, v. 3, to affect, punish, treat. (ad-facio.)

affigo, ixi, ixum, v. 3, to fasten to.

affirmo, v. 1, to assert.

affligo, ixi, ictum, v. 3, to dash against, cast down.

ager, gri, m., a field.

aggredior, gressus, v. 3, dep., to approach, attack. (ad-gradior.)

agito, v. 1, freq., to drive about, disturb, consider.

agnosco, novi, nĭtum, v. 3, to recognise.

ago, egi, actum, v. 3, to drive, keep, spend, pass, accuse.

agrestis, e, adj., of the fields.

aio, v., defect., to affirm.

ala, ae, f., a wing.

alatus, a, um, adj., winged.

alea, ae, f., the game of hazard.

alienatus, a, um, part. (alieno), deprived, deranged.

alienus, a, um, adj., belonging to another person. (alius.)

alioquin, adv., otherwise.

aliquamdiu, adv., for a while.

aliquantulus, a, um, adj., some little.

aliquis, quid pron., some.

aliquot, num., some.

alius, a, ud, adj., other, another.

alligo, v. 1, to bind to.

alloquor, cutus, v. 3, dep., to address.

alo, alui, altum, alitum, v. 3, to rear, qrow, nourish.

alter, a, um, adj., one of two, the other.

alteruter, a, trum, adj., one of two, either.

altitudo, inis, f., height.

altus, a, um, adj., high, deep.

alveus, i, m., a hollow channel.

amarus, a, um, adj., bitter.

ambio, ivi and ii, itum, v. 4, to go round, surround, request.

ambo, bae, bo, num., both.

ambulo, v. 1, to walk.

amicio, icui, ictum, v. 4, to clothe.

amicitia, ae, f., friendship.

amicus, a, um, adj., friendly.

amnis, is, m., a river.

amplius, adv., comparative of amplus, more.

amplus, a, um, adj., large, splendid.

amputo, v. 1, to cut off.

an, anne, conj., or, whether.

anceps, cipitis, adj., doubtful. (ambo-caput.)

ancora, ae, f., an anchor.

angustiae, arum, f., a strait, difficulty.

angustus, i, um, adj., narrow.

anima, ae, f., breath, life, the soul.

animal, alis, n., a living creature.

animo, v. 1, to inspire.

animus, i, m., the soul, mind, courage, intention.

annulus, i, m., a ring.

annus, i, m., a year.

annuus, a, um, adj., yearly.

anser, eris, m., a goose.

ante, prep., before.

antea, adv., before, formerly.

antehac, adv., previously.

antequam, conj., before that.

anterior, oris, adj., fore, forward.

antiquitus, adv., anciently.

antiquus, a, um, adj., ancient.

antistes, stitis, c., a priest.

antrorsum, adv., in front.

antrum, i, n., a cave.

aper, pri, m., a wild boar.

aperio, ui, ertum, v. 4, to open.

apis, is, f., a bee.

aplustre, is, n., the taftrail of a vessel.

appareo, ui, itum, v. 2, to become visible, appear.

appello, puli, pulsum, v. 3, to drive to, bring to land.

appello, v. 1, to address.

applico, avi and ui, atum and itum, v. 1, to fasten, bring to.

appono, posui, positum, v. 3, to place beside, to serve up before.

appropinquo, v. 1, to approach.