Haec pagina nondum emendata est

caedō, caedere, cecidi, caesus, tr., | cut, hack at, slay. caelum, , n., sky, heaven. Caesar, aris, m.,, in, particular

pl., the Caesars,

the emperors. Caesō, -ōnis, m., a name used in th Fabian family. Calėdonin, -ae, f., Scotland. caliga, -ae,f, half-boot. cāligō, -inis, f., mist. Caligula, -ae, m., a popular name for the emperor Gaius Caesar, who reigned s7-41 AD callidē, adv, skillfully, cleverly. callidus,, -4, -um, adj., canny, shrewa rN run name of a branch calvitiēs, -ěi, f., baldness. calvus, -&, -um, adj., bald; as noun calvus, , m, baldheaded man."carpō, camera, -ae, f., cabin. Campānia, -ae, f., a district in Italy, aouth of Latium. campus, m., field; Campus MArtius "Mars Field"), a dis- trict o Rome. , crab CAncer, adi. white, shin- idus, -&, -um, adj., white, shin- ing. canis, -is, m. and f., dog. Canněnsis, -e, adj, of Cannae, city of 8outheast Tialy. canō, canere, cecini, tr. and intr., sing, sing of, predict; play, Bound -Avi, -ātus, tr. and intr., Bing, chant. cantus, -ūs, m., singing, music. capella, -ae, f., goat. Capěnus, -&, -um, adj., designation of one of the inner gates of Rome. capillus, -i, m., hair. capiō, capere, cepl, captus, tT CP Captivate, attract, gain, seize, of partake

n, the Capitol al Capitōlium, Rome, the Capitoline HHI, captivus, -a, -um, adj., captive; as nOun, captivus, -, m., prisoner. capto,, -āre, -di, -ātus, tr., catch, Capua, -ae, f., a toun of Campania. caput, -itis, ., head, source; chap- ter; in caput, headlong. See damno. carcer, -eris, n., prison. careo, -ēre, -ui, -itūrus, intr., ab- stain, be free (from); get along (without). Cana, ae, J., a district of Asia Carmělus, -, m., Carmel, a moun- Syria. tain of carmen, -inis, n., poem, lay, chant, 8Ong. carō, carnis, f., ffesh, meat. man."carpō, carpere, carpsī, carptus, tr., pick; travel, pursue; iter carpere, journey, travel. enses, -ium, m., the Carthāgō, -inis, f., Carthage. cārus, -a, -um, adj., dear, beloved; as noun, carus, -, m., dear one, darling. csa. -ae, f., hut, cot cottage, cot. castigō, -āre, -āvi, -ātus, tr., re- prove, scold, take to task. castra, -ōrum, n., camp. See habeō pōno. and cāsus, -ūs, m., accident, chance; fate, misfortune; fall; case. catěna, -ae, f., chain. Catilina, -ae, m., Lucius Sergius e, eader of a conspiracy in Catius. Ouintus Catius Romanicer in the Second Punic War. Catullus, -i, m., a Roman poet of Cicero's time.