Haec pagina nondum emendata est

miror, -āri, -itus sum, tr. and intr., wonder, wonder at, admire. mirus, -a, -um, adj., strange, curi- oUs. Misēnum, -i, n., a naval station on the west coast of Italy. miser, -era, -erum, adj., wretched, miser, -eri, m., poor fellow, poor wretch, etc. miseret, -ěre, -uit, impers.; lt., it pities; mē miseret, I pity, elc. misericordia, -ae, f, pity, mercy. mitis,-c, adj., kindly, considerate, mild. mittő, mittere, misi, missus, tr., Bend. aror -ai -itus sum, tr. and intr. control, manag modicus, -&, -um, adj., moderate, unassuming. modo, adv., only, just, just now, just iust before, just recently, awhile ago, . modo, at one lately; modo . at anoth nōn modosed etiem. not onl ....but also, modus, -i,m., way, manner, fashion, means, sort, degree; pl., verse, strains: nūllő modō, not at all; quo modō, how? how so? moenia, -ium, n., walls, city. mōlēs, -is, f., structure, mas8. molestus, 4 um, adj., annoying, agreeable, bothersome, distres- ing. Molō, -ōnis, m., Apollonius Molo, a teacher of rhetoric in Caesar's time. moneō, -ěre, -ui, -itus, tr., instruct, advise, warn, order. mōns, montis, m., mountain, hill. mōastrō, -āre, -āvi, -itus, tr., indi- cate, tell, point out, point at. mōnstrum, -i, n., monster, beast., montānus, -i, m., mountaineer.

, n., memorial, monumentum, monument. mora, -ae, f., delay. morbus, -i, m., disease, illness. See labōro. moribundus, -&, -um, adj., dying. morior, mori, mortuus sum, intr., -um. dead: hortui -ōrum, m., the dead. moror, -&ri, -&tus sum, tr. and intr., tarry, linger, delay, remain, stop) stay, visit, live; delay (keep wai- -um, adj., crabbed, sus mors, mortis, f., death morsus, -ūs, m., bite. mortălis, -e, adj., perishable, of men; as noun, mortālis, is, m. and f.; sing., man; p., men, people. mỗs, mōris, m., manner, custom, habit; pl., morals. motus, -US, M, activity, movement; h moveō, mověre, mōvi, mōtus, tr., stir, influence, touch; sweep (strings); wag (lail). mox, adv., sOon Movsēs (dissyl.), -is, m., Moses. mulctrum, i, n., milk-pail. mulier, -ieris, f., woman. multitūdō, -inis, f., erowd, throng, number. multő, adv., much, by far; long (before) adv., much; (of time) long. mu See salveō. multus, -A, -um, adj., abundant: pl. (m. and f.), many, many of, (neut.), much; ad multam noctem, t lato t niht multāmāne. early in the morning. Comp. plūs, plūris, n., and plūrěs, plūra, more, in greater numbers; gen. sing., pluris, of more value, of greater account. Sup. plūrimus, -a, -um,