Lesson 8
Captain John Smith (Continued )
 7. Captain John Smith (Continued) 9. Captain John Smith (Concluded) 

Captain John Smith (Continued )

Dum haec[1] fīunt[2], Indī, quī prope colōniam habitābant, colōnōrum cōpiās saepe rapiēbant[3]; quīn etiam interdum arma quoque ē colōniā rapta sunt, dōnec ūnus ex[4] Indīs, quī ea tractāre[5] nesciēbat, ita ipse paene sē[6] interfēcit.

Postrēmō ē Britanniā vēnērunt colōnī novī, quī Fabrō, dē quō suprā dīxī, amīcī nōn erant. Ā quibus domum[7] redīre coāctus, numquam posteā ille ad Virginiam revēnit[8]. Sed per mare Atlanticum saepe navigāvit, atque ōlim pervēnit usque ad[9] terram, quae nunc Britannia Nova appellātur. Ibi nautae, locō[10] idōneō complūris diēs morāti, piscēs cēpērunt multōs, quōs sāle condītōs[11] posteā in Britanniam reportāvērunt. Interim dux parvā in scaphā multa mīlia passuum secundum lītus prōgressus, frūmentum pellēsque[12] ab incolīs emēbat.

Quī, cum[13] dēmum in Britanniam redīre vellet[14], Indōs complūrīs in nāvēs accēpit[15] ac sēcum[16] domum redūxit. Quō[17] ubi est perventum[18] omnēsque[19] iam ē nāvibus ēgressī sunt, ūnus ē praepositīs[20] Indōs paucōs sē sequī nāvemque iterum cōnscendere iussit; tum clam ad Hispāniam cum captīvīs miserīs profectus est. Ibi autem cum Indōs vēndere cōnārētur, sacerdōtēs quīdam, quī dē eius cōnsiliō certiōrēs factī erant[21], ad nāvem statim properāvērunt; ā quibus captīvī servātī sunt.

  1. haec: these things.
  2. fīunt: in connection with dum, the pres. indic. is rendered as an imperfect.
  3. rapiēbant: would steal; a common meaning of the impf. indic.
  4. ex: of.
  5. tractāre: (how) to handle.
  6. ipse … sē: freely, his own self.
  7. dōmum: i.e. to England.
  8. revēnit: the prefix re- often means “back”; cf. reportāvērunt (l. 10), redūxit (l. 14), and re(d)īre (l. 4).
  9. usque ad: as far as.
  10. locō: cf. the note on p. 7, l. 4.
  11. sāle condītōs: salted down (condiō, 4, season; sāl, sālis, m., salt); condītōs modifies quōs.
  12. pellēs: pellis, -is, f., skin or pelt.
  13. qui, cum: when … he.
  14. vellet: was ready; for other meanings of the word see the Vocab.
  15. in nāvēs accēpit: translate freely.
  16. sēcum: i.e. sē + cum.
  17. quō: there; lit. whither.
  18. est perventum: cf. the impersonal passive on p. 1, l. 11, and translate according to the context here.
  19. omnēs: cf. p. 6, l. 16.
  20. praepositīs: praepositus, -i, m., officer.
  21. certiōrēs factī erant: cf. p. 4, l. 12.