Disputatio Libri:Columellae opera.djvu

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The text comes from a Match and Split of a different edition: De Re Rustica. There are many small typographical differences to fix (et vs &; ae/oe vs æ, œ; j vs i, es. cujus vs cuius; punctuation) and pretty often splitting is not so accurate (some words need to be moved from previous to following page). Some of substitutions can be automatized by itsourcetools.

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Per caricare
Selezionare l'oggetto json seguente (in modifica) e premere il pulsante load regex
Per salvare
cancellare l'oggetto json (in modifica) e premere il pulsante save regex

{"ae":["ae","æ","g"],"oe":["oe","œ","g"],"AE":["AE","Æ","g"],"OE":["OE","Œ","g"],"cuius":["cuius","cujus","g"],"Cuius":["Cuius","Cujus","g"],"\\n\\[\\d+\\] ":["\\n\\[\\d+\\] "," ","g"],"\\ et\\ ":["\\ et\\ "," & ","g"],"\\ iam \\ ":["\\ iam \\ "," jam ","g"],"\\ eius\\ ":["\\ eius\\ "," ejus ","g"]}

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