Haec pagina nondum emendata est

erprimō, -primere, -pressi, pres- sus, tr., set forth, express. erprobrō, -āre, -āvi, -štus, tr, taunt, proclaim, expugnő, -āre, -&v, -itus, tr., take by storm, take, Bubaue. i -auisi- exquiro re into, study into, seek out, fnd out. exsiliō, -silire, -silui, intr., leap up, leap out, leap. exsilium, -i, n., exile. exsistō, -sistere, -stiti, intr., occur. exspectō, -āre, āvi, -Atus, tr. and tntr., expect, wait, await, wait for. -strñctus exstruo, Stuere sa P pile up; set forth; cover, spread, load (a table). exsulő, -āre, -avi, -ttum, intr., be an exile. extrahō, -trahere, -trăzi, -tractus, tr., protract, drag out, draw. extremus, -&, -um, adj., farthest, emotest, far away; end of, edge of extuli, see effero. F Fabius, -a, -um, adj., Fabian. Fabius, -i, m., f Honnibal: Caeso S Maxi- Fabius, leader in a war with Veii; pl., the Fabii. Fabricius, -i, m., Gaius Fabricius, opponent of Pyrrhus. fābula, -ae, f., story. facētus, -&, -um, adj., witty, funny. faciēs, -ēi,j., appearance. facile, adv., easily. facilis, -e, adj., easy. facinus, -oris, n., deed, action, un- dertaking: crime. facio, facere, feci, factus, tr, do, make, act, commit; celebrate |

(marriage), grant, give (permis- sion), kindle (re), suffer (loss), write (verses); iter facere, attack: stipendia facere, serve (in army); fac, see that; with gen. of value, count, hold, think, re- gard, care for. See certus, fiō, 18, and Pa factiō, -ōnis, J., faction, party ctm , deed, action, thing; facultăs, -ātis, f., opportunity, privi- lege. Falěrii, -ōrum, m., a town in Etruria. Falernus, -&, -um, adj., Falernian, designation of a distrid in Latium and Campania. fallő, fallere, fefelli, falsus, tr., fail, mialead: escare, give the slip to; break (uword); pass., be mistaken. falsō, ad., falsely. fāma, -ae, f., report, fame, story. faměs, -is, f., hunger. familia, -ae I(and -šs), f, family; retinue, establishment (of slaves). familiāris, -is, m., intimate friend, intimate, close friend, crony; rēs liāris, prope tes Fānum For- An tūnae, a toen in Umbria. fatigō, -āre, -āvi, -itus, tr., weary, tire out. fātum, -i, n.; sing. and pl., fate. Faventia, -ae, f., a city of northern Italy. fax, facis, j, irebrand; pl., fire. fefelli, see fallő. feliciter, adu., successfully, fortu- nately, with good fortune, hap- piy falix -icis, gdi., lucky, happy. -1C1S fmin Tēmina, -ae, f., woman. enestra, -4e,J " l ild besst. tera, -ae, J, wild animal, wil ferě, adv., almost, about.