Pagina:Easy Latin Stories.djvu/132

Haec pagina nondum emendata est

I20 EASY LATIN STORIES. [part iv. bono eise aaimo— 'to be of good oonnge.' aiif erret — ^Uie indirect form of the imperative. 267. nzorem dacere — 'to many a wife.' 268. Syria— a coimtry of Western A£da» between Ana Minor and "EgypL cni obviam itnms erat — 'which he was going to meet' 269. consnltniii— the sapine. Lot Prim, % 141, 5. 270L Cambyses — sncoeeded Gyms^ the founder of the Pendan empire, &a 529. mrnnis snnm ptaestare—'do its duty.' 271. AlflT<i«^«w the Greats king of Macedonia (now part of Tnrkey), overthrew the Persian empire^ B.a 333* ne oraveris. — See 21, note. 272. Scythas.— See 6, note, peteres — 'yon would grasp.' quin fiangi possit — 'as not to be aUe to be broken f qnin, here=: qnod non, can only be nsed in a negative sentence. qnid ttbi nobiscum est— 'what have you to do with nsT' quo . . • eo^'themore . . . the more.' 273w poenituit— 2>at. Prwu § 134. neque mnltum abfuit quin interficeret — 'and was not far from killing,' UL 'bat that he should kill' 274. ez mandato— ' according to the command.' 276. futums esset — ' was likely to be.' nubere — 'to many,' UL 'to take the bridal veiL' 276. fore ut—' that it would be that' 277. Thebes — (Thebae), a town of Boeotia, a country in Northern Greece, baud multum abesse quin moreretur — 'that he was not far from djring,' Ut. * but that he should die.' 278. Megara — a town on the isthmus of Corinth. 279. pro signo— 'foracrest' 281. sennone callebant— ' were skiUed in the language.' 282. non cupivisset — ' he would not have desired.' arcnbns. — Words of two syllables of the fourth dedension ending in -cus take -ubus instead of -ibua in the dative and ablative plural. 28a fdaee.'^Lat. Prim. § 124. 284. qnod dixisset— i^a<. Prim. § ISa 285. nltima terranim— ' most remote regions.' dedmum quemque— ' every tenth man,' liL ' each tenth man.'