Pagina:Easy Latin Stories.djvu/117

Haec pagina nondum emendata est

PART I. J NOTES. 105 Protesilans was worshipped as a hero ; he was the first Greek slain at the siege of Troy. Sestum.— i/o^. Prhn, § 101. 31. ex improviso — 'unexpectedly.' 32. ne veritus sis. — See 21, note. 33. ne hoc quidem — 'not even by this.' The emphatic word is always put between ne and quidem. ' 34. Spartae — ^the locatiye case. See 16, note. 36. Oedipum Coloneum — the 'Oedipus At Oolonus/ one of the most celebrated of Sophocles' plays. 36. Ljsander — one of the greatest Spartan generals, conquered Athens, B.a 404. Lacedaemone— the locative, 'at Lacedemon' (Sparta). 37. ne posneritis. — See 21, note. 38. Inferi — ' the gods below,' where the dead were supposed to be. 39. Cyrus minor — 'the younger Gyrus ' (to distinguish him from Cyrus, the founder of the Persian empire) revolted ttom. his brother, Artazerxes, who had succeeded to the throne, and was killed at the battle of Gunaxa, near Babylon, B.a 401. ordines — 'rows.* 40. magnoanimo. — Lot. Prim, § 115. The supreme power at Athens, after its capture by Lysander, b.c. 404, was placed in the hands of a body of thirty citizens, who got the name of the Thirty Tyrants. in vas emisit — an allusion to the game of cottabus ; in which the last drops of wine were jerked into a bowl, the object being to make a dear ringing sound. The player at the same time uttered the name of any one he loved. Here tiie point is that he says, ' This to the beautiful Oritias,' as though he loved him, when in reality he was his bitter enemy. 41. alium quendam — understand locum. Optimo quoque dve — 'all the best dtizeiis,' Hi, 'each best citizen.' 42. The battle of Thermopylae, in Thessaly, was fought by Leonidas at the head of 300 Spartans and a few allies, against the hosts of Xerxes, king of Persia, B.a 480. All the Qreeks were slain, pre- ferring death to dishonour. Lacaena — 'a Laconian woman' — ^Laconia, a country in the Pelopon- nesus, of which Sparta was the capitaL In hunc finem — 'to this end.' 43. Cyrenaeum — an inhabitant of (Jyrene, a town in N. Africa. 44. Carthago — Carthage, the rival of Rome, a city in N. Africa, founded by the Phoenicians. Sunt taSbL—Lctt. Prim, § 107, 0. ntnim . . • an . . . 'whether--or.