Cornelii Nepotis Vitae (Hamilton)/Timoleon

 XIX. Phocion XXI. De Regibus 
Timoleon Corinthius. Sine dubio hic vir
Timoleon the Corinthian. Without doubt this man
exstitit magnus iudicio omnium. Namque
existed great in the judgment of all. For
contigit huic uni, quod nescio an
it happened to him alone, what I know not whether
ulli, ut et liberaret (sub.) patriam, in qua
to any, that both he did free country, in which
erat natus, oppressam a tyranno, et depelleret (sub.)
he was born, oppressed by a tyrant, and did expel
inveteratam servitutem a Syracusis, quibus
inveterate slavery from Syracuse, to which
missus-erat auxilio, que suo adventu
he had been sent to assistance, and by his arrival
restitueret (sub.) in pristinum totam Siciliam
did restore into former (state) the whole Sicily
vexatam a bello multos annos que oppressam a
harassed by war many years and oppressed by
barbaris. Sed in his rebus conflictatus-est
barbarians. But in these things he contended
non simplici fortuna, et, id quod putatur
not with simple fortune, and, that which is thought
difficilius, tulit secundam fortunam multo
more difficult, he bore prosperous fortune much
sapientius quam adversam. Nam quum frater
more wisely than adverse. For when the brother
eius, Timophanes, delectus dux a Corinthiis
of him, Timophanes, chosen general by the Corinthians
occupasset (sub.) tyrannidem per mercenarios milites,
had seized upon the tyranny by mercenary soldiers,
que posset (sub.) esse particeps regni,
and he was able to be a partaker of the kingdom,
abfuit tantum a societate sceleris,
he was distant so much from partnership of the wickedness,
ut antetulerit (sub.) libertatem suorum civium
that he preferred the liberty of his own citizens
saluti fratris, et duxerit (sub.) satius
to the safety of brother, and led (esteemed it) preferable
parere legibus, quam imperare patriae. Hac
to obey to the laws, than to command to country. With this
mente, curavit fratrem tyrannum interficiendum
mind, he took care (his) brother the tyrant to be slain
per haruspicem que communem affinem, cui
by a soothsayer and common relation, to whom
soror, nata ex eisdem parentibus erat nupta.
sister, born from the same parents was married.
Ipse non modo attulit non manus, sed ne-quidem
He himself not only laid on not hands, but not even
voluit adspicere fraternum sanguinem.
wished to look upon fraternal blood.
Nam dum res conficeretur (sub.), fuit
For while the thing was being accomplished, he was
procul in praesidio, ne quis satelles
at a distance in guard, lest any attendant
posset succurrere. Hoc praeclarissimum facinus
might be able to succour. This most illustrious deed
eius probatum-est non pari modo ab omnibus.
of him was approved not in like manner by all.
Enim nonnulli putabant pietatem laesam
For some did think natural affection violated
ab eo, et obterebant laudem virtutis invidia.
by him, and did depreciate praise of virtue by envy.
Vero mater post id factum neque admisit
But (his) mother after that deed neither admitted
filium domum ad se, neque adspexit,
son (to) the house to herself, nor beheld,
quin detestans compellaret (sub.) eum
but that loathing she did call him
fratricidam que impium. Quibus
the murderer of brother and unnatural. With which
rebus commotus-est adeo, ut nonnumquam
things he was affected so, that sometimes
voluerit (sub.) facere finem vitae, atque discedere
he wished to make an end of life, and to depart
morte ex conspectu ingratorum hominum.
by death out of the sight of ungrateful men.

Interim Dione interfecto Syracusis, Dionysius
Meanwhile Dion being slain in Syracuse, Dionysius
rursus potitus-est Syracusarum, adversarii cuius
again possessed of Syracuse, the adversaries of whom
petierunt opem a Corinthus, que postularunt
begged aid from Corinthians, and requested
ducem, quo uterentur in bello. Timoleon
a general, whom they might use in the war. Timoleon
missus huc, depulit Dionysium tota
being sent hither, drove Dionysius from the whole
Sicilia incredibili felicitate. Quum posset (sub.)
Sicily with incredible success. When he could
interficere, noluit, que effecit ut perveniret (sub.)
to kill, he would not, and effected that he did arrive
Corinthum tuto, quod Corinthii fuerant
(to) Corinth safely, because the Corinthians had been
saepe adiuti opibus utrorumque Dionysiorum,
often assisted by the powers of both Dionysii,
cuius benignitatis voluit memoriam
of which kindness he wished the remembrance
exstare, que ducebat eam victoriam
to be extant, and he did lead (esteem) that victory
praeclaram, in qua esset (sub.) plus clementiae, quam
famous, in which was more of clemency, than
crudelitatis; postremo, ut acciperetur non
of cruelty; lastly, that it might be received not
solum auribus, sed etiam cerneretur oculis,
only with ears, but also it might be perceived with eyes,
quem et ex quanto regno, ad quam
whom and out of how great a kingdom, to what
fortunam detrusisset (sub.). Post decessum
fortune he had thrust down. After the departure
Dionysii bellavit cum Hiceta, qui fuerat
of Dionysius he warred with Hicetas, who had been
adversatus Dionysio; quem dissensisse non
opposed to Dionysius; whom to have disagreed not
odio tyrannidis, sed cupiditate, fuit indicio,
from hatred of tyranny, but from desire, it was to proof,
quod ipse, Dionysio expulso, noluit
that he, Dionysius being expelled, was unwilling
dimittere imperium. Hoc superato, Timoleon
to lay aside command. He being overcome, Timoleon
fugavit maximas copias Carthaginiensium apud flumen
routed very great forces of Carthaginians at the river
Crimissum, ac coegit habere satis, si
Crimissus, and compelled to have (esteem it) enough, if
liceret (sub.) obtinere Africam, qui tenebant
it were allowed to hold Africa, who did hold
possessionem Siciliae iam complures annos. Etiam
possession of Sicily now several years. Also
cepit Mamercum, Italicum ducem, bellicosum
he took Mamercus, an Italian general, a warlike
et potentem hominem, qui venerat in
and powerful man, who had come into
Siciliam adiutum tyrannos.
Sicily to assist the tyrants.

Quibus rebus confectis, quum, propter
Which things being finished, when, on account of
diuturnitatem belli, videret (sub.) non solum
the long continuance of the war, he did see not only
regiones, sed etiam urbes desertas, conquisivit,
countries, but also cities deserted, he sought out,
quos potuit, primum Siculos, deinde arcessivit
whom he could, first the Sicilians, next he sent for
colonos Corintho, quod Syracusae conditae-erant
colonists from Corinth, because Syracuse had been founded
ab his initio. Restituit sua
by them in the beginning. He restored their own (things)
veteribus civibus; divisit possessiones
to the ancient citizens; he divided the possessions
vacuefactas bello novis; refecit moenia
laid waste by the war to the new; he repaired the walls
urbium disiecta, que fana deserta;
of the cities thrown down, and temples deserted;
reddidit leges que libertatem civitatibus; ex
he restored laws and liberty to the states; out of
maximo bello conciliavit tantum otium totae
a very great war he procured so much repose to the whole
insulae, ut hic videretur (sub.) conditor earum
island, that he did seem the founder of these
urbium, non illi, qui initio deduxerant.
cities, not those, who in the beginning had led thither.
Disiecit a fundamentis arcem Syracusis,
He overthrew from the foundations the citadel in Syracuse,
quam Dionysius munierat ad urbem
which Dionysius had fortified to (for) the city
obsidendam; demolitus-est cetera propugnacula
to be besieged; he demolished the other strong holds
tyrannidis, que dedit operam ut quam-minime-multa
of tyranny, and gave endeavour that as-few-as-possible
vestigia servitutis manerent. Quum esset (sub.)
traces of slavery might remain. When he was
tantis opibus, ut posset (sub.) imperare
with so great powers, that he was able to command
etiam invitis, autem haberet (sub.) tantum
even to (them) unwilling, but had so great
amorem omnium Siculorum, ut obtineret
love of all Sicilians, that he might hold
regnum, nullo recusante, maluit se
the kingdom, none refusing, he rather chose himself
diligi quam metui. Itaque deposit
to be beloved than to be feared. Therefore he laid down
imperium quum-primum potuit, et vixit, quod
the command as soon as he could, and lived, what
vitae fuit reliquum, privatus Syracusis. Neque
of life was remaining, private in Syracuse. Neither
vero fecit id imperite. Nam hic tenuit
indeed did he that unskilfully. For he held
benevolentia, quod ceteri reges potuerunt imperio.
by good will, what other kings have been able by power.
Nullus honos defuit huic, neque postea
No honour was wanting to him, nor afterwards
ulla res gesta-est Syracusis publice de
any thing was carried on in Syracuse publicly concerning
qua decretum-sit (sub.) prius-quam sententia
which it was decreed before that the opinion
Timoleontis cognita. Consilium nullius umquam
of Timoleon known. The counsel of none ever
non modo antelatum, sed ne-quidem
not only (was) preferred, but not even
comparatum-est. Neque id factum-est magis
was compared. Nor that was done more
benevolentia quam prudentia.
by good will than by prudence.

Quum hic iam provectus-esset (sub.) aetate, amisit
When he now had been advanced in age, he lost
lumina oculorum sine ullo morbo. Quam
the lights of eyes without any disease. Which
calamitatem tulit ita moderate, ut quisquam neque
calamity he bore so patiently, that any one neither
audierit (sub.) eum querentem, neque interfuerit (sub.)
heard him complaining, nor was he present
minus eo privatis que publicis rebus.
less on that account to private and to public things.
Autem veniebat in theatrum, quum concilium
But he did come into the theatre, when the assembly
populi haberetur (sub.) ibi, vectus iumentis
of the people was held there, carried by beasts
iunctis, propter valetudinem, atque ita dicebat
coupled, on account of bad health, and so he did say
quae videbantur de vehiculo; neque
what (things) did seem (fit) from carriage; nor
quisquam tribuebat hoc illi superbiae. Enim
any one did ascribe this to him to pride. For
nihil neque insolens neque gloriosum umquam
nothing neither insolent nor boastful ever
exiit ex ore eius. Qui quidem, quum
went out from the mouth of him. Who indeed, when
audiret (sub.) suas laudes praedicari, numquam
he did hear his own praises to be published, never
dixit aliud, quam, se agere atque habere
said other (thing), than, himself to act and to have
maximas gratias diis in ea re, quod,
the greatest thanks to the gods in this thing, that,
quum constituissent (sub.) recreare Siciliam, tum
when they had determined to recover Sicily, then
voluissent (sub.) se esse potissimum ducem.
they had willed himself to be chiefly the leader.
Enim putabat nihil humanarum rerum
For he did think nothing of human things
geri sine numine deorum. Itaque
to be carried on without the deity of the gods. Therefore
constituerat sacellum Aὐτοματίας suae domi,
he had built a chapel of Fortune at his own house,
que colebat id sanctissime.
and did revere it most sacredly.

Ad hanc excellentem bonitatem hominis mirabiles
To this surpassing goodness of the man wonderful
casus accesserunt. Nam fecit omnia
chances acceded. For he did (he fought) all
maxima praelia suo natali-die, quo
the greatest battles on his own birth-day, from which
factum-est, ut universa Sicilia haberet (sub.)
it happened, that the whole Sicily did have
natalem eius festum. Quum quidam
the birth (day) of him a festival. When a certain
Lamestius, petulans et ingratus homo,
Lamestius, an insolent and ungrateful man,
vellet (sub.) imponere vadimonium huic, quod
did wish to impose recognisance to him, which
diceret (sub.) se agere cum illo lege, et
he did say himself to act with him by law, and
complures concurrissent (sub.), qui conarentur (sub.)
several had run together, who did endeavour
coercere procacitatem hominis manibus, Timoleon
to curb the impertinence of the man with hands, Timoleon
oravit omnes, facerent ne id: Namque
entreated all, they should do not that: For
se adiisse maximos labores que
himself to have encountered the greatest labours and
summa pericula, ut id liceret Lamestio
highest dangers, that that might be lawful to Lamestius
que ceteris. Enim hanc esse speciem
and to others. For this to be the kind (proof)
libertatis, si liceret omnibus experiri
of liberty, if it should be allowed to all to try
legibus, quod quisque vellet. Idem, quum
by laws, what every one might will. The same, when
quidam similis Lamestii, Demaenetus nomine,
a certain one like of Lamestius, Demaenetus by name,
coepisset (sub.) detrahere de rebus eius
had begun to detract from the things of him
gestis, in concione populi, ac
performed, in an assembly of the people, and
inveheretur (sub.) nonnulla in Timoleonta,
did inveigh some (things) against Timoleon,
dixit, Nunc demum se esse damnatum
said, Now at length himself to be condemned
voti: namque semper
of vow (to have attained his wish): for always (to have)
precatum hoc a immortalibus diis, ut
prayed this from the immortal gods, that
restitueret talem libertatem Syracusanis, in
he might restore such liberty to the Syracusans, in
qua liceret cuivis dicere impune
which it might be lawful to any one to speak with impunity
de quo vellet. Quum hic obiisset (sub.)
of what he might will. When he had met
supremum diem, sepultus-est publice a Syracusanis
the last day, he was buried publicly by the Syracusans
in gymnasio, quod appellatur Timoleonteum,
in the school of exercise, which is called Timoleontean,
tota Sicilia celebrante.
the whole Sicily celebrating (attending).