Pagina:Easy Latin Stories.djvu/115

Haec pagina nondum emendata est

NOTES. PART I. SIMPLE SENTENCES. EVERY Simple Sentence is either : — I. A Statement ; as Psittacos loquitur, The parrot speaks. II. A Command or Request ; as Loqnere, psittace. Speak, parrot. III. A Question; as Loqnitome psittacu s? Does the parrot speak?

  1. n1-1. apud — 'at the court of'
  1. n1-2 Corinth — a town on the isthmus which separates Northern Greece from the Peloponnesus (island of Pelops). — Lat. Prim. § 101.
  1. n1-3 ingentibus opibus comparatis.— Lat Prim. § 125.
  1. n1-4 Tarentum—now Taranto, the largest Greek city in Italy, on the golf of the same name. — Lat. Prim. § 121, c.
  1. n2-1 oblata—from offero.

3. redactus — ^fromredigo. mediam navem — 'the middle of the ship ;' so with other adjectiYes of position, as, snmmus mons — 'the top of the mountain.' -.4. Taenamm — ^now Gape Matapan, the most southern promontory of Greece, delatus — from defero. 5. midtam pecuniae — Ut. 'much of money.' — LaL Prim, § 131. 6L Massagetae — a wandering tribe in Central Asia. Scythae— a people of S. -E. Europe, stmili Scythamm — short for 'like those of the S.' V tor.— Lot. Prim, § 119, a. Ex equia — 'on horseback.' ad omnia — '/or eyerything.' cocta — ^from ooquo. 7. qiiisque . • • sepeliimt — 'They bnry . . . each fai his own.' 8. tmgulis bovinis — 'with the hoofs of an ox.' — Lot, Prim, § 115. magnitudine. — LaJt, Prim, § 116. 9. The phoenix was said to live five hundred years, and then to kill itself by fire, its ashes producing a young one. ex intervallo — 'after an interval' aliprum . . . aliorum — of some . . . of others. — See 91. note, drcumlitum — ^from circumlino. 10. magni — 'at a. high price.' — L(xt, Prim, § 128, a.