Haec pagina nondum emendata est

VOCABULARY A A, ab, prep. with abl., by, from, of "See frōns, latus, and tergum. abdūcō, -dūcere, -đūri, -đuctus, tr., take away. abeō, -ire, -i, -itum, tntt., o w be off, get away, come away; go, go off, go on, go forward, go out, wander of, keep off; move, start, 8et out; (of the day) decline, ( pass. ttme) hhi g jeci, -iectus, tr. throw away; throw, cast. ablātus, see auferō. abnuō, -nuere, -nui, -nuitūrus, tr. and intr., shake head; refuse, reject. abscidő, -cidere, -cidi, -cisus, tr., cut off. abscondō, -condere,-condi, -con- aitus, lT-, Conceal, hide. abstuli, 8ee tu , āfui, i afutūrus, intr. auR ent be awAY, be out, be distant; lack, be lacking. absurdus, -&, -um, adj., ridiculous: bad (uriting). abundō, -āre, -āvi, -&tum, intr. abound; part. as adj., abun dāns, -antis, lavish. ac, atque, conj., and. See aeque. accēdō h drnear dra (closer):; advance, step up, come up, come on, come, move (toward); impers. third sing., it is &dded, etc. 241

accelerō, -āre, -āvi, -Atus, tr. and intr., hasten, hurry on. accendō, -cendere, -cendi, -cēnsus, tr., light; cheer on. accidō, -cidere, -cidi, intr., happen. eentecele take: reet wel' come, deal with; suffer (defeat); hospitiō accipere, receive hos- pitably, entertain; acceptus,, -ā, um,, part. as adj., agreeable, ācer, -cris, -cre, adj., fierce; pierc- ing. acerbus, -&, -um, adj., bitter. acervus, -i, m., heap. Achaia, -ae, f., the Roman province of Greece. Āchăn, indecl., a Hebrew who se- creted part of the spoils of Jericho. Acheron, -ontis, m., a rwer of the Lower World," aciēs, -ēi,f., battle-ine, line of bat- tle, line, army. ācriter, adu., fiercely, sharply, stren- uously, vigorously, energetically. acůtus, -&, -um, adj., sharp. ad, prep. ith acc. to, (up) to, bouse of, to the establishment of, to the presence of; near; according to, to the accompaniment of. See ūnus, usque, and versus (prep.). addő, -dere, -didi,-ditus, tr., add; gradum addere, hurry, hasten. addūco, -dūcere, -dūxi, -ductus, tr. bring on, bring r ring e up; pasS8., come; vercome.