Haec pagina emendata est


Pliny (The Younger):
    founds school, 226
    hunting, 225
    on Christians, 124
    on ghosts, 91
    Vesuvius, 111

Pluto, 187

Poisoning, 114

Polydamas, 155

Pompey, 18, 43

Portents: see Omens and Auspicia

Proscenium, 73

Proserpina, 68, 185, 187

Prusias, 114

Pyramus, 211

    at Beneventum, 102
    introduces elephants into Italy, 102
    plan to poison, 114

Quarries at Syracuse, 99

Races, 78, 80

Rahab, 200

Red Beards of Domitii, 190

Red Sea, 58

Regillus, 190

    commander in Africa, 105
    kills monster serpent, 105
    messenger from Carthage, 126

Rhone; crossed by Hannibal, 103

    buildings, 143
    burned by Gauls, 143
    burned in Nero’s time, 144

Rubicon, 180

Sacrifice of Fabian family, 150

Samson, 37

Sejanus, 155

Sentinum, 169

Septentriones, 60

Serpents, 103, 104

Sham naval battles, 120

Sibyl, 188, 192

    dream, 228
    epitaph of Spartans, 173

Solomon, 220

Spartans; epitaph on, 173

sub iugum, 105

    quarries, 99
    taken by Romans, 70

Thapsus, 102

Theater, 71

Theseus, 26

Thisbe, 211

Tiberius; in grotto, 155

Ticinus, 207

Titus; siege of Jerusalem, 137

Tombs along roads, 132

Tossing in blanket, 81

Trajan; on Christians, 125

Trasimenus, 177

Trebia, 207

Veii, 148

Venusia, 84

    at Carmel, 140
    Cremona rebuilt, 207
    in the East, 137
    Nero’s tours, 76

Vesuvius, 108

    appetite, 134
    death, 133
    omen of fire, 158
    on Otho’s tomb, 133
    welcomed at Cremona, 197

Zama, 28, 114