Cornelii Nepotis Vitae (Hamilton)/Cimon

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 IV. Pausanias VI. Lysander 
Cimon, filius Miltiadis, Atheniensis, usus-est
Cimon, son of Miltiades, an Athenian, used
admodum duro initio adolescentiae. Nam quum
very hard beginning of youth. For when
pater eius potuisset (sub.) non solvere litem
the father of him had been able not to pay the fine
aestimatam populo, que ob eam caussam
valued by the people, and for that cause
decessisset (sub.) in publicis vinculis, Cimon
had departed (died) in public chains (prison), Cimon
tenebatur eadem custodia, neque poterat emitti
was held in the same custody, nor was he able to be let out
legibus Atheniensum nisi solvisset
by the laws of Athenians unless he should have paid
pecuniam qua pater multatus-erat. Autem
the money with which (his) father had been fined. But
habebat in matrimonio suam sororem germanam, nomine
he had in marriage his sister german, by name
Elpinicen, ductus non magis amore, quam more.
Elpinice, led not more by love, than by custom.
Nam licet Atheniensibus ducere uxores
For it is allowed to Athenians to lead (marry) wives
natas eodem patre. Quidam Callias cupidus
born from the same father. A certain Callias desirous
huius coniugii, non tam generosus, quam pecuniosus,
of this union, not so well-born, as wealthy,
qui fecerat magnas pecunias ex metallis, egit
who had made great moneys out of the mines, treated
cum Cimone, ut daret eam uxorem sibi;
with Cimon, that he might give her (as) wife to himself;
si impetrasset id, se soluturum pecuniam
if he might have obtained that, himself about to pay the money
pro illo. Quum is aspernaretur (sub.) talem
for him. When he did spurn at such
conditionem, Elpinice negavit se passuram
condition, Elpinice denied herself about to suffer
progeniem Miltiadis interire in publicis vinculis,
the offspring of Miltiades to perish in the public chains,
quoniam posset (sub.) prohibere, que se
since she was able to hinder (it), and herself
nupturam Calliae, si praestitisset
about to marry to Callias, if he should have performed
ea, quae polliceretur (sub.).
those (things), which he did promise.

Cimon liberatus custodia tali modo,
Cimon being freed from custody in such manner,
celeriter pervenit ad principatum. Enim habebat
quickly arrived to chief-power. For he had
satis eloquentiae, summam liberalitatem, magnam
enough of eloquence, the highest generosity, great
prudentiam cum civilis iuris, tum
skill when (as well) of civil law, then (as)
militaris rei, quod versatus-fuerat cum
of military affair, because he had been employed with
patre in exercitibus a puero. Itaque hic
(his) father in armies from a boy. Therefore he
tenuit et populum urbanum in sua
held both the people belonging-to-the-city in his
potestate, et valuit plurimum auctoritate apud
power, and prevailed very much in authority at
exercitum. Primum imperator apud flumen
the army. First (being) general at the river
Strymona fugavit magnas copias Thracum,
Strymon he routed great forces of the Thracians,
constituit oppidum Amphipolim, que misit eo
he built the town Amphipolis, and sent thither
decem millia Atheniensium in coloniam. Iterum
ten thousands of Athenians into colony. Again
idem apud Mycalen cepit classem devictam
the same (man) at Mycale took the fleet being conquered
Cypriorum et Phoenicum ducentarum navium,
of Cyprians and of Phoenicians of two hundred ships,
que eodem die usus-est pari fortuna
and in the same day he used (experienced) equal fortune
in terra. Namque, navibus hostium captis,
on land. For, the ships of enemies being taken,
statim eduxit suas copias ex classe, que
immediately he led out his forces out of the fleet, and
prostravit maximam vim barbarorum uno
he overthrew the very great force of the barbarians in one
concursu. Qua victoria potitus magna
onset. By which victory having possessed great
praeda, quum reverteretur (sub.) domum, quod nonnullae
booty, when he did return home, because some
insulae iam defecerant propter acerbitatem
islands already had revolted on account of bitterness
imperii, confirmavit bene animatas, coegit
of command, he confirmed (those) well affected, he compelled
alienatas redire ad officium. Vacuefecit
(those) alienated to return to duty. He laid waste
Scyrum, quam Dolopes incolebant eo tempore,
Scyrus, which the Dolopians did inhabit in that time,
quod gesserant se contumacius,
because they had carried (conducted) themselves too insolently,
eiecit urbe que insula veteres sessores,
he cast out of the city and island the old sitters (inhabitants),
divisit agros civibus. Fregit
he divided the lands to citizens. He broke (subdued)
Thasios fretos opulentia suo adventu.
the Thasians relying on wealth by his arrival.
Arx Athenarum, qua vergit ad meridiem,
The citadel of Athens, where it inclines to the south,
ornata-est ex his manubiis.
was adorned out of these spoils.

Quibus rebus quum florere (sub.) unus in
By which things when he did flourish alone in
civitate maxime, incidit in eamdem invidiam, quam
the state mostly, he fell into the same envy, which
suus pater que ceteri principes Atheniensium:
his father and other chief men of the Athenians:
nam multatus-est exsilio decem annorum, suffragiis
for he was punished with an exile of ten years, by votes
testarum, quod illi vocant ὀστρακισμόν. Cuius
of shells, which they call ostracism. Of which
facti poenituit Athenienses celerius quam ipsum.
deed it repented the Athenians sooner than himself.
Nam quum ille cessisset (sub.) forti animo
For when he had yielded with brave mind
invidiae ingratorum civium, que Lacedaemonii
to the envy of ungrateful citizens, and the Lacedemonians
indixissent (sub.) bellum Atheniensibus, confestim
had declared war to Athenians, instantly
desiderium notae virtutis eius consecutum-est.
the desire of the known valour of him succeeded.
Itaque revocatus-est in patriam post quintum
Therefore he was recalled into country after the fifth
annum quam expulsus-erat. Ille, quod utebatur
year that he had been expelled. He, because he did use
hospitio Lacedaemoniorum, existimans satius
the hospitality of the Lacedemonians, thinking (it) better
contendere Lacedaemonem, profectus-est sua
to hasten (to) Lacedemon, set out by his own
sponte, que conciliavit pacem inter duas
will, and conciliated peace between (these) two
potentissimas civitates. Neque ita multo post,
most powerful states. Nor so much after,
missus imperator cum ducentis navibus Cyprum,
being sent commander with two hundred ships (to) Cyprus,
quum devicisset (sub.) maiorem partem eius insulae,
when he had conquered the greater part of that island,
implicitus in morbum, mortuus-est in oppido Citio.
being involved into disease, he died in the town Citium.

Athenienses desideraverunt hunc diu, non solum
The Athenians regretted him long, not only
in bello, sed etiam in pace. Enim fuit tanta
in war, but also in peace. For he was with so great
liberalitate, quum haberet (sub.) praedia que hortos
liberality, when he had farms and gardens
compluribus locis, ut imposuerit (sub.) numquam
in several places, that he placed over never
custodem in eis gratia servandi fructus,
a guard in them for the sake of preserving the fruits,
ne quis impediretur quominus frueretur
lest anyone might be hindered but that he might enjoy
rebus eius, quibus quisque vellet. Pedisequi
the things of him, which each might wish. Footmen
semper secuti-sunt eum cum nummis, ut, si quis
always followed him with coins, that, if any one
indigeret opis eius, haberet quod
might need of help of him, he might have what
daret statim, ne videretur negare
he might give immediately, lest he might seem to deny
differendo. Saepe, quum videret (sub.) aliquem
by delaying. Often, when he did see some one
offensum fortuna minus bene vestitum dedit
met by fortune (chance) less well clothed he gave
suum amiculum. Coena coquebatur ei sic quotidie,
his own little cloak. Supper was cooked to him so daily,
ut devocaret omnes quos vidisset
that he might invite all whom he might have seen
invocatos in foro; quod praetermittebat
uninvited in the market-place; which he did neglect
facere nullum diem. Fides eius defuit
to do no day. The credit of him was wanting
nulli, opera nulli, familiaris-res nulli.
to none, labour (active aid) to none, family-estate to none.
Locupletavit multos; extulit suo
He enriched many; he bore out (for burial) at his own
sumtu complures pauperes mortuos, qui
expense several poor (persons) being dead, who
reliquissent (sub.) non unde efferrentur.
had left not whence (wherewith) they might be borne out (for burial.)
Gerendo se sic,
By carrying (conducting) himself so,
est minime mirandum, si et vita eius
it is very little to be wondered at, if both the life of him
fuit secura, et mors acerba.
was void of care, and death bitter.