Disputatio:De brevitate vitae

Latest comment: abhinc 2 annos by 2001:B07:6475:A733:70C1:5603:312:FFD4 in topic Error in the third paragraph
De brevitate vitae
Editio : L. Annaeus Seneca, De brevitate vitae, in Moral Essays: volume 2, John W. Basore recensuit, London and New York, Heinemann, 1932
Fons : Corpus Corporum, http://mlat.uzh.ch/?c=5&w=Seneca.DeBrev
Alii Fontēs :
Operis qualitas : 75%
Nota :
Bis lectus et emendatus:
scriptum emendare

Error in the third paragraph


It is not abstuleris, but abstulerit. 2001:B07:6475:A733:70C1:5603:312:FFD4 22:31, 27 Iulii 2022 (UTC)Reply

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