Haec pagina nondum emendata est

M M., abbre. of Marcus. michina, -ae, f., engine, mecha- -he- nism, contrivance. madidus, -, -um, adj., dripping, wet. maereō, -čre, tr. and intr., sorrow, grieve. maestitia, -&e, f, gloom, depression, Badnes8 maestus, -&, m, h anxiety, dejected, with anxiety, serious. MAgis, comp. adv., more, rather, better; up., marimě, especially, particularly, (very) greatly, very much, ever 8o much, exceedingly, wonderfully, terribly. very dan- gerously; yes; quam maximě, as much as possible, as... as possi- ble. See tanto. magister, -tri, m., teacher; captain (of ship). . offc fficial, magistras, nt ohce. Magna Mater (-tris, f.), a name of Cubele. magnificus, -&, -um, adj., splendid, imposing. magnitūdō, -inis, f., size. magnus, -a, -um, adj., large, great, much, mighty, important, seri- ous, 8evere, terrible; loud, shrill; wide: forced (march): magni putāre, judge of great worth. Comp., maior, -us, greater, larger louder; as noun, m., the elder atu arSun marimus. -A. -um mighty,, hearty, exceseive, ut- most, worst; tremendous, terrifie; deafening, resounding; extended unusually high. Magnus, -i, m., Pompey's cognomen. Māgo, -ōnis, m., one of Hannibal's |stuf, oficers.

Maharbal, -alis, m., one of Hanni- bal's oficers. maior, maius, see magnus. māla, -ae, f., cheek. male, adv. badly, dreadfully, ter- ribly, evilly, awfully; male dīcere, revile. See ago. malo, mālle, mlui, tr., prefer, malum, -i n, apple. adi., bad; poor malus, (verse); as noun, malum -, n., harm, los8, evil, misfortune, trou- ble, beating, evil (plight); pl., ills. See cruI and rěs. malus, -i, m., mast mandatum, I, n., direction, order. mẫne, adv., early, in the morning; this morning. m8net minsus man ad inlr. remain, wait, tarry, stay, stop, persist; await, wait for, be in store for. manifestus, -&, -um, adj., clear; caught in the act.. Mānius, i, m., a boy's or man's ame māno, -ảre, -āvi, -ā tum, intr, flow, mAnus, -ūs, f., hand. See cōnserő. MarathJnius, -&, -um, adj., of Marathon, a city in Greece. Mārcus, , m., a boy's or man's name. mare, -is, ., sea. maritimus, -&, -um, adj., of the sea, sea maritus, -i, m., husband. Marius, con- Marius, -ī, m, Gaius Marius, gueror of the Ci B. Mārtius, see campus mastigia, -ae, m., whipping-post, Villain. māter, -tris, f., mother. See Magna. māteria, -ae, and māteriēs, -ei, S., |stuf, material; timber.