Cornelii Nepotis Vitae (Hamilton)/Titus Pomponius Atticus

 XXIV. M. Porcius Cato

I recensere

Titus Pomponius Atticus, generatus ab
Titus Pomponius Atticus, descended from
ultima origine Romanae stirpis, obtinuit
the most distant origin of Roman stem, obtained
equestrem dignitatem acceptam perpetuo a
the equestrian dignity received uninterruptedly from
maioribus. Usus-est diligente, indulgente
ancestors. He used (experienced) a diligent, indulgent
patre, et, ut tempora tum erant, diti, que
father, and, as times then were, rich, and
in-primis studioso litterarum; hic, prout ipse
especially studious of letters; he, as himself
amabat litteras, erudivit filium omnibus doctrinis,
did love letters, taught son in all instructions,
quibus puerilis aetas debet impertiri.
with which the puerile age ought to be made acquainted.
Autem erat in puero, praeter docilitatem ingenii,
But there was in the boy, besides docility of genius,
summa suavitas oris ac vocis, ut
the highest sweetness of countenance and of voice, so that
acciperet (sub.) non solum celeriter, quae
he did receive not only quickly, what (things)
tradebantur, sed etiam pronuntiaret (sub.) excellenter.
were delivered, but also did pronounce excellently.
Ex qua re ferebatur nobilis inter
From which thing he was reported noble among
aequales in pueritia que exsplendescebat clarius,
equals in boyhood, and did shine forth more brightly,
quam generosi condiscipuli possent (sub.) ferre
than the high-born schoolfellows were able to bear
aequo animo. Itaque incitabat omnes suo
with equal mind. Therefore he did incite all by his
studio; in quo numero fuerunt Lucius
studiousness; in which number were Lucius
Torquatus, Caius Marius filius, Marcus Cicero,
Torquatus, Caius Marius the son, Marcus Cicero,
quos devinxit sic sibi sua consuetudine,
whom he bound so to himself by his intimacy,
ut nemo fuerit (sub.) perpetuo carior iis.
that nobody was perpetually more dear to them.

II recensere

Pater decessit mature. Ipse adolescentulus
The father departed early. Himself a very young man
propter affinitatem Publii Sulpicii, qui
on account of the affinity of Publius Sulpicius, who
interfectus-est tribunus plebis, fuit non expers
was slain tribune of the people, was not free
illius periculi. Namque Anicia, consobrina
of that danger. For Anicia, the cousin
Pomponii, nupserat Marco Servio, fratri
of Pomponius, had married to Marcus Servius, brother
Sulpicii. Itaque Sulpicio interfecto, posteaquam
of Sulpicius. Therefore Sulpicius being slain, after that
vidit civitatem esse perturbatam Cinnano tumultu,
he saw the state to be disturbed by Cinnan tumult,
neque facultatem dari sibi vivendi pro
nor power to be given to himself of living according to
dignitate, quin offenderet alterutram partem,
dignity, but that he would offend one or other party,
animis civium dissociatis, quum alii
the minds of the citizens being disjoined, when some
faverent (sub.) Sullanis, alii Cinnanis partibus,
did favor to Syllan, others to Cinnan parties,
ratus idoneum tempus obsequendi suis studiis,
thinking (it) fit time of complying to his studies,
contulit se Athenas. Neque secius
he betook himself (to) Athens. Nor the less
eo iuvit adolescentem Marium, iudicatum
on that account he helped the young Marius, being judged
hostem, suis opibus; fugam cuius
an enemy, with his resources; the flight (exile) of whom
sublevavit pecunia. Ac, ne illa peregrinatio
he relieved with money. And, lest that residence abroad
afferret aliquod detrimentum familiari rei,
should bring any loss to family thing,
traiecit magnam partem suarum fortunarum
he carried over great part of his fortunes
eodem. Hic vixit ita, ut esset (sub.)
to the same place. Here he lived so, that he was
merito carissimus universis Atheniensibus. Nam
deservedly most dear to the whole Athenians. For
praeter gratiam, quae erat iam magna in
besides the favour, which was now great in
adolescentulo, levavit saepe publicam inopiam
the young man, he relieved often the public want
eorum suis opibus. Enim quum esset (sub.)
of them with his resources. For when it was
necesse facere versuram publice, neque
necessary to make borrowing publicly, neither
haberent (sub.) aequam conditionem eius, interposuit
had they just condition of it, he interposed
se semper, atque ita, ut neque acceperit (sub.)
himself always, and so, that neither he received
umquam usuram ab iis, neque passus-sit (sub.)
ever interest from them, nor suffered
[eos] debere longius quam dictum-esset (sub.).
[them] to owe longer than had been said.
Utrumque quod erat salutare iis. Nam
Both which was salutary to them. For
neque patiebatur alienum-aes eorum inveterascere
neither did he suffer the debt of them to grow old
indulgendo, neque crescere usuris multiplicandis.
by indulging, nor to increase by interests to be multiplied.
Auxit hoc officium alia liberalitate quoque.
He increased this kind office by another liberality also.
Nam donavit universos frumento, ita ut sex
For he presented the whole with corn, so that six
modii tritici darentur (sub.) singulis; qui
measures of wheat were given to each; which
modus mensurae appellatur Medimnus Athenis.
kind of measure is called Medimnus at Athens.

III recensere

Autem gerebat se hic sic, ut
But he did carry (conduct) himself here so, that
videretur (sub.) communis infimis, par
he did seem common to the lowest, equal
principibus. Quo factum-est, ut haberent (sub.)
to the chiefs. By which it happened, that they held
publice omnes honores huic, quos possent (sub.),
publicly all honours to him, which they were able,
que studerent (sub.) facere civem. Ille
and did desire to make (him) a citizen. He
noluit uti quo beneficio. [Quod nonnulli
was unwilling to use which kindness. [Because some
interpretantur ita, Romanam civitatem amitti,
interpret so, the Roman citizenship to be lost,
alia adscita.] Quamdiu adfuit,
another being acquired.] As long as he was present,
restitit, ne qua statua poneretur sibi;
he resisted, lest any statue should be placed to himself;
absens, potuit non prohibere. Itaque posuerunt
absent, he could not to hinder. Therefore they placed
aliquot ipsi et Phidiae sanctissimis locis.
some to himself and to Phidias in the most sacred places.
Enim in omni procuratione reipublicae, habebant
For in all the management of the republic, they had
hunc actorem, que auctorem. Igitur illud
this (latter) agent, and author. Therefore that
primum munus fortunae, quod natus-est in ea
first gift of fortune, that he was born in that
urbe potissimum, in qua esset (sub.) domicilium
city chiefly, in which was the abode
imperii orbis terrarum, ut haberet (sub.)
of the empire of the globe of the earths, that he had
eamdem et patriam et domum: hoc specimen
the same both country and home: this a specimen
prudentiae, quod, quum contulisset (sub.) se in
of prudence, that, when he had betaken himself into
eam civitatem, quae praestaret (sub.) omnes
that city, which did excel all
antiquitate, humanitate, doctrina, fuit unus
in antiquity, in politeness, in learning, he was alone
carissimus ei ante alios.
most dear to it before others.

IV recensere

Quum Sulla decendens ex Asia venisset (sub.)
When Sulla departing out of Asia had come
huc, quamdiu fuit ibi, habuit Pomponium
hither, as long as he was there, he had Pomponius
secum, captus et humanitate et
with him, being taken both with the politeness and
doctrina adolescentis. Enim loquebatur
learning of the young man. For he did speak
Graece sic, ut videretur natus Athenis.
in the Greek so, that he might seem born in Athens.
Autem tanta erat suavitas Latini sermonis,
But so great was sweetness of the Latin speech,
ut appareret (sub.) quemdam nativum leporem
that it did appear a certain native pleasantness
esse in eo, non adscitum. Idem pronuntiabat
to be in him, not acquired. The same did pronounce
poemata et Graece et Latine sic, ut
poems both in-Greek and in-Latin so, that
nihil posset (sub.) addi supra. Quibus rebus
nothing could to be added above. By which things
factum-est, ut Sulla nusquam dimitteret [eum]
it happened, that Sulla nowhere would dismiss [him]
ab se, que cuperet (sub.) deducere secum.
from himself, and did desire to bring with him.
Qui quum tentaret (sub.) persuadere, Noli,
Who when he did try to persuade, Be unwilling,
oro te, inquit Pomponius, velle ducere
I entreat thee, says Pomponius, to wish to lead
me adversum eos, cum quibus ne ferrem
me against those, with whom lest I might bear
arma contra te, reliqui Italiam. At Sulla,
arms against thee, I left Italy. But Sulla,
officio adolescentis collaudato, proficiscens
the dutifulness of the young man being praised, setting out
iussit omnia munera, qua acceperat
ordered all the presents, which he had received
Athenis, deferri ei. Moratus complures
in Athens, to be transferred to him. Having tarried many
annos hic, quum daret (sub.) et tantum operae
years here, when he did give both so much of work
familiari rei, quantum non indiligens paterfamilias
to family affair, as not idle master of family
deberet (sub.), et tribueret (sub.) omnia reliqua
ought, and did bestow all the remaining
tempora aut litteris aut reipublicae
times either to letters or to the republic
Atheniensium, nihilominus praestitit urbana
of the Athenians, nothing the less he performed civil
officia amicis. Nam ventitavit et ad
offices to friends. For he came frequently both to
comitia eorum, et, si qua maior res
the assemblies of them, and, if any greater thing
acta-est, defuit non: sicut praebuit
was done, he was wanting not: as he afforded
singularem fidem Ciceroni in omnibus periculis
singular faith to Cicero in all the dangers
[eius]; cui fugienti ex patria donavit
[of him]; to whom fleeing out of country he presented
ducenta et quinquaginta millia sestertiorum.[1]
two hundred and fifty thousand of sesterces.
Autem Romanis rebus tranquillatis, remigravit
But the Roman things being tranquillized, he returned
Romam, ut opinor, Lucio Cotta et Lucio
(to) Rome, as I think, Lucius Cotta and Lucius
Torquato consulibus; quem diem universa
Torquatus (being) consuls; which day the whole
civitas Atheniensium sic prosecuta-est ut
city of the Athenians so followed that
indicaret (sub.) dolorem futuri desiderii lacrimis.
it did shew grief of future desire with tears.

V recensere

Habebat avunculum, Quintum Caecilium, Romanum
He had an uncle, Quintus Caecilius, a Roman
equitem, familiarem Lucii Luculli, divitem,
knight, an acquaintance of Lucius Lucullus, rich,
difficillima natura, asperitatem cuius veritus-est
with most difficult nature, the roughness of whom he dreaded
sic, ut retinuerit (sub.) ad summam senectutem
so, that he retained to highest old age
sine offensione benevolentiam huius, quem nemo
without offence the good will of him, whom nobody
posset (sub.) ferre. Quo facto tulit fructum
was able to bear. By which deed he bore the fruit
pietatis. Enim Caecilius moriens adoptavit eum
of affection. For Caecilius dying adopted him
testamento, que fecit heredem ex dodrante;[2]
by will, and made (him) heir of three-fourths;
ex qua hereditate accepit circiter
from which inheritance he received about
centies[3] sestertiorum. Soror
a hundred hundred thousand of sesterces. The sister
Attici nupta-erat Quinto Tullio Ciceroni,
of Atticus had been married to Quintus Tullius Cicero,
que Marcus Cicero conciliarat eas nuptias,
and Marcus Cicero had brought about these nuptials,
cum quo vivebat coniunctissime a
with whom he did live most intimately from
condiscipulatu, etiam multo familiarius quam
school-fellowship, even much more familiarly than
cum Quinto, ut possit iudicari,
with Quintus, so that it may be able to be judged,
similitudinem morum valere plus in amicitia,
similarity of manners to avail more in friendship,
quam affinitatem. Autem utebatur Quinto
than relationship. But he did use Quintus
Hortensio intime, qui tenebat principatum
Hortensius intimately, who did hold the principal place
eloquentiae his temporibus, ut posset (sub.)
of eloquence in these times, that it could
non intelligi, uter diligeret (sub.)
not to be understood, which of the two did love
eum plus, Cicero an Hortensius: et efficiebat
him more, Cicero or Hortensius: and he did effect
id, quod erat difficillimum, ut nulla
that, which was most difficult, that no
obtrectatio intercederet (sub.), inter quos
detraction did come between, between whom
esset (sub.) aemulatio tantae laudis, que
was emulation of so great praise, and
esset (sub.) copula talium virorum.
he was the bond of such men.

VI recensere

Versatus-est ita in republica, ut semper
He was engaged so in the republic, that always
et esset (sub.) et existimaretur (sub.) optimarum
both he was, and was esteemed of noble
partium, neque tamen committeret (sub.) se
parties, nor however did he commit himself
civilibus fluctibus, quod arbitrabatur (sub.) eos
to civil billows, because he did think those
esse non magis in sua potestate, qui
to be not more in their own power, who
dedissent (sub.) se iis, quam qui
had given themselves to them, than who
iactarentur (sub.) maritimis. Petit non
were tossed by maritime (billows.) He sought not
honores, quum paterent (sub.) ei, propter
honours, when they were open to him, on account of
vel gratiam vel dignitatem; quod possent (sub.)
either favour or dignity; because they could
neque peti more maiorum, neque capi,
neither to be sought by custom of ancestors, nor to be taken,
legibus conservatis, in tam effusis largitionibus
the laws being preserved, in so profuse largesses
ambitus, neque geri e-republica
of canvassing, nor to be carried on to the advantage of the state
sine periculo, moribus civitatis
without danger, the manners of the state
corruptis. Accessit numquam ad publicam hastam.[4]
being corrupted. He came never to the public spear.
Factus-est neque praes, neque manceps nullius
He was made neither surety, nor farmer of no
rei. Accusavit neminem neque suo nomine,
thing. He accused nobody neither in his own name,
neque subscribens. Iit numquam in ius de
nor subscribing. He went never into law about
sua re; habuit nullum iudicium. Accepit
his own thing; he had no trial. He received
praefecturas delatas multorum consulum que
commands conferred of many consuls and
praetorum sic, ut secutus-sit (sub.) neminem
praetors so, that he followed nobody
in provinciam, fuerit (sub.) contentus honore,
into province, he was content with the honour,
despexerit (sub.) fructum familiaris rei; qui
he despised the fruit of family thing; who
voluerit (sub.) ire ne-quidem cum Quinto
wished to go not even with Quintus
Cicerone in Asiam, quum posset (sub.) obtinere
Cicero into Asia, when he could to obtain
locum legati apud eum. Enim arbitrabatur
the place of lieutenant at (with) him. For he did think
decere se non, quum noluisset (sub.)
to become himself not, when he had been unwilling
gerere praeturam, esse asseclam praetoris.
to carry on the praetorship, to be an attendant of a praetor.
In qua re serviebat non solum dignitati,
In which thing he did serve not only to dignity,
sed etiam tranquillitati, quum vitaret (sub.) quoque
but also to tranquillity, when he did avoid also
suspiciones criminum. Quo fiebat, ut
suspicions of crimes. By which it did happen, that
observantia eius esset (sub.) carior omnibus, quum
regard of him was dearer to all, when
viderent (sub.) eam tribui officio, non timori,
they did see it to be bestowed to duty, not to fear,
neque spei.
nor to hope.

VII recensere

Caesarianum civile bellum incidit, quum
The Caesarian civil war happened, when
haberet (sub.) circiter sexaginta annos. Usus-est
he had about sixty years. He used
vacatione aetatis, neque movit [se] quoquam
the exemption of age, nor moved [himself] any-where
ex urbe. Dedit omnia, quae fuerant
out of the city. He gave all (things), which had been
opus suis amicis proficiscentibus ad Pompeium,
necessary to his friends setting out to Pompey,
ex sua familiari re. Offendit non
out of his own family thing. He offended not
Pompeium ipsum, coniunctum. [Enim] habebat
Pompey himself, connected. [For] he had
nullum ornamentum ab eo, ut ceteri, qui per
no ornament from him, as others, who through
eum ceperant aut honores aut divitias;
him had taken either honours or riches;
partim quorum secuti-sunt castra invitissimi,
partly (part) of whom followed the camps most unwilling,
partim remanserunt domi cum summa
partly (part) remained at home with the highest
offensione eius. Autem quies Attici fuit
offence of him. But the quiet of Atticus was
tantopere grata Caesari, ut, victor,
so much agreeable to Caesar, that, (being) conqueror,
quum imperaret (sub.) pecunias privatis per
when he did command moneys from private (men) by
epistolas, fuerit (sub.) non solum non molestus
letters, he was not only not troublesome
huic, sed etiam concesserit (sub.) ex castris
to him, but also conceded out of the camps
Pompeii filium sororis et Quintum
of Pompey the son of (his) sister and Quintus
Ciceronem. Sic vetere instituto vitae, effugit
Cicero. So by ancient custom of life, he escaped
nova pericula.
new dangers.

VIII recensere

[Illud secutum-est.] Caesare occiso, quum
[That followed.] Caesar being slain, when
respublica videretur (sub.) esse penes
the republic did seem to be in power of
Brutos et Cassium, ac tota civitas
the Brutuses and Cassius, and the whole state
[videretur (sub.)] convertisse se ad eos,
[did seem] to have turned itself to them,
usus-est Marco Bruto sic, ut ille adolescens
he used Marcus Brutus so, that he a young man
nullo aequali familiarius quam hoc sene,
(used) no equal more familiarly than this old (man),
neque haberet (sub.) eum solum principem consilii,
nor had he him only chief of counsel,
sed etiam in convictu. Excogitatum-est a
but also in social intercourse. It was devised by
quibusdam, ut privatum aerarium constitueretur
some, that a private treasury should be constituted
ab Romanis equitibus interfectoribus Caesaris.
by the Roman knights to the slayers of Caesar.
Arbitrati-sunt id posse effici facile, si
They thought that to be able to be effected easily, if
et principes illius ordinis contulissent
also the chiefs of that order should have contributed
pecunias. Itaque Atticus appellatus-est a Caio
moneys. Therefore Atticus was called upon by Caius
Flavio, familiari Bruti, ut vellet esse
Flavius, an acquaintance of Brutus, that he might will to be
princeps eius rei. At ille, qui existimaret (sub.)
chief of that thing. But he, who did think
officia praestanda amicis sine factione,
duties to be performed to friends without party,
que semper removisset (sub.) se a talibus
and always had removed himself from such
consiliis, respondit: si Brutus voluisset (sub.)
counsels, answered: if Brutus had wished
uti quid de suis facultatibus, usurum
to use any thing of his own substances, about to use
quantum hae paterentur; se neque
as much as these would suffer; himself neither
collocuturum, neque coiturum cum quoquam
about to confer, nor about to meet with any one
de ea re. Sic ille globus consensionis
about that thing. So that globe of unanimity
disiectus-est dissensione huius unius. Neque
was cast asunder by the dissent of him alone. Nor
multo post Antonius coepit esse superior, ita
much after Antonius began to be superior, so
ut Brutus et Cassius, rebus provinciarum,
that Brutus and Cassius, the things of the provinces,
quae datae-erant iis a consulibus,
which had been given to them by the consuls,
caussa necis, desperatis,
for the sake of the murder (of Caesar), being despaired of,
proficiscerentur (sub.) in exsilium. Atticus, qui
did set out into exile. Atticus, who
noluerat conferre pecuniam simul cum
had been unwilling to contribute money together with
ceteris illi parti florenti, misit centum
the others to that party flourishing, sent a hundred
millia sestertiorum muneri Bruto abiecto
thousand of sesterces to (as a) present to Brutus cast down
que cedenti Italia: absens iussit
and retiring from Italy: absent he ordered
trecenta dari eidem in Epiro,
three hundred (thousand) to be given to the same in Epirus,
neque adulatus-est eo magis Antonio
nor flattered he on that account the more Antony
potenti, neque reliquit desperatos.
(being) powerful, nor left (them) desperate (when in despair.)

IX recensere

Bellum gestum apud Mutinam secutum-est.
The war carried on at Mutina followed.
In quo si dicam (sub.) eum prudentem tantum,
In which if I call him prudent only,
praedicem minus quam debeam (sub.), quum ille
I may declare less than I ought, since he
fuerit (sub.) potius divinus, si perpetua naturalis
was rather divine, if a perpetual natural
bonitas, que neque agitur, neque minuitur
goodness, which neither is impelled, nor is lessened
nullis casibus appellanda-est divinatio. Antonius
by no chances is to be called divinity. Antony
iudicatus hostis cesserat Italia; erat
judged an enemy had retired from Italy; there was
nulla spes restituendi. Non solum inimici [eius],
no hope of restoring. Not only the enemies [of him],
qui tum erant potentissimi et plurimi, sed
who then were most powerful and very many, but
etiam qui dabant se adversariis eius,
also who did give themselves to adversaries of him,
et sperabant [se] consecuturos aliquam
and did hope [themselves] about to obtain some
commoditatem in eo laedendo, insequebantur
advantage in him to be hurt, did pursue
familiares Antoni, cupiebant spoliare uxorem
the acquaintances of Antony, they did desire to spoil (his) wife
Fulviam omnibus rebus, parabant etiam
Fulvia in all things, they did prepare also
exstinguere liberos. Atticus, quum uteretur (sub.)
to destroy (his) children. Atticus, when he did use
intima familiaritate Ciceronis, esset (sub.) amicissimus
intimate familiarity of Cicero, was most friendly
Bruto, non modo indulsit nihil iis ad
to Brutus, not only he indulged nothing to them to
violandum Antonium, sed e-contrario texit
violating Antony, but on the contrary covered (protected)
familiares eius, profugientes ex
the friends of him, fleeing for refuge out of
urbe, quantum potuit, adiuvit, quibus rebus
the city, as much as he was able, he helped, in what things
indiguerunt. Vero tribuit ea Publio
they wanted. But he gave these (things) to Publius
Volumnio, ut plura potuerint (sub.) non proficisci
Volumnius, that more could not to proceed
a parente. Autem praestitit suum officium
from a parent. But he performed his duty
tanta diligentia Fulviae ipsi, quum
with so great diligence to Fulvia herself, when
distineretur (sub.) litibus que vexaretur (sub.)
she was distracted by lawsuits and was vexed
magnis terroribus, ut illa stiterit (sub.) nullum
with great terrors, that she placed no
vadimonium sine Attico; hic fuerit (sub.) sponsor
bail without Atticus; he was surety
omnium rerum. Quin-etiam, quum illa emisset (sub.)
of all things. Moreover, when she had bought
fundum secunda fortuna in diem,
ground in prosperous fortune unto a day (to be paid for on a day fixed),
que potuisset (sub.) ne facere
and had been able not to make
versuram post calamitatem, ille interposuit se,
the payment after calamity, he interposed himself,
que credidit pecuniam [ei] sine foenore, que
and trusted money [to her] without usury, and
sine ulla stipulatione, existimans maximum
without any stipulation, thinking the greatest
quaestum, cognosci memorem que gratum, que
gain, to be known mindful and grateful, and
simul aperire se solere esse
at the same time to shew himself to be accustomed to be
amicum non fortunae, sed hominibus. Quae
a friend not to fortune, but to men. Which (things)
quum faciebat, nemo poterat existimare eum
when he did do, nobody was able to think him
facere caussa temporis. Enim veniebat
to do (it) for the sake of the time. For it did come
in opinionem nemini, Antonium potiturum
into opinion to nobody, Antony about to enjoy
rerum. Sed is sensim reprehendebatur
of things (power). But he by degrees was blamed
a nonnullis optimatibus, quod videretur (sub.)
by some nobles, because he did seem
odisse malos cives parum. Autem ille,
to have hated bad citizens too little. But he,
sui iudicii, intuebatur quid esset (sub.)
of his own judgment, did regard what was
par se facere, potius quam quid alii
equal (fit) himself to do, rather than what others
forent laudaturi.
would be about to praise.

X recensere

Subito fortuna conversa-est. Ut Antonius
Suddenly fortune was turned. When Antony
rediit in Italiam, nemo putarat Atticum
returned into Italy, nobody had thought Atticus
non in magno periculo, propter intimam
not in great danger, on account of the intimate
familiaritatem Ciceronis et Bruti. Itaque
familiarity of Cicero and of Brutus. Therefore
ad adventum imperatorum decesserat de
at the arrival of the commanders he had departed from
foro, timens proscriptionem, que latebat apud
the forum, fearing proscription, and did lie hid at
Publium Volumnium, cui tulerat opem,
Publius Volumnius, to whom he had brought help,
ut ostendimus paulo ante, (tanta fuit
as we have shewn a little before, (so great was
varietas fortunae iis temporibus, ut
the changeableness of fortune in these times, that
modo hi, modo illi essent (sub.) aut in
now these, now those were either in
summo fastigio aut periculo), que habebat
highest eminence or danger), and he had
secum Quintum Gellium Canum, aequalem que
with himself Quintus Gellius Canus, equal and
simillimum sui. Hoc quoque sit exemplum
most like of himself. This also may be an example
bonitatis Attici, quod vixit adeo
of the goodness of Atticus, because he lived so
coniuncte cum eo, quem cognoverat puerum
closely with him, whom he had known a boy
in ludo,[5] ut amicitia eorum creverit (sub.)
in play, that the friendship of them increased
ad extremam aetatem. Autem Antonius etsi
to extreme age. But Antony although
ferebatur tanto odio in Ciceronem,
he was borne with so great hatred against Cicero,
ut esset (sub.) inimicus non solum ei, sed
that he was hostile not only to him, but
etiam omnibus amicis eius, que vellet (sub.)
also to all the friends of him, and did wish
proscribere eos, tamen multis hortantibus, fuit
to proscribe them, however many advising, he was
memor officii Attici, et quum
mindful of the kindness of Atticus, and when
requisisset (sub.) ubinam esset (sub.), scripsit ei,
he had inquired where he was, he wrote to him,
sua manu, timeret ne, que veniret
with his own hand, he should fear not, and should come
statim ad se; se exemisse
immediately to himself; himself to have exempted
eum, et [Gellium] Canum de numero
him, and [Gellius] Canus from the number
proscriptorum caussa illius. Ac, ne
of proscribed for the sake of him. And, lest
incideret [in] quod periculum, quod fiebat
he should fall [into] any danger, because it did happen
noctu, misit praesidium ei. Sic Atticus
by night, he sent a guard to him. So Atticus
in summo timore, fuit praesidio non solum
in the highest fear, was to (as) a guard not only
sibi, sed etiam ei, quem habebat
to himself, but also to him, whom he held (esteemed)
carissimum. Enim neque petiit auxilium a quoquam
most dear. For neither sought he aid from any one
suae salutis solum, sed coniunctim, ut
of his own safety only, but conjointly, so that
appareret (sub.) velle nullam fortunam sibi
he did appear to wish no fortune to himself
seiunctam ab eo. Quod-si gubernator fertur
separated from him. But-if a pilot is borne (reported)
praecipua laude, qui servat navem
with singular praise, who preserves a ship
ex hieme que scopuloso mari, cur prudentia
out of a storm and rocky sea, why the prudence
eius existimetur non singularis, qui ex
of him may be esteemed not singular, who out of
tot que tam gravibus civilibus procellis,
so many and so heavy civil storms,
pervenit ad incolumitatem?
has arrived to safety?

XI recensere

Ut emerserat se ex quibus malis,
When he had emerged himself out of which evils,
egit nihil aliud quam ut esset
he did nothing other (else) than that he might be
auxilio plurimis, quibus rebus posset (sub.).
to aid to very many, by which things he could.
Quum vulgus conquireret (sub.) proscriptos
When the common people did seek the proscribed
praemis imperatorum, nemo venit in
by the rewards of the commanders, nobody came into
Epirum, cui ulla res defuerit (sub.), potestas
Epirus, to whom any thing was wanting, the power
manendi ibi perpetuo facta-est non
of remaining there perpetually was made not
nemini. Qui etiam post Philippense praelium,
to nobody. Who also after the Philippian battle,
que interitum Caii Cassii et Marci
and death of Caius Cassius and of Marcus
Bruti, instituerit (sub.) tueri Lucium Iulium
Brutus, determined to protect Lucius Julius
Mocillam praetorium, et filium eius, que
Mocilla a praetorian, and the son of him, and
Aulum Torquatum, que ceteros perculsos pari
Aulus Torquatus, and the others beat down with like
fortuna, atque iussit omnia supportari
fortune, and ordered all (things) to be conveyed
his ex Epiro Samothraciam. Enim est
to these out of Epirus (to) Samothracia. For it is
difficile persequi omnia, et non necessarium.
difficult to follow up all (things), and not necessary.
Volumus illud unum intelligi, liberalitatem
We wish that one (thing) to be understood, the liberality
illius fuisse neque temporariam, neque callidam.
of him to have been neither temporary, nor crafty.
Id potest iudicari ex rebus ac
That is able to be judged out of the things and
temporibus ipsis, quod venditavit se
times themselves, because he offered for sale himself
non florentibus, sed semper succurrit
not to (those) flourishing, but always succoured
afflictis: qui quidem coluerit (sub.) Serviliam,
to the afflicted: who indeed revered Servilia,
matrem Bruti, non minus post mortem eius,
mother of Brutus, not less after the death of him,
quam florente. Sic utens liberalitate, gessit nullas
than flourishing. So using liberality, he bore no
inimicitias, quod laedebat neque quemquam,
enmities, because he did hurt neither any one,
neque, si acceperat quam iniuriam,
nor, if he had received any injury,
malebat ulcisci, quam oblivisci. Idem
was he more willing to revenge, than to forget. The same
retinebat immortali memoria beneficia percepta;
did retain in immortal remembrance kindnesses received;
autem quae ipse tribuerat, meminerat
but (those) which himself had bestowed, he had remembered
tam-diu quoad ille erat gratus, qui acceperat.
so long as he was grateful, who had received (them.)
Itaque hic fecit, ut videatur dictum
Therefore he made, that it may seem said
vere, Sui mores fingunt fortunam cuique.
truly, His own manners form the fortune to every (one.)
Neque tamen finxit ille fortunam
Nor however formed he fortune
prius-quam ipse se, qui cavit, ne
before that he (formed) himself, who took care, lest
plecteretur iure in qua re.
he should be punished by right in any thing.

XII recensere

His rebus igitur effecit, ut Marcus
By these things therefore he effected, that Marcus
Vipsanius Agrippa, coniunctus adolescenti Caesari
Vipsanius Agrippa, joined to the young Caesar
intima familiaritate, quum propter suam
in intimate familiarity, when on account of his own
gratiam et potentiam Caesaris, haberet (sub.) non
favour and the power of Caesar, he had not
potestatem nullius conditionis, deligeret (sub.) affinitatem
power of no condition, did choose the affinity
eius potissimum, que praeoptaret (sub.) filiam
of him chiefly, and did prefer the daughter
Romani equitis nuptiis generosarum.
of a Roman knight to the nuptials of high-born (ladies).
Atque conciliator harum nuptiarum, (enim
And the procurer of these nuptials, (for
celandum-est non) fuit Marcus Antonius,
it must be concealed not) was Mark Antony,
triumvir reipublicae constituendae, gratia
the triumvir of the republic to be settled, by favor
cuius quum posset(sub.) augere suas possessiones,
of whom when he was able to increase his possessions,
abfuit tantum a cupiditate pecuniae, ut
he was absent so much from desire of money, that
usus-sit (sub.) ea in nulla re, nisi aut
he used it in no thing, unless either
periculis aut incommodis amicorum deprecandis.
in dangers or inconveniences of friends to be deprecated.
Quod quidem fuit perillustre sub proscriptione
Which indeed was very illustrious under the proscription
ipsa. Nam quum Triumviri, ea consuetudine,
itself. For when the Triumviri, by that custom,
qua res tum gerebantur, vendidissent (sub.)
with which things then were carried on, had sold
bona Lucii Saufeii, Romani equitis, sui
the goods of Lucius Saufeius, a Roman knight, his
equalis, qui ductus studio philosophiae habitabat
equal, who led by the study of philosophy did live
complures annos Athenis, que habebat pretiosas
many years in Athens, and had valuable
possessiones in Italia, factum-est labore atque
possessions in Italy, it was done by the labour and
industria Attici, ut Saufeius fieret (sub.)
industry of Atticus, that Saufeius was made
certior eodem nuntio, se
more certain (informed) by the same message, himself
amisisse et recuperasse patrimonium.
to have lost and to have recovered patrimony.
Idem expedivit Lucium Iulium Calidum, quem
The same freed Lucius Julius Calidus, whom
videor posse contendere nostram aetatem tulisse
I seem to be able to contend our age to have borne
multo elegantissimum poetam, post mortem
much the most elegant poet, after the death
Lucretii que Catulli, neque minus bonum
of Lucretius and of Catullus, nor less good
virum, que eruditum optimis artibus, post
man, and instructed in the best arts, after
proscriptionem equitum, relatum absentem in
the proscription of knights, brought (when) absent into
numerum proscriptorum a Publio Volumnio,
the number of the proscribed by Publius Volumnius,
praefecto fabrum Antonii, propter
master of the workmen of Antony, on account of
magnas Africanas possessiones eius. Quod in
the great African possessions of him. Which in
praesenti utrum
the present (in the state of affairs at that time) whether
fuerit (sub.) laboriosius an gloriosius ei,
it was more laborious or more glorious to him,
fuit difficile iudicare, quod cognitum-est amicos
it was difficult to judge, because it was known friends
esse curae Attico, non secus absentes
to be to (as a) care to Atticus, not otherwise absent
quam praesentes in periculis eorum.
than present in the dangers of them.

XIII recensere

Neque vero ille vir habitus-est
Neither indeed that man was had (esteemed)
minus bonus paterfamilias, quam civis. Nam
less good master of family, than citizen. For
quum esset (sub.) pecuniosus, nemo fuit minus
when he was wealthy, nobody was less
emax illo, minus aedificator. Neque tamen
ready to buy than he, less a builder. Nor however
habitavit non in-primis bene, que usus-est
dwelt he not particularly well, and used
omnibus optimis rebus. Nam habuit Tamphilanam
all the best things. For he had the Tamphilanian
domum in Quirinali colle, relictam haereditate
house in Quirinal hill, left in inheritance
ab avunculo, amoenitas cuius constabat non
by uncle, the pleasantness of which did consist not
aedificio, sed silva. Enim tectum ipsum,
in the building, but wood. For the house itself,
constitutum antiquitus, habebat plus salis[6] quam
built anciently, had more of taste than
sumtus; in quo commutavit nihil, nisi
of expense; in which he changed nothing, unless
si coactus-est quid vetustate. Usus-est
if he was forced any (thing) by oldness. He used
familia, si est iudicandum utilitate, optima;
family of slaves, if it is to be judged by utility, very good;
si forma, vix mediocri. Namque in ea
if by form, scarcely ordinary. For in it
erant litteratissimi pueri, optimi anagnostae, et
were most learned boys, very good readers, and
plurimi librarii, ut quidem
very many transcribers of books, so that indeed
esset (sub.) ne-quidem quisquam pedisequus qui
there was not even any footman who
posset (sub.) non facere utrumque horum pulchre;
was able not to do both of these beautifully;
pari modo, ceteri artifices, quos domesticus
in like manner, other artists, whom domestic
cultus desiderat, apprime boni. Neque tamen
mode of life needs, eminently good. Neither however
habuit quemquam horum, nisi natum domi,
had he any one of these, unless born at home,
que factum domi, quod est signum non
and formed at home, which is a sign not
solum continentiae, sed etiam diligentiae. Nam
only of temperance, but also of diligence. For
et non intemperanter concupiscere, quod videas
both not intemperately to desire, what thou mayst see
a plurimis, debet duci continentis,
by very many, ought to be led(esteemed) of a temperate (man),
et parare diligentia, potius quam pretio, est
and to prepare by diligence, rather than by price, is
non mediocris industriae. Elegans, non magnificus,
not of ordinary industry. Elegant, not magnificent,
splendidus, non sumtuosus, affectabat omni
splendid, not sumptuous, he did aim at with all
diligentia munditiam, non affluentiam. Supellex
diligence neatness, not affluence. Furniture
modica, non multa, ut posset (sub.) conspici
moderate, not much, so that it could to be seen
in neutram partem. Nec praeteribo, quamquam
into neither part. Nor shall I pass by, although
putem (sub.) visum-iri leve nonnullis:
I think (it) to be about to seem a light (thing) to some:
quum esset (sub.) in-primis lautus Romanus
when he was particularly polished Roman
eques, et invitaret (sub.) non parum liberaliter
knight, and did invite not a little liberally
homines omnium ordinum suam domum, [scimus]
men of all orders (to) his house, [we know]
ex ephemeride eum solitum non ferre amplius
out of day-book him accustomed not to bear more
expensum sumtui, quam terna millia
pay to expense, than three thousands (asses)
aeris, peraeque in singulos menses.
of brass, very equally (regularly) into single months.
Atque praedicamus hoc non auditum, sed
And we declare this not (as) heard, but
cognitum. Enim propter familiaritatem interfuimus
known. For on account of familiarity we were present
saepe domesticis rebus.
often to (his) domestic things.

XIV recensere

Nemo audivit in convivio eius aliud
Nobody heard in entertainment of him other
acroama, quam anagnosten, quod
sound (entertainment for the ears), than a reader, which
nos quidem arbitramur iucundissimum. Neque
we indeed think most pleasant. Nor
coenatum-est umquam apud eum sine aliqua
was it supped ever at him without some
lectione, ut conviva delectarentur non
reading, that the guests might be delighted not
minus animo, quam ventre. Namque vocabat
less in mind, than in belly. For he did call (invite)
eos, mores quorum abhorrerent (sub.)
those, the manners of whom did differ
non a suis. Quum tanta accessio pecuniae
not from his own. When so great addition of money
facta-esset (sub.), mutavit nihil de quotidiano
had been made, he changed nothing of daily
cultu, nihil de consuetudine vitae, que
dress, nothing of custom of life, and
usus-est tanta moderatione, ut neque in
used so great moderation, that neither in
vicies sestertio, quod acceperat
twenty hundred thousand sesterces,[7] which he had received
a patre, gesserit (sub.) se parum splendide,
from father, he carried himself too little splendidly,
neque in centies sestertio vixerit (sub.)
nor in ten million sesterces lived he
affluentius, quam instituerat, que
more affluently, than he had determined, and
steterit (sub.) pari fastigio in utraque fortuna.
stood in equal eminence in each fortune.
Habuit nullos hortos, nullam suburbanam aut
He had no gardens, no suburban or
sumtuosam maritimam villam, neque rusticum
sumptuous maritime villa, nor country
praedium in Italia, praeter Ardeatinum et
estate in Italy, except the Ardeatine and
Nomentanum: que omnis reditus pecuniae eius
Nomentan: and all return (income) of money of him
constabat in Epiroticis et urbanis-possessionibus.
did consist in Epirotic and city possessions.
Ex quo potest cognosci, eum solitum
From which it is able to be known, him accustomed
metiri usum pecuniae non magnitudine,
to measure the use of money not by greatness,
sed ratione.
but by reason.

XV recensere

Neque dicebat mendacium, neque poterat
Neither did he say lie, nor was able
pati. Itaque comitas eius erat non
to suffer (it.) Therefore the politeness of him was not
sine severitate; neque gravitas sine facilitate:
without severity; nor gravity without affability:
ut esset (sub.) difficile intellectu, utrum
so that it was difficult to be understood, whether
amici vererentur (sub.) an amarent (sub.) eum magis.
friends did fear or did love him more.
Quidquid rogabatur, promittebat religiose;
Whatever he was asked, he did promise scrupulously;
quod arbitrabatur non liberalis, sed
because he did think (it) not (the part) of a liberal, but
levis, polliceri, quod posset non
of a light (person), to promise, what he might be able not
praestare. Idem erat tanta cura in
to perform. The same was with so great care in
nitendo, quod semel annuisset (sub.), ut
endeavouring (to perform), what once he had assented to, that
videretur (sub.) agere non mandatam rem, sed
he did seem to act not an intrusted thing, but
suam. Pertaesum-est eum numquam suscepti
his own. It wearied him never of undertaken
negotii. Enim putabat suam existimationem
business. For he did think his own esteem
agi in ea re, qua
to be acted (to be concerned) in that thing, than which
habebat nihil carius. Quo fiebat,
he had (esteemed) nothing dearer. By which it did happen,
ut procuraret (sub.) omnia negotia Ciceronum,
that he did manage all businesses of the Ciceros,
Catonis, [Marii, Quinti] Hortensii, Auli
of Cato, [of Marius, of Quintus] Hortensius, of Aulus
Torquati, multorum Romanorum equitum praeterea.
Torquatus, of many Roman knights besides.
Ex quo poterat iudicari fugisse
From which it was able to be judged (him) to have fled
procurationem reipublicae, non inertia, sed
the management of the republic, not by laziness, but
by judgment.

XVI recensere

Vero possum afferre nullum maius
But I am able to adduce no greater
testimonium humanitatis, quam quod idem
testimony of (his) humanity, than that the same
adolescens fuerit (sub.) iucundissimus Sullae
(being) a young man was most pleasant to Sulla
seni; senex Marco Bruto
an old (man); (when) an old man to Marcus Brutus
adolescenti; autem vixerit (sub.) sic cum suis
a young man; but he lived so with his own
aequalibus, Quinto Hortensio, et Marco Cicerone,
equals, Quintus Hortensius, and Marcus Cicero,
ut sit (sub.) difficile iudicare cui aetati
that it is difficult to judge to what age
fuerit (sub.) aptissimus: quamquam Cicero dilexit
he was most fit: although Cicero loved
eum praecipue, ut ne-quidem frater
him particularly, so that not even (his) brother
Quintus fuerit (sub.) carior aut familiarior
Quintus was more dear or more familiar
ei. Sexdecim volumina epistolarum missarum
to him. Sixteen volumes of epistles sent
ad Atticum ab consulatu eius usque ad
to Atticus from the consulship of him even to
extremum tempus sunt indicio ei rei,
the extreme time are to (as a) proof to that thing,
praeter eos libros, in quibus facit mentionem
besides those books, in which he makes mention
de eo, qui editi-sunt in vulgus;
of him, which have been put forth unto the common people;
quae qui legat (sub.), desideret non multum
which who reads, may require not much
contextam historiam eorum temporum. Enim omnia
a composed history of those times. For all (things)
perscripta-sunt sic de studiis
have been written out so of the desires (party feeling)
principum, vitiis ducum, mutationibus
of the chief (men), vices of leaders, the changes
reipublicae, ut nihil appareat (sub.) non in
of the republic, that nothing appears not in
iis, et possit existimari facile,
these, and it may be able to be thought easily,
prudentiam esse quodammodo divinationem. Enim
prudence to be in some measure divination. For
Cicero non solum praedixit ea futura,
Cicero not only foretold these (things) about to be,
quae acciderunt, se vivo, sed etiam
which happened, himself (being) alive, but also
cecinit ut vates, quae nunc
sang (prophesied) as a prophet, (the things) which now
veniunt usu.
come in use.

XVII recensere

Autem de pietate Attici quid
But of the natural affection of Atticus why
commemorem plura? quum audierim (sub.)
may I mention more (things)? when I have heard
ipsum gloriantem hoc vere, in funere suae
himself boasting this truly, in the funeral of his
matris, quam extulit nonaginta annorum, quum
mother, whom he buried of ninety years, when
esset (sub.) sexaginta et septem, se
he was sixty and seven, himself
redisse[8] numquam in gratiam cum matre,
to have returned never into favour with mother,
numquam fuisse in simultate cum sorore,
never to have been in disagreement with sister,
quam habebat prope aequalem. Quod est signum,
whom he had nearly equal. Which is a sign,
aut nullam querimoniam umquam intercessisse
either no quarrel ever to have intervened
inter eos, aut hunc fuisse ea
between them, or him to have been with that
indulgentia in suos, ut duceret (sub.)
indulgence unto his own, that he did lead (esteem it)
nefas irasci eis, quos deberet (sub.) amare.
crime to be angry to those, whom he ought to love.
Neque fecit id natura solum, quamquam
Nor did he that by nature alone, although
paremus omnes ei, sed etiam doctrina. Nam
we obey all to her, but also by learning. For
habuit praecepta ita percepta principum
he had the precepts so perceived of the chief
philosophorum, ut uteretur (sub.) iis ad vitam
philosophers, that he did use them to life
agendam, non ad ostentationem.
to be acted, not to ostentation.

XVIII recensere

Fuit etiam summus imitator moris
He was also the highest imitator of the manner
maiorum que amator antiquitatis; quam habuit
of ancestors and a lover of antiquity; which he had
adeo diligenter cognitam, ut exposuerit (sub.) eam
so diligently known, that he has set forth it
totam in eo volumine, quo ordinavit
whole in that volume, in which he has arranged
magistratus. Enim est nulla lex, neque pax,
the magistrates. For there is no law, nor peace,
neque bellum, neque illustris res Romani
nor war, nor illustrious thing of the Roman
populi, quae notata-sit (sub.) non in eo, suo
people, which is remarked not in it, in its own
tempore; et, quod fuit difficillimum, subtexuit
time; and, what was most difficult, he has annexed
sic originem familiarum, ut possimus cognoscere
so the origin of families, that we may be able to know
propagines clarorum virorum ex eo. Fecit
the races of famous men from it. He has done
hoc idem separatim in aliis libris; ut,
this same (thing) separately in other books; as,
rogatu Marci Bruti, enumeravit ordine
by request of Marcus Brutus, he enumerated in order
Iuniam familiam a stirpe ad hanc aetatem,
the Junian family from the stock to this age,
notans, a quo qui ortus, quos honores
marking, from whom who arisen, what honours
cepisset (sub.), que quibus temporibus; pari modo,
he had taken, and in what times; in like mode,
Claudii Marcelli, Marcellorum;
(by request) of Claudius Marcellus, of the Marcelli;
Cornelii Scipionis et Fabii Maximi, Fabiorum
of Cornelius Scipio and of Fabius Maximus, of the Fabii
et Aemiliorum quoque: nihil potest esse
and of the Aemilii also: nothing is able to be
dulcius quibus libris iis, qui habent aliquam
sweeter than which books to those, who have any
cupiditatem notitiae clarorum virorum. Attigit
desire of knowledge of famous men. He touched
poeticen quoque: credimus ne esset expers
poetry also: we believe lest he should be devoid
suavitatis eius. Namque exposuit versibus,
of the sweetness of it. For he set forth in verses,
qui praestiterunt ceteros Romani populi honore
who surpassed others of the Roman people in honour
que amplitudine rerum gestarum, ita ut
and in greatness of things carried on, so that
sub imaginibus singulorum descripserit (sub.)
under the pictures of each he described
facta que magistratus eorum non amplius
the deeds and magistracies of them (in) not more
quaternis ve quinis versibus, quod sit (sub.)
than four or five verses, which is
vix credendum, tantas res potuisse
scarcely to be believed, so great things to have been able
declarari tam breviter. Est etiam unus
to be illustrated so briefly. There is also one
liber confectus Graece de consulatu Ciceronis.
book composed in Greek of the consulship of Cicero.

XIX recensere

Hactenus, Attico vivo, [haec]
Thus far, Atticus (being) alive, [these (things)]
edita-sunt a nobis. Nunc, quoniam fortuna
were published by us. Now, since fortune
voluit nos esse superstites ei, persequemur
has willed us to be survivors to him, we will follow out
reliqua, et quantum potuerimus (sub.),
the remaining (things), and as much as we shall be able,
docebimus lectores exemplis rerum, sicut
we will teach (our) readers by examples of things, as
significavimus supra, suos mores plerumque
we have signified above, his own manners for the most part
conciliare fortunam cuique. Namque hic,
to procure fortune to every one. For he,
contentus equestri ordine, quo
content with the equestrian order, from which
ortus-erat, pervenit in affinitatem imperatoris
he had arisen, arrived into alliance of the emperor
filii divi Iulii, quum iam ante
son of divine Julius, when already before
consecutus-esset (sub.) familiaritatem eius nulla
he had obtained the acquaintance of him by no
alia re, quam elegantia vitae, qua
other thing, than by elegance of life, with which
ceperat ceteros principes civitatis, pari
he had taken the other chiefs of the state, in like
dignitate, humiliore fortuna. Enim tanta prosperitas
dignity, in lower fortune. For so great prosperity
consecuta-est Caesarem, ut fortuna tribuerit (sub.)
accompanied Caesar, that fortune bestowed
non nihil ei, quod detulerit (sub.)
not nothing to him, which she conferred
cuiquam ante, et conciliarit (sub.), quod nemo
to any one before, and procured, what no
Romanus civis adhuc quivit consequi.
Roman citizen hitherto was able to obtain.
Autem neptis nata-est Attico ex Agrippa,
But a granddaughter was born to Atticus of Agrippa,
cui collocarat filiam virginem. Caesar
to whom he had joined (his) daughter a virgin. Caesar
despondit hanc, vix anniculam, Tiberio
espoused her, scarcely a year old, to Tiberius
Claudio Neroni, suo privigno, nato Drusilla:
Claudius Nero, his stepson, born from Drusilla:
quae coniunctio sanxit necessitudinem eorum,
which union ratified the relationship of them,
reddidit familiaritatem frequentiorem.
rendered the acquaintance more frequent.

XX recensere

Quamvis ante haec sponsalia, non solum
Although before these espousals, not only
quum abesset (sub.) ab urbe, misit litteras
when he was absent from the city, he sent letters
numquam ad quemquam suorum amicorum, quin
never to any of his friends, but that
mitteret (sub.) Attico, quid ageret (sub.), in-primis
he did send to Atticus, what he was acting, chiefly
quid legeret (sub.) que quibus locis, et
what he was reading and in what places, and
quamdiu moraturus-esset (sub.), sed etiam, quum
how long he was about to tarry, but also, when
esset (sub.) in urbe, et propter infinitas
he was in the city, and on account of infinite
occupationes, frueretur (sub.) Attico minus saepe
occupations, did enjoy Atticus less often
quam vellet (sub.), tamen nullus dies temere
than he did wish, yet no day carelessly
intercessit, quo scriberet (sub.) non ad eum,
intervened, in which he did write not to him,
quum requireret (sub.) modo aliquid ab eo
when he did ask sometimes something from him
de antiquitate, modo proponeret (sub.) aliquam
about antiquity, sometimes he did propose some
poeticam questionem [ei;] interdum iocans
poetic question [to him;] sometimes jesting
eliceret (sub.) verbosiores epistolas eius. Ex
did draw out more verbose letters of him. From
quo accidit, quum aedes Feretrii Iovis,
which it happened, when the temple of Feretrian Jupiter,
constituta in Capitolo ab Romulo, detecta
built in the Capitol by Romulus, uncovered
vetustate atque incuria prolaberetur (sub.),
by old age and want of care was falling down,
ut admonitu Attici Caesar curaret (sub.)
that by the advice of Atticus Caesar did take care
eam reficiendam. Neque vero absens
it to be repaired. Nor truly (being) absent
colebatur minus litteris a Marco Antonio,
was he cultivated less with letters by Marcus Antonius,
adeo, ut accurate ille faceret (sub.) Atticum
so, that carefully he did make Atticus
certiorem ex ultimis terris, quid
more certain (informed him) from the farthest lands, what
ageret (sub.), quid curae haberet (sub.) sibi.
he was acting, what of care he had to himself.
Quale hoc sit (sub.), is existimabit facilius,
What kind this is, he will think more easily,
qui poterit iudicare, quantae sapientiae
who will be able to judge, of how much wisdom
sit (sub.), retinere usum que benevolentiam
it is, to retain the use and good will
eorum, inter quos non solum aemulatio
of those, between whom not only emulation
maximarum rerum intercedebat, sed tanta
of the greatest things did intervene, but so great
obtrectatio, quantum fuit necesse incidere
detraction, as it was necessary to happen
inter Caesarem atque Antonium, quum uterque
between Caesar and Antony, when each
cuperet (sub.) se esse principem non solum
did desire himself to be chief not only
Romanae urbis, sed orbis terrarum.
of the Roman city, but of the globe of the earths.

XXI recensere

Tali modo quum complesset (sub.) septuaginta
In such manner when he had completed seventy
et septem annos, atque crevisset (sub.) non minus
and seven years, and had increased not less
dignitate, quam gratia que fortuna, ad
in dignity, than in favour and in fortune, to
extremam senectutem, (enim consecutus-est multas
extreme old age, (for he obtained many
hereditates nulla alia re, quam bonitate)
inheritances by no other thing, than by goodness)
que usus-esset (sub.) tanta prosperitate
and had used so great prosperity
valetudinis, ut indiguisset (sub.) non medicina
of health, that he had needed not medicine
triginta annis; nactus-est morbum, quem
in thirty years; he got a disease, which
initio et ipse et medici contemserunt.
in the beginning both himself and physicians despised.
Nam putarunt esse tenesmon, cui
For they thought (it) to be tenesmus, to which
celeria que facilia remedia proponebantur. Quum
quick and easy remedies were proposed. When
consumsisset (sub.) tres menses hoc sine
he had consumed three months in this without
ullis doloribus, praeterquam quos capiebat ex
any pains, besides what he did take from
curatione, subito tanta vis morbi
the treatment, on a sudden so great violence of disease
prorupit in unum intestinum, ut extremo
broke forth into one intestine, that in the last
tempore putris fistula eruperit (sub.) per
time a putrid fistula broke out through
lumbos. Atque prius-quam hoc accideret (sub.)
the loins. And before that this did happen
ei, post-quam sensit dolores accrescere
to him, after that he perceived the pains to increase
in-dies que febres accessisse, iussit generum
daily and fevers to have acceded, he ordered (his) son-in-law
Agrippam arcessi ad se, et cum eo
Agrippa to be sent for to himself, and with him
Lucium Cornelium Balbum que Sextum Peducaeum.
Lucius Cornelius Balbus and Sextus Peducaeus.
Ut vidit hos venisse, innixus in
When he saw them to have come, leaning upon
cubitum, inquit, Quantam curam que diligentiam
elbow, he says, How much care and diligence
adhibuerim (sub.) in mea valetudine tuenda
I have applied in my health to be defended
hoc tempore, quum habeam (sub.) vos testes,
in this time, when I have you witnesses,
est nihil necesse commemorare pluribus
it is nothing necessary to mention in more
verbis. Quibus quoniam satisfeci, ut spero,
words. To whom, since I have satisfied, as I hope,
me fecisse nihil reliqui, quod
me to have made nothing of remaining, which
pertineret (sub.) ad sanandum me, est reliquum,
did tend to curing me, it is remaining,
ut egomet consulam (sub.) mihi.
that I indeed consult to me (for myself.)
Nolui vos ignorare id. Nam
I was unwilling you to be ignorant of that. For
stat mihi desinere alere
it stands to me (I have determined) to cease to nourish
morbum. Namque quicquid cibi [que potionis]
the disease. For whatever of food [and of drink].
sumsi his diebus, produxi vitam, ita
I have taken in these days, I have prolonged life, so
ut auxerim (sub.) dolores sine spe salutis.
that I have increased pains without hope of safety.
Quare peto a vobis, primum, ut
Wherefore I seek from you, first, that
probetis meum consilium, deinde,
you may approve of my design, then,
conemini ne frustra dehortando.
you may endeavour not in vain by dissuading.

XXII recensere

Hac oratione habita, tanta constantia
This speech being held, with so great steadiness
vocis atque vultus, ut videretur (sub.)
of voice and of countenance, that he did seem
non migrare ex vita, sed ex domo in
not to remove out of life, but out of house into
domum, quum quidem Agrippa flens atque
house, when indeed Agrippa weeping and
osculans, oraret (sub.) atque obsecraret (sub.) eum,
kissing, did pray and entreat him,
ne ipse quoque acceleraret sibi ad id
lest he also should hasten to himself to that
quod natura cogeret, et quoniam tum
which nature would force (him), and since then
quoque posset superesse temporibus,
also he might be able to survive to times,
reservaret se sibi que suis,
he should preserve himself to himself and to his own,
depressit preces eius sua taciturna
he checked the prayers of him by his silent
obstinatione. Sic quum abstinuisset (sub.) se
obstinacy. So when he had abstained himself
biduum cibo, subito febris decessit, que
two days from food, on a sudden the fever departed, and
morbus coepit esse levior. Tamen nihilo
the disease began to be lighter. Yet by nothing
secius peregit propositum. Itaque quinto
less he performed purpose. Therefore in the fifth
die, postquam inierat id consilium,
day, after that he had gone into that design,
pridie Calendas Apriles, Cneio Domitio,
the day before the Calends of April, Cneius Domitius,
Caio Sosio consulibus, decessit. Elatus-est
Caius Sosius consuls, he departed. He was carried out (for burial)
in lecticula, ut ipse praescripserat,
in a little couch, as himself had prescribed,
sine ulla pompa funeris, omnibus
without any pomp of funeral, all
bonis comitantibus, maxima frequentia
good (men) accompanying, a very great crowd
vulgi. Sepultus-est iuxta Appiam viam, ad
of vulgar. He was buried near the Appian way, to (at)
quintum lapidem, in monumento sui avunculi
the fifth stone, in the tomb of his uncle
Quinti Caecilii.
Quintus Caecilius.
  1. Sesterce, a Roman silver coin, equivalent to 2 1/2 of the as, a brass coin of a pound weight. Hence in the text the sesterce is LLS. libra libra semis = about 2d. of our money.
  2. Dodrans, 3/4 of the as, applied, in general, for three-parts of any thing: taken from the phrase facere heredem ex asse, to make universal heir.
  3. Sestertium is equivalent to 1000 sesterces; and the numerical adverb joined, makes it so many hundred thousand sesterces. The sum then is 10,000,000 sesterces, equivalent to about L. 80,729 of our money.
  4. The public sales, by order of the Censor, were held under a spear, erected where the crier stood. The sales alluded to, as we learn from the following sentence, were those of the public revenues.
  5. Or school; as our word school is just the Greek σχολή, relaxation. It is easy to see the association in the minds of both these ancient nations.
  6. Sal, salt; in a derivative sense, taste, elegance, neatness, wit.
  7. See former note to Chap. V.
  8. That is, that he had never incurred her displeasure.