Haec pagina nondum emendata est

clārus, -a, -um, adj., famous, illus- | trious; bright; loud. classis, -is, J., feet. Claudia, -ae, f., name of a Roman matrom. Claudius, m 1-54 N commander in the Second Punic War. cdaudō, claudere,, clausi, clausus, tr., close, encircle claudus, -4, -um, adj., lame. clēmenter, adv., mercifully, gently, mildly. clēmentia, -ae, f., mercy, clemency cloāca, -ae, f., 8ewer. Ca., abbrev. of Gnaeus. coepī, -isse, tr., began. cōgitātio, -ōnis, , thought, though think, th -Avi, -ktus, tr. and intr., cognātus, -, m., blood relation, relative. cognōmen, -inis, n., nickname, by. name. cognōsCo, -nōscere, -nōvi, -nitus r., learn, find, hear, be informed, know; try (a case). See stu- dium. Cōgo, cogere, cočgi, coāctus, tr., Oblhge, compel, constrair bi lize: pas8., must: gather cohors, -rtis, f., cohort. cohortatiō, -ōnis, f., encouragement, suggestion, request. collātus, see cōnferō. collēga, -ae, m., colleague. coll ather -legi, -lěctus, tr- collis, -is, m., hill. collocō, Are, -āvi, -Atus, tr., put, pas., be situated, stand. lie

colloquor, -loqui, -locūtus sum, intr., talk, converse, exchange words. collum, -i, n., neck. columba, -&e, f., dove. Cōmēnsēs, -ium, m., the people of Comum comes, -itis, m. and f., attendant, Cōmitss. -Atis. f.. courtesy, kindli- ness, consideration, politenes8. cōmiter, adv., affably, kindly. comitor, -āri, -ātus sum, tr., attend, accompany commemorō, -Āre, -Avi, -štus, tr., tell, mention, relate. committō, -mittere, -misi, mis- sus, tr., intrust, commit, Bss1n n8of a bottle) be fought, take place. commodě, adv., readily, con- veniently, comfortably. commodō, -āre, -āvi, -ātus, tr., lend, loan. commoveō, -mověre, -mōvi, -mốtus, AKe iomveite work un, move, P, move, actuate, interest. commūnis, -e, ad,, common; in commūne, in common. comparo, -Āre, -āvi, -ātus, tr., pro- vide, supply, get ready, acquire, store up; compare. comperio, -perire, -peri, -pertus, tr., compleō, -plēre, plēvi, -plētus, tr., 6ll. sl up: part. as adj., com- plětus, -a, -um, full. complexus, -ūs, m., embrace; arms. complūrēs, -a, adj., several, some, a few, quite a number of." compōnō, -pōnere, -posui, -positus, tr., settle, adjust. comprehendō,prehendere, -Pre- Sus, tr, arrest. comprim -Dres- sus, tr. check, stop, imprison,