Haec pagina nondum emendata est

imperő, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, intr., | order, demand, give order8, have -ūs, m., sttack, assault mp charge, inroad, force. See faciō. impingō, -pingere, -pēgi, -pāctus tr., let drive, burľ down, bring down impius, -a, -um, adj, wicked, im- implōro, -āre, -vi, -ātus, tr., beg for for, call impōnō, -pōnere, posui, positus tr., place on, place upon, put in. improbus, -a, -um, adj., wicked unprincipled. imprūděns, -entis, adj., unaware, thoughtless(ly). impudentia, -ae, f., impudence. impudicus, -a, -um, adj., shameless. punity, with- t ha rm without cost. imus, -a, -um, adj., inmost; ex imo, from the very bottom. See os (ossis). in, prep. wilh abl., in, within, at, among, on. in, prep. with acc., into, out into, to, n on:among: over: for. as. See diēs and praesēns. incautus, -&, -um, adj.. heedless, of guard. incedo, -cēdere, -cessi, -cessum, intr., come on, march. incendium, -i, n., fire. incendo, cenaer -cendi, -cēnsus, inflame, inspire, stir, anger, move, fill. incertus, -&, -um, adj., undecided, unsettled, not sure, not knowing. incidō, -cidere, -cidi, tr., fall (upon, into), run (into), happen. -ceptus), tr, CepPl, bein Incitātus, -, m., Flyer, name of race horse.

| incitō, -āre, -āvi, -ātus, tr., inspire, infuriate; part. as adj., īncitātus, (speed); cursū inci- tātō. at inclūdo, -clūdere, -clūsi,-clūsus, tr., imprison, shut up. incognitus, -a, -um, adj., untried, unkn and f., inhabitant, incola, -ae, m. native. incolō, -colere, -colui, tr., inhabit. incolumis, -e, adj., unharmed, safe. incumbo, -cumbere, -cubui, -cubi- tum, intr., fall (upon). incūsō, āre, -āvi, tus, try up braid, blame, complain of. inde, adv., thence, from there, from ence, therefrom; from it, from them indecōrus, -a, -um, adj., unseemly. Indi, -ōrum, m., the people of In- India, -ae, f., India. indicium, -i, ., sign, atement. indignus, -a, -um, adj., shameful, disgraceful, a disgrace (to). indo, -đere, -didi, -ditus, tr., apply, give. nduco, -dicere, -dūri, -đuctus, tr. invite, actuate, encourage, in- spire, induce, persuade. induō, -duere, -dui, -dūtus, tr. dress, dress up; part., indūtus, -&, clad. -um, ineō, -ire, -ii, -itus, tr. and intr., enter, enter into; consider, adopt eintis: h imente etāte from etate, earliest youth. ineptus, -&, -um, adj., silly. inermis, -e, adj., unarmed, without weapon. a infāmis, -e, adj., of evil report (re- pute); unfavorable.