Haec pagina nondum emendata est

Nemeaeu8, -8, -um, adj.,, Nemean, designation of a lion killed by Hercules near Nemea, in Greece. aoceō, němo, gen. and abl. suppied by and nlo), m., nobody, no one. Nemorēnsis, -, adj, a desigmation Diana. of nepōs, -ōtis, m., grandson; p., grandchildren. Nepōs, -btis, m., the uriter Cornelius Nepos. Neptūnius, -, -um, adj., Neptu- nian, built by Neptune. Neptūnus, -I, m., Neptune. neque, see nec. Nerō, -ởnis, m emeror 04o A der in the Second Punie W nesciő, -scire, -scivi, tr., not know, be ignorant; nescio quid, some- thing or other (wiūh gen.), some. nescius, -a, -um, adj., not knowing, knowing nothing (of). nēve, conj. (=et+n), and not; něve umquam, and that never. nidus, -i, m., nest. niger, -&ra, -grum, adj., black, dark, nihil, i anvthing: gcc, a8 ad., in no respect, not at all, no, nothing. nihilōminus, adv., nevertheless, none the less. nihilum, , ., nothing; gen., ni- hili, of no value; abl. as adv., nihilő, not at all. Nlus, -i, m., the Nile. nimis, adu., too. nimius, -a, -um, adj., too great, too Ninivě, -ts, f., Nineveh. nisi. coni, and ađu., unless; except, excepting. niz, nivis, f, snow. nō, nāre, năvi, intr., swim, nōbilis, -e, adj., distinguished, fa-

mous, of distinction, of good birth. aoceō, -ere, -ui, -itum, intr., do harn, harm. noctů, adu., at night, in the night, ing the night, by night, one night noctua, 4e, f., night owl. nōlo, n8lle, nōlui, tr. and intr., be unwilling, not wish, not want, refuse; will ... not? nōmen, -inis, ., name. nōn, adv., not, no. non diūtius, no longer; nỗn numquam, some- times, See iam and modo. nōndum, adu., not yet. nōnnūlli, -e, -a, adj., some; as oun, m. 8Ome People, aint nonus, -, tue. tr come to know, examine: perf. tense, know. noster, -tra, -trum, p088. adj., our, of ours, our own; pl. m., a8 nourn, our men, our people, our side, our friends. striking, note- notabis, nštus. -A, -um, adj., known; sup., well known, famous. novus, -a, -um, adj., strange, new; as noun, novum, -i, n. news, new. Sup., novissimus, -&, -um, last. See rěs. nox, noctis, f., night. See hic, mul- and , nūběs, -is, f., cloud. nūbō, nūbere, nūpsi, nūptum, intr., married. be Niceria, -4e, f., a toon in Umbria. nūdus, -a, -um, adj., bare. nūgātor, -ōris, m., trifßer, chest, im- poster nūllus, -&, -um, ad., no; m., a See nēmō). dns and nōnnili. modus