Pagina:Dialogues of Roman Life.djvu/151

Haec pagina emendata et bis lecta est

tonsor, -ōris, m., barber.

torqueo, -ēre, torsi, tortum, v. a., twist, hurl, heave.

torreo, -ēre, -ui, tostum, v. a., roast.

torus, -i, m., couch.

torvus, -a, -um, adj., sullen.

totidem, adj., indecl., of the same number, as many.

toties, adv., so often.

tōtus, -a, -um, adj., whole, entire.

traho, -ere, traxi, tractum, v. a., draw.

tranquillus, -a, -um, adj., quiet.

trans, prep. with acc., across.

transeo, -īre, -īvi or -ii, -itum, v. a., cross.

transfero, -ferre, -tuli, -lātum, v. a., carry across, transfer.

transmitto, -ere, -mīsi, -missum, v. a., let through.

trēs, tria, num. adj., three.

tribūnus, -i, m., tribune.

trīclīnium, -ii, n., dining-room.

tripūs, -odis, m., tripod.

tū, plur. vos, pers. pron. thou.

tuba, -ae, f., trumpet.

tuberculum, -i, n., swelling, boil.

tum, adv., then.

tumultus, -ūs, m., tumult.

tunica, -ae, f., tunic.

turba, -ae, f., crowd.

turris, -is, f., tower.

Tuscus, -a, -um, Etruscan; vicus T., a street in Rome.

tūtus, -a, -um, adj., safe.

tuus, -a, -um, possess. adj., thy, thine.

Tyrius, -a, -um, adj., of Tyre.

ubi, adv. and conj., where, when (where? when?).

ubinam, where, pray?

ubīque, adv., anywhere.

ūdus, -a, -um, adj., wet; ūdo, adv., in fresco.

ultimus, -a, -um, adj., superl., latest, last.

ultrā, prep. with acc., beyond.

ultro, adv., of one's own accord.

ululo, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, v. n., howl.

umbella, -ae, f. dim., parasol.

umbra, -ae, f., shade.

umbrāculum, -i, n. dim., shady place.

ūmidus, -a, -um, adj., wet.

uncus, -i, m., hook.

unde, adv. and conj., whence (whence?).

undecimus, -a, -um, adj., eleventh.

undique, adv., from or on all sides.

ungo, -ere, unxi, unctum, v. a., anoint.

unguentum, -i, n., perfume.

unguis, -is, m., nail; ad unguem, accurately.

ūnicus, -a, -um, adj., unique, singular.

ūniversus, -a, -um, adj., whole, universal.

unquam, adv., ever.

ūnus, -a, -um, num. adj., one; ūnā, adv., together.

ūnusquisque, adj. (both parts declined), each single one.

urbānitas, -ātis, f., politeness.

urbānus, -a, -um, adj., of a town, polite.

urbs, -is, f., city, town.

usquam, adv., anywhere.

usque, adv., continually, all the way.

ūsus, -ūs, m., use.

ut, adv. and conj., as, how, that, in order that.

uter, -ra, -rum, interrog. adj., which (of two)?