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Lesson 131.
The Death of Caesar
 129-130. An Episode from the Civil War 132-133. The Fate of Hannibal 


As a result of the civil war, Caesar became master of the Roman world. Many did not approve of his absolute power, and a plot was formed to take his life. As he left home for the senate house on the fatal day, some one pushed into his hand a document telling of the conspiracy; but he did not stop to examine it.

Plūribus hostiīs caesīs, cum litāre nōn posset, introiit cūriam sprētā religiōne Spurinnamque irrīdēns et ut falsum arguēns, quod sine ūllā suā noxā Īdus Mārtiae adessent: quamquam is vēnisse quidem eās dīceret, sed nōn praeterisse. Assidentem cōnspīrātī speciē officiī circumstetērunt; īlicōque Cimber Tillius, quī prīmās partēs suscēperat, quasi aliquid rogātūrus propius accessit, renuentīque et gestū in aliud tempus differentī ab utrōque umerō togam apprehendedit; deinde clāmantem, “Ista quidem vīs est,” alter ē Cascīs āversum vulnerat, paulum īnfrā iugulum.

Caesar Cascae bracchium arreptum graphiō trāiēcit, cōnātusque prōsilīre aliō vulnere tardātus est; utque animadvertit undique sē strīctīs pūgiōnibus petī, toga caput obvolvit, simul sinistrā manū sīnum ad īma crūra dēduxit, quō honestius caderet, etiam īnferiōre corporis parte vēlātā. Atque ita tribus et vigintī plāgīs cōnfossus est, ūnō modō ad prīmum īctum gemitū sine vōce ēditō; etsī trādidērunt quīdam Mārcō Brūtō inruentī dīxisse, “καὶ σύ, τέκνον;” Exanimis, diffugientibus cūnctīs, aliquamdiū iacuit, dōnec lectīcae impositum, dēpendente bracchiō, trēs servolī domum rettulērunt. Nec in tot vulneribus, ut Antistius medicus exīstimābat, lētāle ūllum repertum est, nisi quod secundō locō in pectore accēperat.

Caius Iūlius Caesar

A Roman of distinguished family, and one of the ablest warriors the world has known.
