Pagina:Easy Latin Stories.djvu/131

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245. Trachisa town in Thessaly.

246. ad Artemisium'off Artemisium.' See 180, note.

missurus esset'would be likely to send.'

248. ancipiti Marte'with success uncertain,' lit. 'with Mars uncertain.' Mars was the god of war.

249. sublatis ancoris'having weighed anchor.'

ut committerenturthe subject of accidit.

250. inter se cohortati'exhorting each other.'

visum est'it seemed good,' 'they resolved.'

251. sibi ipsis consulerunt'consulted for their own safety.'

252. nuntiatum.See 26, note.

Parnassusa mountain overhanging the town of Delphi.

253. locaret'let him place.'

conditafrom condio, 'flavoured.'

255. altero die ab'on the day after.'

longitudinem.Lat. Prim. § 102, 2.

256. Isthmumthe isthmus of Corinth between N. Greece and the Peloponnesus.

257. regis partibus'the side of the King.'

qui nuntiarem.See 207, note.

258. in puppim remigarent'backed water,' lit. 'rowed towards the stern.'

longius evectus'carried out too far to sea.'


259. ne quis ... caperet, the object of veritus.

quae custodirentSee 207, note.

anno insequentiB.C. 479.

260. Cariaa district in the south-west comer of Asia Minor, quod spectat ad'as regards.'

261. ponte.See 182, note.

262. moenia urbi circumdare'to surround the city with a wall,' lit.. 'to give-round a wall to the city.'

invitis'against the will of.'

263. certiorem faceretSee 136, note.

265. ut ... videreturthe subject to accidit. 'It happened that,' etc. This construction is here used instead of the accusative and infinitive.

opus est lucerna.Lat. Prim. § 119, a.

266. ut certior fieret'to be informed,' lit. 'in order that he might become more certain.'

sciendi.Lat. Prim. § 141, 2.

gratias ageret'gave thanks.'

inter legendas literas'while reading a letter.' This construction of the gerundive participle is elegantly used instead of the gerund; 'inter legendum literas.'Lat. Prim. § 143.