XXX PREFACE. of tlie murder of Henry of Almaine at Viterbo, where there are many details not found elsewhere, Aymeri de Montfort is accused of having a share in it (p. 241). The Nor are the chief barons on De Montfort's side spared : he sneers at them as boys (quos vere et autouomatice pueros nominare possumus), and speaks of how easily they were lead by the earl, " tanquam cera liquescens ductiles ad " quamlibet fortunam" (p. 134),^ and their fury after- wards is denounced in no light terms (p. 135) ; even after the battle of Lewes, in speaking of the mise of Lewes, his only name for them is the " complices " of the earl of Leicester (p. 152). He speaks, however, strongly in a passage, which is unluckily corrupt, of the wretched rabble (vilissima peditum caterva — vilissimo sseviendi genere) who mutilated the earl's body at Evesham (p. 174). Richard of Of Richard of Cornwall's election as king of the Romans, and the price paid by him for it to the electors, there is a full and interesting account (pp. 112-115) ; his enormous influence in England is spoken of frequently (see p. 118),^ and his great wealth (cui semper ut assolet affluenter pecunia suppetebat), p. 204. There is a valuable notice of his efforts to improve matters in Ger- Cornwall. 1 This sentence is either corrupt or very awkward. - We do not always find the same avidissimus, pauperum oppressor violeutissimus." " A.D. 1264, feria sexta, videlicet vigilia Inventionis Sanctae high character given of him m the | . ^rucis, circa horam sextam de writers of this time. There is a ; . ^^jj^^j ^^^^^^ ^^^„ sagittarii et chronicle in the same volume j « ^^ ;„ ^y^,^^ j^ p^^^^j^j^ g^^^^^ wliich contains the Worcester An- ! . Marian de Tichesherst, in loco qui nals (Cotton, Caligula A. x), which : .< ^ppellatur Tlemenewelle, coram goes down to 1289, in which the . rege Henrico quarto, qui omnes do- following entries are given. . lose vocati ad pacem regis per con- "Hie [/.e. Richard of Cornwall] | " silium Ricardi regis Alemanniae " fuit erga omnes mulieres cujus- I " pracdictam mortem incurrerunt." " cunque professionis seu condi- This second paragraph is ex- " tionis luxuriosissimus, thesauro- tremely cm-ious. See the account " rum collector cupidissimus et | of the affair in Wykes, pp. 147, 148.
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