Pagina:Easy Latin Stories.djvu/130

Haec pagina nondum emendata est

ii8 EASY LATIN STORIES. [part iv. 224. in eo erat ut — * was on the point of.' Magis. — See 108, note. 225. mediiis — 'across the middle.' 226. Abydi — the locative. — See 16, note. de industria — 'on purpose.' ceitaminis navalis spectandL— JSo^. Prim. § 143. 227. ne quis — 'that no,' lit, 'lest any.' qui cog^eret — Subjunctive of consequence, qvi^ztalis ut, 'of such a kind as to.' — La$. Prim. § 160. 229. rationem nullam habuit — 'took no notice.' in hunc modum — 'as follows.' 230. Doriscus — a town in Thrace, or Turkey. 232. confisi — ' trusting,' a deponent participle from oonfido. 233. Salamis — an island off the south-west coast of Attica. 234. qua ratione— 'how.' Thermopylae — (the Hot Gates, so called from its hot springs) ; a pass leading from the state of Thessaly to that of Locris in N. Greece. The pass was very narrow ; on one side was a lofty mountain (Mount Oeta), on the other a deep morass and the sea. Artemisium — a tract of country on the north coast of Euboea. ab altero latere — ' on one side.' alter, ' one of two.' 236. Troezen— ^a city in Argolis, in the Peloponnesus. Aegina — ^an island in the Saronic gulf, near Attica. The Aeginetan navy was the second in Greece, that of the Athenians being the most powerful metum quemdam incussit barbaris — ' inspired the barbarians with a certain amount of fear. ' The Greeks called all foreign nations barbarians, praestitit se — ' showed himself.' veluti in frusta — ' into ribbons, so to speak.' 237. non minus quadringentas — ^understand quam after minus, otherwise quadringentas would have to be the ablative after the comparative minus. 238. qui exploraret — See 207, note. 239. Demaratus had been king of Sparta eleven years before, but having been deposed, had taken refuge with Xerxes, quominus intremus. — See 171, note, qui audeat = to/is tit. — Lai, Prim. § 150. 240. homines — ^viros, ' human beings ' and ' men.' Notice the distinction. expUcari — ' deploy,' a military term, meaning to open out, 242. sub noctem — 'at nightfall.' quae drcumvenirent. — See 207, note. 243. minime promptos — 'by no means resolute.' 244. ratio— 'account.' quibus gladii supererant — ' those who had swords left. '