Haec pagina nondum emendata est

Graecia, -ae, f., Greece grandis, -€, adj., great, large amount of. grātia, -ae, f., favor, infuence, ap- preciation, gratitude; pl., thanks; abl. grả tiả, for the sake (of), to. See valeō. um, adi.. acceptable, pleasing, welcome, delightiul. gravis, -e, adj., heavy, 8evere, serious, grievous; weighed down. graviter, ado., heavily, seriously, grievously. gremium, -, n., bo8om, embrace, arm8. grex, gregis, m., herd. gubernātor, -ōris, m., helmsman. gustő, -ăre, -āvi, -ātus, tr. and intr., take lunch, taste.get a taste of Ggěs, -is, m., finder of the mamic ring. H haběna, -ae, f., rein. habeō, -re, -ui, -itus, tr., have, be provided with, hold, keep, main- me deliver a speech), feel (gatitude), pay (honor); put (confidence in) ; pass., (of talk) go on; castra haběre, ita habếre, treat s0' ladihrH habēre, make a mock, laughing- stock (of); nōn habēre, not know; rēs ita sẽ habēre, such be the Tac kre. feel, be 1stie ed; g rectě habere, be all right. habitō, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, intr., live, dwel habitus, ůs, m., dress; posture. Hadriānus, -, m., Hadrian, emperor 117-188 A.D. Hadriāticus, -&, -um, adj., Adriatic. hahahae, indecl., the sound of a laugh.

Hamilcar, -aris, m., the father of Hannibal. Hannibal, -alis, m., Hannibal. harena, -ae, f., sand, strand, beach; arena. harundo, -inis, f., reed. Hasdrubal, -alis, m., the brother of Hannibal. haud, adv., by no means, not at all, bauriō, heurire heet e tus. tr draw, drink, swallow, swallow up- Hector, -oris, m., a Trojan hero heia, interj., hey-day, whoops! herba, -ae, f-, graS8; p., grass, vege- tation. Herculės, -is, m., Hercules; hercle, by Hercules, by Jovel See nūntiō. heri, adv., yesterday. heu, interj., alas! heus (monosyl.), interj., ho there, hello! hiātus, -is, m., cleft, hole hibernus, &, 5 adj., of winter, herms, -ōrum, win winter quarters. hic, adu., here, in this neighborhood. bic, haec, hoc, dem. pron. and adj. this, this next, thīs coming, this last; that; such; hāc nocte, to- night; hic .. ile, the one ec.:1eut. l. this, See proximus. hiems, hiemis, f., winter. Hierosolyma, -ōrum, n.. Jerusalem. 0sog

cheerful, joyful, in

hilaris. good soirita hinc, adu., from here, from this. Hippomeněs, -ae, m., viclor in the race with Alalanta. Hispănia, -ae, f., Spain. Historia (-ae, f.) Nātūrālis, Natural History, a work of the elder Pliny. hodiē, adv., today. homō, -inis, m. and f., man, fellow, person; pl., peoplc.