Haec pagina nondum emendata est

Frisii, -ōrum, m., a people of north- ern Germany frōns, frontis, f., forehead; in fronte, in front. frūmentum, -I, ., grain; pl., crops. frūstra, adv., in vain, to no purpose, without reason, all for nothing. Fūfus, -i, m., the name of an aclor. fuga, -ae, f., flight, retreat, rout, fugio, fugere, fagi, fugitūrus, tr, and intr., ee, run, take to flight; flee from, leave; part. as adj., fugiēns, -entis, 8Oaring; 48 nounh, m. fugitive fugitivus, ,-um, adj., runaway; noun, fugitivus, -i, m., runaway slave. fugō, -āre, -&vi, -&tus, tr., put to hight, chase, rout, defeat. fulgeō, fulgēre, fulstl, intr., shine; part. as adj., fuigěns, -entis, gleaming. fulgor, -oris, n., glow, flashing. fūmus, -i, m., smnoke. funda, -ae, f., aling. fundāmentum, -i, n., foundation. Fundi, -ōrum, m., a town in Latium. fundo, fundere, fūdi, fūsus, tr., let Bcatter fundus, -i, m., farm; bottom. fungor, fungi, fūnctus sum, intr., rfo fānis, -is, m., rope, cable. fūnus, -eris, n., funeral, burial, death. fūr, fūris, m., thief. furca, -ae, f., pitchfork. furcifer, eri, m., gallows bird, vil- lain. Furculae (-Arum, f.) Caudinae, the Caudine Fork8 in Campant, Dere defeated by the Samnites, 391 B.C. otolthily, quietly. fūrtim, adu., stealthily, quietly. fūstis, -is, m., stick, club.

G Glius, GAI,m.,a boy's or man's name. Galba, -ae, m., Servius Galba, em- peror 68-69 A.D. galěrus, , m., wig- Galli, rum, m., the Gauls. Gallia, -ae, f, Gaul; Gali Trảns- alpina, Transalpine Gaul. Gallicus, , -um, adj., Gallic. galina, -4e, J., chicken. gaudeō, gaudēre, găvisus sum, intr., be glad, rejoice, be pleased, revel (in). gaudium, -4, n., joy. gelidus, -4, -um, adj., cold, cool. gelus, -ūs, m., frost, icy coldness, ebill. gemma, -ae, f., precious stone, gem. Gemōniae, -Ārum, f., the steps down ohich the bodies of criminals toere dragged to the Tiber. generosus, -4, -um, adj., chivalrous, noble. gěns, gentis, f., nation, race, people, Tamily, clan. breoderi, , kind, class. sort, Germāni, -ōrum, m., the GerMans. Germānia, -ae, ., Germany. Germānicus, -&, -um, adj., in Ger- many. gerō, gerere, gessi, gestus, tr., con- duct, wear, wage (uoar); se gerere, act, behave; rem feliciter gerere, hght with good fortune, See rēs. gigis, -antis, m., giant. gladiātor, -ōris, m., gladiator. gladius, -, m., sword. glōria, -ae, f., glory. glōrior, -iri, -&tus sum, intr., boast, exult. Gnaeus, -, m., a boy's or man's name. gradus, -ūs, M., step, pace. See addo.