XXXVlll PREFACE. Annals. no intention with regard to it beyond making a faithful transcript. Other The earliest insertions of any interest (p. 365) are sources from Florence of Worcester, from whom the accounts of of the ' Worcester the early bishops of Worcester have been introduced into the blank spaces left by tlie transcriber of the Winchester MS. ; there are also some original additions respecting the gifts of lands to the church (p. 366), and one insertion from Marianus Scotus (p. 367) : otherwise Florence and his Continuator seem the only additional authorities till 1138, when Wendover begins, though sparingly, to be used. From 1141 there is a great deal in common with the Annals of Tewkesbury, and some entries seem to owe their origin to the Annals of Waverley. The Tewkesbury MS. is however certainly not the original, but would rather appear to have de- rived what it has in common with this Worcester chronicle from Worcester itself, probably from an earlier copy of the first portion of these annals.^ For instance, the account of the penance enjoined by the archbishop of Sens in 1209 (p. 397) has been mutilated by the Tewkes- bury annalist (p. 59) ; so in the account of the restora- tion of Worcester castle to the monks in 1217, the Tewkesbury annalist has curiously left out the name " Wygornipe ; " and in p. 408, just before the mention of the battle of Lincoln in 1217, the account given by the Worcester writer, " Legatus {i.e. Gualo) et Marescallus et " robur exercitus regii, &c." has been altered by the Tewkesbury blunderer into "legatus est Marescallus et " robur exercitus " (Tewkesbury, p. 63).^ From 1202^ the Vespasian MS. is for a time deserted, and the Worcester chronicle seems to be original, unless 1 The Tewkesbury MS. (Cotton, Cleopatra A. 7) is certainly con- siderably earlier than the Worcester MS. 2 See also the account of the re- markable dew which fell on June 24, 1205 (Worcester, p. 393 ; Tewkes- burj-, p. 57). ^ The events of 1201 and 1202 seem to be in a different hand fi'om the earlier portion.
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